With Shortcode: [xmltransformation]
you add XML (Extended Markup Language) Data into you web page.
For security reasons, the XML source has the be from uni-mainz.de
Anatomy of the Shortcode
- xmltransformation
- xsl: your XSLT-File
- items: how many elements should be shown?
- cache: faster or older, what should it be?
- xml: one ore more XML files may be handled
- adresse: the XML-file
- utf8: utf8="0"
Blog Articles as a Feed
[xmltransformation xsl="http://scripts.zdv.uni-mainz.de/xsl/rss-compact.xsl"]
[xml adresse="//www.blogs.uni-mainz.de/blog/category/neuigkeiten/feed/" utf8="0"]
Default is 12 Hours.cache="3600" sets the caching time to one hour:
[xmltransformation xsl="http://scripts.zdv.uni-mainz.de/xsl/rss-compact.xsl" cache="3600"]
[xml adresse="//www.blogs.uni-mainz.de/blog/category/neuigkeiten/feed/" utf8="0"]