African Languages and Linguistics
- Afrikaner*innen im Rhein-Main-Gebiet: Ein afrikalinguistisches Forschungsprojekt zu sprachlicher Integration
Project coordination: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Nico Nassenstein (JGU/Mainz) und Prof. Dr. Axel Fleisch (GU/Frankfurt); Project members: Dr. Sabine Littig (JGU/Mainz), Dr. Klaudia Dombrowsky-Hahn (GU/Frankfurt), Funded by: RMU-Initiativfonds Forschung (2019 - 2021).
- "URLCoFi" Under-Resourced Language Content Finder
Project coordination: Armin Hoenen; project members: Marc Rahn, Mary McLaughlin; RMU-Cooperationpartners in Mainz: Jun.-Prof Dr. Nico Nassenstein, Dr. Sabine Littig
Funded by: studiumdigitale (2018 - 2020).
- Adamawa Languages Project:
Describing Adamawa group languages / Grundlagenforschung in den Adamawasprachen
Grundlagenforschung in den Adamawa-Sprachen Nordost Nigerias
Project coordination: Dr. Ulrich Kleinewillinghöfer. Funded by the DFG (duration 2016 - 2019).
- Grundlagenforschung in den Adamawasprachen
Fali sowie Sprachen der Duru- und der Leeko-Gruppe in Kamerun
Project coordination: Raimund Kastenholz (project members.: Ulrich Kleinewillinghöfer, Raija Kramer, Sabine Littig), (duration 2008 - 2014).
Das Verbalsystem des Mbum
Project coordination: Prof. Dr. Raimund Kastenholz (project members: Holger Markgraf), (duration 2013 - 2016).
- South-Aethio-Semitic Languages in Contact
Typological Change in Modern Aethio-Semitic Languages
Project coordination: Raimund Kastenholz and Walter Bisang (project members: Andreas Wetter and Ronny Meyer; subproject C.3 of the SFB 295) (duration 2006-2008).
- Rekurrierende Strukturen des interaktiven Sprachgebrauchs im Hausa
Project coordination: Jan Patrick Heiß (duration 2006-2008).
- Documentation of the BOGOŊ (Cala) Language
Project coordination: Ulrich Kleinewillinghöfer (duration 2005-2006).
- Language and Culture in the Lake Chad region
Linguistic and Culture Contact in the Lake Chad region
Project coordination: Raimund Kastenholz (project members: Barbara Dehnhard, Jan Patrick Heiß; subproject C.4 des SFB 295) (duration 2003-2005).
- The Languages of the Duun Group (Mali and Burkina Faso). A Contribution to Research on the Northwestern Mande Languages
Project coordination: Raimund Kastenholz (project member: Holger Tröbs, duration 1998-2002).
- Religious diversity and tradition in Burkina Faso: historical and contemporary challenges (DivTradBF)
Project manager: Katrin Langewiesche and Alice Degorce. Funded by: DFG and ANR (duration: 2021-2024).
- Kinoerzählen in Ostafrika. Eine intermediale Praxis an der Schnittstelle von Film und mündlicher Erzählkunst
Project coordination: Prof. Dr. Matthias Krings with Dr. Claudia Böhme, Project member: Dr. Solomon Waliaula. Funded by: Thyssen-Stiftung (duration: 2021-2024).
- African trajectories across Central America: displacements, transitory emplacements, and ambivalent migration nodes
Project coordination: Prof. Dr. Heike Drotbohm, Project members: Yaatsil Guevara González,
Elena Reichl, Pablo M. Delgado Faust. Funded by the DFG (duration 2018-2023).
- Poesie als ästhetische Praxis. Form, Erfahrung und lebensweltlicher Bezug sprachästhetischer Artikulation in Madagaskar und Tansania
Project coordination: Prof. Dr. Markus Verne; Prof. Dr. Clarissa Vierke, Bayreuth. Project members: Maike Meurer; Nikitta Adjirakor. Funded by the DFG (duration 2016-2022).
- Police-translations – multilingualism and the everyday production of cultural difference
Project coordination: Dr. Jan Beek, Project members: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bierschenk, Dr. Annalena Kolloch, Prof. Dr. Bernd Meyer; Marcel Müller and Theresa Radermacher (associated PhD students). Funded by: DFG (duration: 2019-2022).
- African trajectories across Central America: displacements, transitory emplacements, and ambivalent migration nodes
Project coordination: Prof. Dr. Heike Drotbohm, Project members: Yaatsil Guevara González,
Elena Reichl, Pablo M. Delgado Faust. Funded by the DFG (duration 2018-2022).
- Jihadism on the Internet: Images and Videos, their Appropriation, and Dissemination
Project coordination: Dr. Christoph Günther; Project members: Yorck Beese, Alexandra Dick, Robert Dörre, Larissa-Diana Fuhrmann, Dr. Simone Pfeifer, Mirko Scherf, Dr. Bernd Zywietz. Funded by: BMBF (duration 2017 - 2022).
- Early-career funding in German African academic co-operation: an overview
Project coordination: Prof. Dr. Carola Lentz, Project member: Andrea Noll. Funded by BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) (duration: 2019 - 2021).
- Brokers under scrutiny: investigating practices of intermediation in a globalising world
Project coordination: Prof. Dr. Ute Röschenthaler, Project members: Dr. des. Kathrin Knodel (GU Frankfurt), Ricardo Marquez, Project partner: PD Dr. Birgit Bräuchler (Monash University Melbourne, Faculty of Arts). Funded by the DAAD provided by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) (duration 2019 - 2020).
- Liturgical music as a place of emancipation for African nuns? Kora and emancipation in secular and liturgical music
Project coordination: Dr. Katrin Langewiesche, Project members: Dr. Hauke Dorsch, Dr. Isabelle Jonveaux. Funded by the Mariann Steegmann Foundation (duration 2018 - 2020).
- Contemplation and Social Commitment: West African Monasteries, Transnational Networks and Alternative Economies
Project coordination: Dr. Katrin Langewiesche. Funded by the DFG (duration 2016 - 2020).
- Politics and practices of eligibility in Brazilian humanitarian bureaucracies
Project coordination: Prof. Dr. Heike Drotbohm. Funded by Heisenberg-Programme DFG (duration 2015 - 2019).
- Un/doing Albinism: Recodings of a bodily difference through historically shifting frames
Subproject of the research group 1939 “Un/doing Differences. Practices of human differentiation” at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
Project coordination: Prof. Dr. Matthias Krings. Project members: Susanne Kathrin Denny (nee Hoff); Christopher Hohl. Funded by the DFG (duration 2013 - 2019).
- Performing the nation and subnational differences in African national days
Subproject of the research group 1939 “Un/doing Differences. Practices of human differentiation” at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
Project coordination: Carola Lentz. Project members: Marie-Christin Gabriel and Konstanze N’Guessan. Funded by the DFG (duration 2013 - 2019).
- Significations of Oil and Social Change in Niger and Chad: An anthropological cooperative research project on technologies and processes of creative adaptation in relation to African oil production.
Subproject of the research group SPP 1448 "Adaptation and Creativity in Africa - Technologies and Significations in the Production of Order and Disorder". Project coordination: Nikolaus Schareika, Göttingen; Andrea Behrends, Halle; Thomas Bierschenk, Mainz. (duration 2011 - 2017).
- International Field School: Water Governance and Interdisciplinary Research Techniques
in Post-Conflict Areas
Project Team: Thomas Bierschenk; Christine Fricke; Dany Jaimovich; Birthe Pater (duration: 2014 - 2016).
- Models, practices and cultures of school institutions in West Africa
Project leaders: Hélène Charton (LAM Bordeaux) and Sarah Fichtner (Bordeaux/Mainz) in cooperation with Thomas Bierschenk (Mainz) (duration 2012 - 2015).
- Boundary work: Police in West Africa
Project coordination: Carola Lentz . Project members: Jan Beek, Mirco Göpfert and Agnes Badou. (duration 2009 - 2014).
- Western global - Interkulturelle Transformationen des amerikanischen Genres par excellence
Project coordination: Thomas Klein (duration 2010 - 2013).
- The poetics and politics of national commemoration in Africa
Doctoral research group in the context of the programme of the University of Mainz "PRO Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften 2015"
Project coordination: Carola Lentz (duration 2009 - 2013).
- States at Work. Public Services and Civil Servants in West Africa: Education and Justice in Benin, Ghana, Mali and Niger
Project coordination: Thomas Bierschenk, Mahaman Tidjani Alou (LASDEL Niamey) (duration 2006 - 2013).
- The confessional Public Health Service in Burkina Faso: Cooperation and Conflicts with the Public Health Service
Project coordination: Katrin Langewiesche (duration 2009 - 2012).
- The Negotiation of Culture through Video Films and Bongo Flava Music in Tanzania
Project coordination: Matthias Krings (project members: Uta Reuster-Jahn, Gabriel Hacke, Claudia Boehme) (duration 2009 - 2011).
- Phytodiversity in the West African Sahel and Sudan Zone - Development and Evaluation, Subproject Biota West III - The socio-political dimension of land use and conservation in West Africa
Project coordination: Nikolaus Schareika (University of Göttingen); (project members: Sascha Kesseler; Bianca Volk) (duration 2007 - 2010).
- Transnational religion. African catholic missionary networks. An anthropological study of “inversed” mission between West Africa and Europe.
Project coordination: Thomas Bierschenk (project members: Katrin Langewiesche) (duration 2008-2009).
- ‘White roles’ in African film: on the intercultural negotiation of identities
Project coordination: Matthias Krings, Cassis Kilian (project member); in cooperation with Marie-Hélène Gutberlet, Frankfurt a.M. (duration 2007-2009).
- Memory, politics and culture in post-genocide Rwanda. Collective memory and personal narratives
Project coordination: Anna-Maria Brandstetter (duration 2008).
- Muslim sacred places and saint veneration in Africa
Project coordination: Thomas Bierschenk, Georg Stauth
A project within the SFB 295 (subproject C.6)
On this see the Working Papers of the Department No. 16; No. 18; No. 52. (duration 2006-2008).
- Alliances and Cultural Proximity. Explorations in the Transformation of Contact Situations in Ethiopia
Project coordination: Ivo Strecker, Thomas Bierschenk
A project within the SFB 295 (subproject C.7) (duration 2006-2008).
- 'Highlife im Club Afrique': Travelling Musicians, African Diaspora and Intercultural Exchange in London 1950 - 1965
Project coordination: Wolfgang Bender (Mitarbeiter: Markus Coester) (duration 2005-2007).
- Persuasive Kommunikation bei den Wolof: Das Zusammenspiel sprachlicher und kultureller Aspekte / Communication persuasive chez les Wolof: L'entrejeux des aspects culturels et langagiers
Project coordination: Christian Meyer & Anna Marie Diagne (duration 2004-2007).
- écocité. Peri-urban Agriculture in Senegal and Benin
écocité — Gestion partagée et durable des espaces agricoles et naturels à la périphérie des centres urbaines
Project coordination: Thomas Bierschenk, together with colleagues in France, Senegal and Benin (duration 2004-2007).
for this Working Papers of the Department No. 21; No. 43; No. 49; No. 50; No. 51
- Populäre Kultur an der Schnittstelle des Globalen und Lokalen. Musik-, Bild, und Textproduktion in Ostafrika
Project coordination: Wolfgang Bender, Matthias Krings (project members: Claudia Böhme, Uta Reuster-Jahn) (duration 2006).
- The Local Appropriation of Global Products. Bouillon Cubes in Senegal/West Africa
Project coordination: Carola Lentz, (project member: Ruth Frackmann) (duration 2003-2006).
- Community in Exile - Eritrean Networks in Germany
Project coordination: Carola Lentz, (project member: Nina von Nolting) (duration 2003-2004).
- Power and Politics in Parakou/Benin: The Political Sociology of a Mid-sized Town in West Africa
Project coordination: Thomas Bierschenk (duration 2002-2004, longterm project since1995).
for this Working Papers of the Department No. 22; No. 28
- The Anthropology of Corruption: a Comparative Study in Three African Countries (Benin, Niger, Senegal)
Project coordination: Thomas Bierschenk and Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan (EHESS/CNRS Marseille), Giorgio Blundo (IUED Genf), Mahaman Tidjani Alou (LASDEL Niamey)
for this Working Papers of the Department No. 17 (duration 1999-2003).
- The Appropriation of Space and Local Identity in Southwest Burkina Faso
A project within the SFB 268 'West African Savannah' at the Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main
Project coordination: Carola Lentz, Katja Werthmann (duration 1997-2002).