High-precision measurement of the g-factor eleven times more precise than before / Results indicate a strong similarity between protons and antiprotons ...
Researchers from the University of Mainz have demonstrated the operation of a four-qubit register comprised of atomic ions trapped in microchip trap ...
Physicists publish most accurate measurement of a fundamental property of the antiproton to date / Contribution to the matter-antimatter debate ...
04.01.2017: Investigations of the skyrmion Hall effect reveal surprising results
Ill.: Benjamin Krüger The magnetic structure of a skyrmion is symmetrical around its core; arrows indicate the direction of spin.
One step further towards the application of skyrmions in spintronic devices
Researchers at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have made another important breakthrough in the field of future magnetic storage devices. Already in March 2016, the international team investigated structures, which could serve as magnetic shift register or racetrack memory devices. ...
14.12.2016: Graduate School of Excellence MAINZ awards visiting professorships 2016
The MAINZ Visiting Professorships 2016 were presented to Professor Egbert Willem Meijer, a chemist of Eindhoven Technical University in the Netherlands and to Dr. Gen Tatara, a theoretical physicist of the Japanese research institute RIKEN ...
07.12.2016: Theoretical physicists in Mainz and Sao Paulo agree to cooperate in the promotion and mentoring of young researchers
Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics signs cooperation agreement with the ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research in Brazil ...
17.11.2016: Particle physicist William Shepherd receives prestigious Sofja Kovalevskaja Award in Berlin
One of the most highly endowed German research awards funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation will be used to establish a junior research group to study dark matter at Mainz University ...
17.11.2016: Physicists at Mainz University construct prototype for new component of the ATLAS detector
Mainz-based working group constructed a prototype detector for the Small Wheel of the ATLAS muon spectrometer / Results of initial tests on the ATLAS detector are highly promising ...
05.10.2016: Karin Everschor-Sitte establishes new Emmy Noether independent junior research group TWIST at the Institute of Physics
Investigation of new magnetic structures for spintronics applications / Skyrmions could one day make the storage media in our computers smaller and more efficient ...
19.09.2016: Nature Index Ranking confirms cutting-edge research in Physics at Mainz University
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz is among Germany’s top five academic institutions in the field of Physics ...
31.08.2016: The deuteron is smaller than previously thought
Just like the proton, the deuteron poses a mystery ...
29.07.2016: International team of scientists unveils fundamental properties of spin Seebeck effect
Direct correlation between temperature dependent generation of spin currents and atomic composition of interfaces found ...
22.07.2016: Demonstration of room-temperature spin-orbit torque in NiMnSb
Heusler alloy NiMnSb could prove valuable as a new material for digital information processing and storage ...
15.06.2016: Victor Flambaum becomes new fellow at the Gutenberg Research College at Mainz University
Theoretical physicist from the University of New South Wales will strengthen the field of nuclear and particle physics in Mainz ...
01.07.2016: Mainz-based physicists find missing link between glass formation and crystallization
Densified regions with drastically reduced internal motion either act as crystal precursors or cluster and frustrate all further dynamics ...
01.06.2016: Nobel Prize winner Carl Wieman receives the 2016 Gutenberg Teaching Award
Nobel laureate in Physics has distinguished himself in many ways both as an exceptional researcher and as a teacher ...
25.05.2016: International team of scientists realizes a compact, efficient wideband source of terahertz radiation emitters
Spintronics paves the way for new terahertz sources ...
13.05.2016: ERC Advanced Grant for experimental physicist Dmitry Budker
Professor Dmitry Budker has been granted EUR 2.5 million in funding by the European Research Council (ERC) for his new project involving the hunt for dark matter and dark energy. ...
Innovative heat engine uses just a single electrically charged calcium atom ...
13.04.2016: The city of Mainz is to become an international center of UCN research for five days
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz expects physicists from Germany and abroad at its workshop on the current status of ultracold neutron physics at Waldthausen Castle. ...
07.03.2016: Internationalem Forscherteam gelingt kontrollierte Bewegung von Skyrmionen - to be translated
Basis for the utilization of skyrmions for application-related systems / Magnetic vortices as data storage media of the future ...
24.02.2016: EU funding for excellent young researchers in physics
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz welcomes three postdocs funded by individual fellowships provided by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions ...
10.02.2016: Researchers present new findings on magnetic spin waves
Principles of the conversion from heat currents to magnonic spin currents discovered / Study of complex magnetic materials ...
18.12.2015: German Research Foundation approves new research group to determine neutrino mass hierarchy
Researchers of Mainz University participate in the construction of the new JUNO neutrino detector in south China ...
23.10.2015: Physicists at Mainz University build pilot prototype of a single ion heat engine
Nano-heat engine likely to operate at high efficiency / Publication in Physical Review Letters ...
22.10.2015: New Emmy Noether independent junior research group studies the dynamics and self-assembly of colloidal particles
DFG-funded research group at Mainz University uses statistical physics and latest technologies in computer simulation to look into colloidal particles under flow ...
16.10.2015: MAINZ Graduate School of Excellence awards Visiting Professorships 2015
Oxford theoretical physicist Dieter Jaksch and spintronics expert Thierry Valet have been awarded MAINZ Visiting Professorships ...
09.09.2015: Hinweise auf Ursprung des Spin-Seebeck-Effekts entdeckt - to be translated
Thermally excited magnetic waves enable generation of electricity using insulators ...
09.07.2015: Ultrafast terahertz spectroscopy enables the measurement of fundamental magnetotransport details
Terahertz spectroscopy provides basis for advanced nanoelectronics ...
10.06.2015: Mainz physicists provide important component for the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
Super-fast circuit board to be used for the identification of important particle collisions comes from Mainz University ...
22.04.2015: Mainz University opens Spin Phenomena Interdisciplinary Center to accelerate spin research
New research center SPICE will bring together researchers from different disciplines to study spin-related phenomena ...
12.03.2015: Condensed Matter physicist Mathias Kläui awarded ERC Proof of Concept Grant to develop innovative magnetic sensors for applications involving thousands of revolutions
EU support to bridge gap between theoretical research and commercial applications ...
13.02.2015: German and Israeli scientists initiate research program at the interface of solid state physics and quantum physics
Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler and Ron Folman receive EUR 1.6 million in research funding as part of the German-Israeli Project Cooperation ...
11.02.2015: American Physical Society places three Mainz-related research projects among "Top Ten Physics News Stories in 2014"
Rosetta mission, discovery of cosmic neutrinos, and detection of element 117 listed among the ten most exciting research achievements in 2014 ...
04.02.2015: Physicists observe motion of tiny magnetic whirls
Skyrmions are candidates for future data storage and information processing ...
04.01.2015: Particle physicists from Mainz University participate in JUNO neutrino experiment
Project designed to undertake precise measurement of neutrino oscillation should provide insight into neutrino mass hierarchy ...
08.01.2015: Rosetta mission named Physics World 2014 Breakthrough of the Year
Mainz scientists participating in both the Rosetta mission and the Borexino experiment ...
22.12.2014: Joachim Kopp receives ERC Starting Grant for research in particle and astroparticle physics
Award worth EUR 800,000 designed to promote research into new approaches in theoretical neutrino physics ...
26.05.2014: Gutenberg Academy accepted Stephan Koehler and Daniel Rost
Three out of 25 postgraduate students promoted by the Gutenberg Academy are doing research at the Physics Institute. The Gutenberg Academy celebrated the appointment of 14 new junior members at a festive occasion on April 28 at the Johannes Gutenberg University.
05.12.2014: Mathias Kläui zum Fellow des Institute of Physics ernannt
Auszeichnung für hohe Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Physik und herausragende Beiträge zu Nanomagnetismus und Spindynamik ...
28.11.2014: Geosciences and Physics at Mainz University score highly in the Best Global Universities rankings
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz is among the best 100 universities in the world in the disciplines of Geosciences and Physics / Rank second and sixth in national comparison ...
14.11.2014: Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and Nagoya University finalize exchange program for students and researchers in physics
Cooperation agreement enables Mainz University students in physics to do research and study in Japan ...
13.11.2014: Graduate School of Excellence "Materials Science in Mainz" awards Visiting Professorships 2014
Stephan Link of Rice University and Andrei Slavin of Oakland University appointed as MAINZ Visiting Professors ...
09.10.2014: Román Orús awarded 2014 EPS Early Career Prize of the European Physical Society
Junior Professor Román Orús of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) has been awarded the EPS Early Career Prize of the European Physical Society (EPS). ...
06.10.2014: Welt der Physik: Podcast | Spintronics Prof. M. Kläui
Mathias Kläui has been selected for a Podcast on "Spintronics" as part of the Welt der Physik Series. This Podcast presents every fortnight a highlight from various disciplines of physics in an easily accessible way. ...
28.08.2014: International team of scientists realizes a tunable spin-charge converter made of gallium-arsenide
Researchers including physicist Jairo Sinova from Mainz University open up new approach in searching and engineering spintronic materials / Publication in Nature Materials ...
28.08.2014: Detection of pp-neutrinos provides first direct measurement of solar power at its production
Researchers from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz contribute to this experimental effort / Publication in Nature ...
13.08.2014: Neuer Meilenstein bei Zwei-Schleifen-Rechnungen
Vorhersage für Paarproduktion von Z-Bosonen am LHC mit zuvor unerreichter Präzision berechnet ...
06.08.2014: Mathias Kläui elected as director of the Gutenberg College for Young Researchers (Gutenberg Nachwuchskolleg)
The Gutenberg Nachwuchskolleg is one of the three Colleges of Excellence formed as part of the advanced institutional development of Johannes Gutenberg University. Its task is to advise the university leadership on matters of young scientists and fund measures to support this group of researchers with up to 1 Mio. € per year. ...
23.07.2014: Matthias Neubert wird neues Mitglied der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz
Physiker der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz als ordentliches Mitglied der Akademie aufgenommen ...
23.06.2014: How knots can swap positions on a DNA strand
Physicists of the Johannes Gutenberg-University and the Graduate School Mainz (B. Trefz, J. Siebert and P. Virnau) confirmed and explained a mechanism, by which two knots on a DNA strand can interchange their positions. ...
13.06.2014: Active particles may enhance phase separation
An international team of scientists from the Johannes Gutenberg university (P. Virnau, K. Binder), the graduate school MAINZ (B. Trefz) and researchers from India and the US has studied the phase separation of a mixture of active and passive particles via molecular dynamics simulations and integral equation theoretical calculations. ...
11.06.2014: Breakthrough for information technology using Heusler materials
Basis for future development of very high performance spintronic components ...
04.06.2014: Irène Joliot Curie Program of the PRISMA Cluster of Excellence promotes female physicists at all stages of their careers
Support for woman in all phases of their academic careers at the cluster and in its general research environment ...
30.05.2014: Magnetic moment of the proton measured with unprecedented precision
Physicists succeeded in the first direct high-precision measurement of a fundamental property of the proton / Results will contribute to a better understanding of the matter/antimatter asymmetry ...
30.05.2014: German Research Foundation approves new collaborative research center for the development of novel methods in soft matter simulations
Mainz University coordinates new CRC/Transregio "Multiscale Simulation Methods for Soft-Matter Systems" with the Technical University of Darmstadt and the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research ...
09.05.2014: Jairo Sinova and Stuart Parkin are awarded Alexander von Humboldt Professorships
Two Fellows of the Gutenberg Research College of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz receive Germany's best-endowed research award ...
10.04.2014: British-American experimental physicist Stuart Parkin is being awarded the 2014 Millennium Technology Prize
Fellow of the Gutenberg Research College receives innovation award worth EUR 1 million for his contributions to interdisciplinary materials research ...
09.04.2014: On the nature of finite-size corrections in the determination of interfacial tension
A team from the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Germany) has studied logarithmic corrections in the determination of interfacial tension. ...
03.04.2014: Domain walls in nanowires cleverly set in motion
Important prerequisite for the development of nano-components for data storage and sensor technology / Publication in Nature Communications...
19.03.2014: Higgs-Boson, Neutrinos und Dunkle Materie - Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG)
Zur Frühjahrstagung der DPG-Fachverbände Teilchenphysik und Strahlen- und Medizinphysik, die vom 24. bis zum 28. März zu Gast in Mainz ist, werden mehr als 1.200 Physikerinnen und Physiker aus dem In- und Ausland erwartet. ...
19.03.2014: New holographic process uses image-stabilized X-ray camera
Research collaboration developed a new X-ray holography method for stabilising radiographic images at the nanometre scale ...
04.03.2014: Relativity shakes a magnet
Researchers from Mainz University demonstrate a new principle for magnetic recording / Publication in Nature Nanotechnology ...
24.02.2014: Renommierter Physiker Jairo Sinova wird Fellow des Gutenberg Forschungskollegs