The Institute of Physics at Mainz University counts more than 40 professors, approximately 180 research associates, and about 65 mechanics, technicians, and administrative staff.
Our work ranges from theoretical to applied research. The areas we study include:
astroparticle physics, colloid physics, dark matter, detector development, elementary particle physics, gauge theories, high energy physics, imaging techniques, ion traps, laser spectroscopy, magnetism, many-body systems, neutrino physics, neutron physics, quantum information, quantum optics, semiconductor physics, soft materials, solid state physics, statistical physics, surface physics, ultra cold ions, and ultra cold neutrons.
More information about the institute can be found under About us or just look at the links under the following pictures:
Further information on the topics of our research projects can be found at the individual scientific working groups, as well as at the coordinated research projects.
We also have a strong lecture program during the semester, the weekly program can be found under Wochenübersicht | Institut für Physik (