Physics of elementary particles
- THEP / Theoretical High Energy Physics
PD Dr. Bogner / Prof. Harz / Prof. Hurth / Prof. Jockers / Prof. Kopp / Prof. Neubert / Prof. Reuter / Prof. Schwaller / Prof. Weinzierl / Dr. Tamarit / Dr. Yu / Prof. Spiesberger - ETAP / Experimental particle and astroparticle physics
Prof. Büscher / Prof. Böser / Prof. Masetti / Prof. Oberlack / Prof. Schott / Prof. Tapprogge /
Prof. Weber / Prof. Wurm / Dr. Wanke / Prof. Kleinknecht / Prof. Köpke / Prof.Sander
Condensed Matter
- Theory
Prof. Gomonay / Jun.-Prof. Marino / Prof. Mokrousov / Prof. Schmid / Prof. Sinova / Prof. Virnau / Dr. Chakraborty / Dr. Forero-Martinez / Dr. Imini / Dr. Martin Jefremovas / Dr. Mook / Dr. Smejkal / Dr. Stelzl / Dr. Zarzuela / Dr. Ziolkowska / Prof. van Dongen - Experiment
Jun.-Prof. Amann-Winkel / Prof. Demsar / Prof. Elmers / Prof. Jakob / Prof. Jourdan / Prof. Kläui / Prof. Palberg / Prof. Schönhense / Jun.-Prof. Weber / Jun.-Prof. Wittmann / Dr. Frömter
Quantum, Atomic & Neutron Physics
- Cold Ions and Experimental Quantum Information
Prof. Schmidt-Kaler / Dr. Poschinger - Theoretical Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
Prof. van Loock - Experimental Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
Prof. Windpassinger - Laserspectroscopy, Ion Traps and Applications
Prof. Walz / Dr. Smorra / Prof. Wendt / Dr. Passler - Laserspectroscopy of Exotic Atoms
Prof. Pohl - Physics with Neutrons, Neutrinos and Muons
Prof. Fertl - Atomic Tests of Fundamental Symmetries
Prof. Budker / Dr. Antypas / Dr. Leefer - Nuclear Quantum Optics
Dr. von der Wense / Dr. Arasada