Mitigating social disorder? Exploring the cohesive potential of public service broadcasters. ECREA's 10th European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, 24.-27. September (with Birgit Stark)
Spaltung durch (un)soziale Medien? Zum kohäsiven Potenzial der Informationsnutzung auf sozialen Netzwerkseiten [Division through (Un)Social Media? On the Cohesive Potential of Information Use on Social Networking Sites]. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) March 13-15, Erfurt (with Pascal Schneiders and Birgit Stark).
Ich bau mir die Welt, wie sie mir gefällt. Meinungsbildungsrelevanz aus Nutzungsperspektive. [I build the world the way I want it. Opinion-Forming-Relevance from a User Perspective]. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) March 13-15, Erfurt (with Pascal Schneiders and Birgit Stark).
Social Cohesion through Media? On the Interplay of Media Use, Media Representation, and Social Cohesion. Vortrag auf der ECREA Political Communication Section Conference, August 31-September 01, Berlin.
Not my positions, not my crowd! Exploring the conceptual nature of media (mis-)representation from an individual perspective to better understand its link to media trust and cynicism. ECREA Political Communication Section Conference, August 31-September 01, Berlin (with Christina Viehmann, Nayla Fawzi, Nikolaus Jackob, Ilka Jakobs, Oliver Quiring, Christian Schemer, & Tanjev Schultz).
Communication and cohesion: A Theoretical Framework. 73rd Annual ICA Conference "Reclaiming Authenticity in Communication", May 25-29, Toronto.
The Good, the Bad and Those in Between? Trust as an Intervening Variable Between Using Different News Sources and Opinion Polarization. 73rd Annual ICA Conference "Reclaiming Authenticity in Communication", May 25-29, Toronto (with Christina Viehmann, Marc Ziegele, Nikolaus Jackob, Ilka Jakobs, Oliver Quiring, Christian Schemer, & Tanjev Schultz).
Vielfalt durch Technik? Vier Perspektiven auf gemeinwohlorientierte Empfehlungssysteme [Diversity through Technology? Four Perspectives on Common Good Recommender Systems]. Panel at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), May 18-20, Bremen (with Pascal Schneiders, & Birgit Stark).
Kommunikation und Kohäsion - Ein theoretisches Framework [Communication and Cohesion - A Theoretical Framework]. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), May 18-20, Bremen.
Communication and Cohesion? On the Interplay of Media Use, Representation, and Social Cohesion. Presentation at the Workshop "As good as it gets? Promises and perils of representative democracy" of the Mainz Center for Empirical Democracy Research (MZeDF), March 29-30, Mainz.
Journalists as part of a detached elite? Media representation from an audience perspective. Presentation at the Workshop "As good as it gets? Promises and perils of representative democracy" of the Mainz Center for Empirical Democracy Research (MZeDF), March 29-30, Mainz (with Christina Viehmann, Nayla Fawzi, Nikolaus Jackob, Oliver Quiring, & Tanjev Schultz).
Capturing opinion power in a hybrid high-choice media environment. Towards a theoretical framework. ECREA's 9th European Communication Conference, October 19-22, Aarhus (with Lisa Zieringer, Birgit Stark, & Carsten Reinemann).
Opinion power under the microscope. A framework for a holistic, contemporary platform regulation. ECREA's 9th European Communication Conference, October 19-22, Aarhus (with Pascal Schneiders, Birgit Stark, Lisa Zieringer, & Carsten Reinemann).
More of the same! – Assessing the role of intermediaries on exposure diversity in German news repertoires. 72nd Annual ICA Conference "One World, One Network?!". May 26-30, Paris (with Pascal Jürgens, & Birgit Stark).
Nudging towards News Diversity - A New Venture in Modern Platform Regulation. Presentation in the panel "Media-Concentration Control in Times of Platformization". 72nd Annual ICA Conference "One World, One Network?!". May 26-30, Paris (with Birgit Stark).
Kommunikation und Kohäsion: Zum Einfluss der Medien auf den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt in einer plural differenzierten Gesellschaft [Communication and Cohesion: On the Influence of the Media on Social Cohesion in a Plurally Differentiated Society]. Video at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), February 22-24, Hannover (virtual conference).
Die desintegrative Spirale eindämmen. Nutzung traditioneller und digitaler Medien als Kanalisierungsmechanismen zwischen Misstrauen gegenüber Medien und Meinungspolarisierung [Containing the disintegrative spiral: Using different media as channeling mechanisms between distrust in media and opinion polarization]. Paper presented at the Joint Annual Conference of the Sections on Media Education (DGfE and DGPuK) "Social Cohesion: Communication and Consensus - #mpaed 2021". [online], September 16-17, Leipzig (with Christina Viehmann, Oliver Quiring, Nikolaus Jackob, & Marc Ziegele).
An immunization against attitude polarization? Investigating the link between trust in media and audience fragmentation. 8th ECREA's Biennal Conference, September 06-09, Braga. (with Christina Viehmann, Oliver Quiring, Nikolaus Jackob, & Marc Ziegele).
Meinungsmacht unter der Lupe. Ein Ansatz für eine holistische, moderne Plattformregulierung [Opinion power under the lens. An approach to holistic, modern platform regulation] Media Symposium 2021 [online], June 10-11, Zurich (with Pascal Schneiders, Birgit Stark, Carsten Reinemann, & Lisa Zieringer).
Containing the disintegrative spiral: Using different media as channeling mechanisms between distrust in media and opinion polarization. Preconference „Media Performance and Social Inclusion“ of the 71st annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) [online], Mai 27, Denver (with Christina Viehmann, Oliver Quiring, Nikolaus Jackob, & Marc Ziegele).
Meinungsmacht und Meinungsvielfalt. Eine kritische Reflektion ihres Spannungsfelds aus der Perspektive der politischen Kommunikationsforschung [Opinion power and opinion diversity. A Critical Reflection on their Area of Conflict from the Perspective of Political Communication Research]. Joint Annual Conference of the Section "Communication and Politics" of the German Society for Journalism and Communication Studies (DGPuK), the Working Group "Politics and Communication" of the German Political Science Association (DVPW) and the Section "Political Communication" of the Swiss Society for Communication and Media Studies (SGKM) "Opinion Formation and Opinion Power in Dissonant Publics" [online], February, 12 (with Lisa Zieringer, Carsten Reinemann, & Birgit Stark).