JGU External Resources

Include external Publication lists like Pubmed or Pone

Researcherid Badge

This is a service by Thomson Reuters. Every Scientist has her unique ID, thereby finding the correct publications from her.
By adding this code to your page:

[researcherid badgecont="218235" rid="D-3705-2011"]

you will see a Badge that leads to the Publication list.
badgecont is the id you get by clickin on "create a badge" at the Thomson Reuter site.
rid is the ID of the Scientist

NCBI Pubmed

When this plugin is activated, NCBI Pubmed links

(for example [ncbi pmid=24838570][/ncbi]) may be generated via shortcode. Here's the shortcode used for the example above:

[ncbi pmid=24838570][/ncbi] For more control over what gets generated as the text of this link, you may enter your own text in between the shortcode markers like this:

[ncbi pmid=24838570]my own link text goes here[/ncbi]

NCBI Pubmed Central

Example: [ncbi pmid=24838570][/ncbi] may even be used in a paragraph. The "external" Icon is added via a script because of legal issues.

NCBI Pubmed Central links may be generated similarly, using the attribute pmcid instead of pmid:

[ncbi pmcid=PMC3965082][/ncbi] For more control over what gets generated as the text of this link, you may enter your own text in between the shortcode markers like this:

[ncbi pmcid=PMC3965082]my own link text goes here[/ncbi]


pone (journal www.plosone.org) links

(for example doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0058683)

can be generated via shortcode. The example above can be generated with:

[pone doi="10.1371" id="0058683"][/pone]

If you want control over what gets generated as the text of this link, you can enter your own text in between the shortcode markers like this:

[pone doi="10.1371" id="0058683"]my own link text goes here[/pone]