JGU Downloadcenter – Plugin and Shortcode

Embed Folders of a Virtual Host like download.uni-mainz.de into your WordPress Blog.

If your Shortcode is still visible on the published page, activate this plugin in the Dashboard  → JGU Tools  → Plugins

Warning: ⚠️ Be careful to edit the Shortcode in the Text mode only. Editing in the Visual mode may cause the shortcode to fail entirely due to HTML Tags in the Code.

Some plugins require administrative preparations (JGU Auth, JGU Downloadcenter). Follow the instructions in Dashboard  → JGU Tools  → Plugins  → Activateand we will set up the plugin for you.

The Downloadcenter is usable in combination with a Folder on a Webserver. The standard is download.uni-mainz.de. We will create a folder there for your data.


[downloadcenter virtualhost="download.uni-mainz.de" pfad="Folder"]


in the Virtual Host download.uni-mainz.de there is a folder example that you would like to show in your page:

[downloadcenter virtualhost="download.uni-mainz.de" pfad="example"


Required Parameters:

You need both Virtual Host and Path to use the Plugin

Optional Parameters:

The default is do show the folder name. You hide the folder name with the parameter:  ordnernamenanzeigen="NEIN"

[downloadcenter virtualhost="xyz.uni-mainz.de" pfad="folder/subfolder" ordnernamenanzeigen="NEIN"]

The Files are sorted alphabetically by default. You like to sort the folder from z to a? Add  sortierung="absteigend" as a shortcode parameter.

[downloadcenter virtualhost="xyz.uni-mainz.de" pfad="folder" sortierung="absteigend"]

Keep an eye to the content. Is it ok to publish all files in the folder?
When in doubt, we recommend using our Authentication methods at least for this page. JGU Auth: Visibility / Intranet settings
Remember: you are responsible for all copyright concerns of the data you are publishing!

Get the files in the Downloadcenter

Connect the Folder of the Virtual Hosts as a drive, or use ftp. All changes are in effect immediately. There are some more information in german only, check this page in german for further information.

Example Downloadcenter

it is not possible to open the folder directly on the Webserver:


gets an "access denied/Zugriff verweigert" (Automatic listing is by default set to "off")

But if you know the path, you can use it:


The subfolder is accessible, if you have an account:


Again, knowing the path lets you access files without further ado:


but much more convenient is the download-shortcode:

[downloadcenter virtualhost="download.uni-mainz.de" pfad="beispiel/intern"]

This is how the → downloadcenter-folder looks on your page