WordPress projects (blogs) use two main types of content: pages and posts.
Pages are used for content that does not come with any important chronological reference.
Posts make chronologies visible
For all kinds of up-to-date announcements, event notes, and everything that is 'date related', posts offer additional, automatic features for chronological presentation. Posts
- can be automatically listed in chronological order on the start page of your blog or on special 'posts pages' that will list all posts of a certain category chronologically,
- can be automatically displayed within in the main sidebar (right column) of each page/post, using the widget 'Recent Posts'.
- will automatically be added to the RSS feed of your blog.
Subject indexing and tagging
Within the central WordPress installation at JGU both posts and pages may now be indexed using tags and categories. You can start building a controlled vocabulary for your project this way, a thesaurus displayed in the form of tag clouds, or subject indexes based on your categories. Together with the search box for your project both can add significant help for general subject-based orientation of your readers.
Design aspects
Posts always display the main sidebar with its 'widgets'.
Pages may have a specifically defined right column.
If a post's text is longer than 55 words, post lists will usually display a shortened version of the post text, together with a 'read more' link pointing toward the full text.
Creating new pages or posts
If you click on Pages at the left-hand menu bar in dashboard, a submenu will be opened where you can choose between All pages and Add New. Choosing "Add new" leads to the "Add new Page" form.
Create a title for your page and fill your page with content. By using the button Publish on the right-hand menu your page will be saved and put online. You can get a look at your new page by clicking on View Page at the top menu bar and then edit your page again by clicking on Edit Page.
Editing and deleting pages or posts
Pages can be edited or deleted at any time. If you click on Pages on the left-hand menu bar and afterwards on All pages you will get an overview of all pages that have been created. Moving your cursor to a page provides you with the options of editing or deleting the respective page.
Selecting the red icon Trash will delete the page and the following message will appear above the text editor screen: 1 page moved to the Trash. You can cancel the deletion process by clicking on Undo. If pages have already been deleted, the icon Trash will also appear ath the top of the page overview. You can then restore pages or delete them permanently within the Trash menu.
The option Categories on the right-hand menu bar might be useful if you would like to assign posts to specific topics. Thus, this option allows you to structure posts or pages according to specific topics.
Each post is assigned to a category by default, for example to the category General. By clicking on the button +Add New Category you can create new a new category. In that menu you can then enter a name for the new category. This new category might then be assigned to an existing category via the dropdown menu. Submit your entry by clicking on Add New Category. The new category will appear immediately in the Categories menu and might be edited at any time.
All posts that have been assigned to a certain category can be displayed together on one page. By adding "category" and the name of the respective category to the URL of your blog all posts that have been assigned to this category will then be shown. For example: //www.blogs.uni-mainz.de/blog/category/dokumentation/neue-funktion/
You might as well choose to view these posts as an RSS-Feed by adding /feed to the URL: //www.blogs.uni-mainz.de/blog/category/dokumentation/neue-funktion/feed
Categories might also be managed and removed independently of a single post. Clicking on the menu item Posts at the left-hand menu bar opens a submenu where you can choose Categories.
While categories help you to structure your posts rather roughly, the content of your pages might be structured more specifically with tags. If you would like to announce a new research project for instance, you could create the category research projects in a first step and then you might specify the project with tags.
On the right-hand bar you can enter the names for various tags by separating them with commas. By clicking on Add these tags will be activated. You might as well choose the names of your tags from a list with frequently used keywords. By clicking on the "x" in front of a tag you can delete it easily.
In principle, you should decide whether keywords are written with upper or lower case letters and as singular or plural forms.
All posts that have been assigned to a certain tag can be displayed together on one page. By adding the respective tag to the URL of your blog all posts that have been assigned to this tag will then be shown. For example: //www.blogs.uni-mainz.de/blog/tag/rechte-spalte/
Tags might also be managed independently of a single post. Clicking on the menu item Posts at the left-hand menu bar opens a submenu where you can choose Tags..
The list of revisions can be displayed by checking the box Revisions at the Screen Options menu that can be found at the right top of the editing screnn.This list shows prior versions of the page you are working at as well as the authors who have recently worked on the page. By clicking on a date you can restore an earlier state of the page.