Synthesis, 18F-labeling and evaluation of NMDA-ligands
Synthesis and Evaluation of prosthetic, for the 18F-Fluormethylation of ZNS-Ligands
Automation from 18F-Radiotracer-Synthesis
Synthesis, 18F-labeling and evaluation of α5-subtypselective
18F and 99mTc-labeling of β-cell-ligands
Fibroimaging, 68Ga labelling of TRAP based chelators
68Ga-labeling of HSA and polymerparticles
In vivo-Tumorbiologie mittels 68Ga-PET: Beurteilung der p-Glykoprotein-Aktivität in Weichgewebe-Tumoren sowie Diagnose und Therapie von Knochenmetastasen
Radiolabeled, as well as ex-vivo and in-vivo evaluation of radiometall-labeled antibodies and polymer-based structures
Dipl. Chem. Christian Herrmann
Synthesis of 68Ga-brain-tracers / Postprocessing of 68Ga/68Ge-generators
Synthesis and 18F-labeling of ligands in the serotonergic system
Synthesis, evaluation and 99mTc-labeling of ligands in the
dopaminergic system
Synthesis of arsenic radiopharmaceuticals
Microproteins and peptides as targeting structures for drug delivery systems
Synthesis of tumor-affine peptides
Synthesis and 18F-labeling of β-cell-receptors ligands
Synthesis and 68Ga-labeling of PET-radiotracers
Fibroimagin, 68Ga-labelled Pteorate
Synthesis and Evaluation of Macrocyclic Bisphosphonates for Diagnostics and Therapy of Bonemetastases
Synthesis and Radiolabeling tumor-affine Polymerparticles
Synthesis and 12B and 131I-labeling of MGMT-affine
Synthesis of bifunctional chelators based on the DATA-system
Synthesis and 68Ga-labeling of PET-Radiotracers
Synthesis and radiolabeling of macrocyclic bisphosphonates for diagnosis and endoradiotherapy of bone metastases
18F-Click-Radiolabeling of polymeric carrier systems for ex vivo- and in vivo-Evaluation
Synthesis, 18F and 68Ga-labeling of radiotracers for PET
Folic acid targeting, 18F-labelled folates, prosthetic groups
Synthesis and 11C-labeling of NMDA ligands
„Development and optimisation of novel 68Ga-folates – towards early diagnosis of ovarian cancer“
Dr. Jean Philippe Sinnes
Synthesis of bifunctional 68Ga-chelators based on a DATA scaffold
Synthesis of asymmetric substituted chelators for the 68Ga-labeling of CNS-tracers
Synthesis and radioiodination of benzamide derivates
Synthesis and 18F-labeling of aromatase inhibitors
Radiolabeling of polymer and nanoparticular structures
Synthesis and 11C- / 18F-labeling of β-cell-receptor-ligands
Synthesis of BNCT-tracer
Dr. Karolin Wagener
Evaluation of nanodimensional polymeric drug delivery systems using PEZ
Electromigration, yy pertubed nuclear chemistry angel-correlation 68Ga-chemistry
Synthesis and Evaluation of (Radio)Ligands for Free Fatty Acid Receptor 1
Synthesis and Evaluation of 68Ga-Schiff Bases for the Diagnosis of Coronary Heart Disease
Synthesis and 68Ga-labeling of radiotracers for the PET