University graduates have many opportunities in today's job market. That's good to know but sometimes, this can feel like quite a challenge. Many students do not know what kind of jobs are out there. And if you have found your dream job, how do you get there?
Our counselors are happy to support you in planing your career and answer the questions you might have about the job market in Germany or abroad.
More information about Counseling
Here are some examples for topics that we might discuss in a Counseling session. If you are unsure whether or not the Career Service is the right partner for your objective, feel free to write us an e-mail oder call our hotline.
- What job can I take after I graduate?
- How do I find an internship that helps me with my career orientation or to expand my network?
- Which qualifications or compentencies do I need for a certain field of work? And where do I get them?
- How do I find job that fits my strengths and interests?
- How do I best apply for a job?
Our Mission
As counselors, it is our goal to meet your objective in a so called client-centered, solution- and ressource oriented way. This means that we generally don't advise you what to do but rather support you in your decision process. Together, we develop a strategy and find a solution that fits your needs.
We strongly believe that this is the best way to counsel because career decisions are based on many factors and are therefore very individual. One size does not fit all!
Target group
We counsel students of all semesters as well as recent graduates till their first job. You can also choose to make more than one appointment – in fact as many as you feel you need.
Appointments can be made via our hotline: +49 6131 39-22122 or at the Infodesk in the Student Service Center on campus: Forum universitatis, Entrance 1, 1st floor.
Further helpful institutions at JGU
Our university offers you a whole network of different counseling institutions for different topics
Further external institutions
- Agentur für Arbeit (Federal Employment Agency)
- Bleib!-program for international students
- Federal Office for Migration and Refugees