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Administrative settings

The settings listed here will be initialized for every new blog that we set up. They may be changed at any time, but only by WordPress administrators on campus. If changes need to be made, please contact webmaster@uni-mainz.de .

General settings

Blog title

The title of each blog will displayed within the title bar of the browser. It may be changed at any time.
We do not recommend changing the project's web address (URL).

Time zone settings

By default, we use Berlin (UTC + 2h). If you prefer another time zone, please tell us so.

Settings for the start page

Static page or your latest posts?

WordPress projects consist of two main types of content: pages and posts.

Pages are recommended for content that does not change on a day-to-day basis and does not come with any important chronological reference.

For all kinds of up-to-date announcements, event notes, and everything that is ‘date related‘, posts offer additional, automatic features for chronological presentation. Posts will be automatically listed in chronological order on the start page of your blog or on special ‘posts pages’ that will list all posts of a certain category chronologically,

By default, new blogs will be set up with a static start page. Alternatively, this may be changed to a list of the most recent blog posts which will be updated automatically whenever you write a new post.

Posts page: If you are using a static start page, you can still have an additional page that displays your most recent blog posts, called the 'posts page'. If you'd like that, please write an email to webmaster@uni-mainz.de containing the desired heading/address of that page. We'll do the rest.

More or less posts on start/posts page

The default settings lists the ten most recent posts on all posts pages. This general default setting may be changed for your project. For example, if there are rather long periods of time between your projects blog posts, you may want to have less than 10 items in those lists.
In general, we recommend to stick with the default setting.


Unless you tell us otherwise, we will set up your new blog with the comment function for posts disabled. If you'd like it enabled as a default for all new posts, please mention that.
Whatever the default setting, every editor can modify this setting separately for each individual post, if needed.

Allow comments by any commentator whose comments you allowed before

If you have allowed a comment by someone, WordPress can remember name and mail address of that person and may be set to allow future comments by this person without moderation. This settings is deactivated by default, but may be activated on request.

Allow comments only if mail address and name are provided

With this setting, every commentator must leave his mail address (unvalidated) and his name.

Close comments for posts older than x days

This deactivates the comments feature automatically for posts older than a certain amount of days. This setting is deactivated by default.

Send comment notifications to several mail addresses

If your blog has a rather high number of authors: one or several mail addresses may be registered for notifications about new comments that have been written. Moderation of comments will always be possible for any registered editor. You may also register a functional mailbox for these notifications, which is a single mail address that can be read by any number of authors at the university.

Search engines

All WordPress projects publish their content on publicly accessible sites by default and may/will be indexed by all public search engines on the internet.

In case you need to prevent this, please notify us well in advance, so that we can change the settings of your project accordingly.

Storage space and upload size

Default storage space for all blogs is currently 100 MB, but this may be changed for each project individually on request. The current limit for maximum size of uploaded files is 20 MB.

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