Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Karl Lehmann,
born May 16, 1936 in Sigmaringen (Hohenzollern),
Studied Philosophy and Theology in Freiburg and Rome, Munich, and Münster,
graduated with Lic.phil., Lic.theol.,
Dr. phil. (1962), Dr. theol. (1967).
1963 Ordination in Rome by Cardinal Döpfner (10.10.),
1964 – 1967 Research associate with Karl Rahner in Munich and Münster, preparation of professorial dissertation,
1968 – 1971 Full professor for Dogmatics and Theological Propaedeutics at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz,
1971 – 1983 Full professor for Dogmatics and Ecumenical Theology at Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg i.Br.,
1983 Bishop of Mainz (slogan "State in fide"/"Stand firm in the faith," 1 Cor 16.13)
1987 – 2008 Chair of the German Bishops' Conference;
1993, 1999, and 2005 Confirmed as office chair for six additional years,
Resigned as chair effective February 18, 2008
2001 Nominated cardinal by Pope John Paul II. (February 21)
Dr. theol. h.c. (Univ. Innsbruck, 1991),
Dr. iur. h.c. (Cath. (Univ. of America, Washington D.C., 1991),
Dr. theol. h.c. (Cath. Univ. Maynooth, Irland, 1993),
Dr. sc. hum. h.c. (Catholic Theological Academy Warsaw, 1997),
Dr. theol. h.c. (Univ. Graz, 2000),
Dr. theol. h.c. (Univ. Oppeln, 2002),
Dr. theol. h.c. (University in Iasi / Rumania, 2004)
Corresp. member of the Academy of Science and Literature in Mainz (1987),
Full member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg (1991),
Member of the senate of the Max Planck Society (1999),
Honorary professorship at the Universities of Freiburg i.Br. and Mainz (1983/1984),
Former member of the International Theologian Commission (1974 – 1984),
Former member of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome (1986 – 1998),
Former first vice president of the European Bishops Conference Council (1993 – 2001),
Member of the Bishops Congregation (since 1998/2001),
Member of the Congregation of Eastern Churches,
Member (since 1969)/scientific director (1976 – 1988)/chair (on Catholic side, since 1988) of the ecumenical workgroup of evangelical and catholic theologians,
Member of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (since 2002),
1994 Karl Barth Prize of the Evangelical Church of the Union,
1995 "Golden Flower of Rheydt" from the city of Mönchengladbach,
1996 Cardinal-Döpfner Prize from the Cath. Academy in Bavaria, Munich,
2000 Grand Cross of Merit with Star and Riband,
2001 Honorary citizenship of the regional capital Mainz,
2002 Honorary ring of the Görres Society,
2002 Hans-Ehrenberg prize,
2003 "The golden crook" from the Internationale Club der Schlitzohren e.V. Mülheim/Ruhr,
2003 Paul-Schnitker Prize (Paul-Schnitker Foundation)
2004 Karl-Rahner badge of the German Jesuits and the Karl-Rahner Foundation, Munich
2004 German Small Business Prize (Branchenbriefverlag Markt Intern, Neuss)
2004/05 "Orden wider den tierischen Ernst" (Medal against Deadly Seriousness) from the Aachen Carnival Association (AKV)
2005 Honorary member of the Academy of Non-Profile Sciences in Erfurt
2005 Eugen-Biser Prize from the Eugen-Biser Foundation, Munich
2006 Abraham-Geiger Prize for "Services to Judaism in its diversity"
2006 Awarding of the honorary citizenship, Mainz University
2006 "Commander of the French Legion of Honor" award
2008 Bonum Commune Prize – Dr. h.c. of St. Augustine College in Johannesburg / South Africa
Zahlreiche Buchveröffentlichungen und Beiträge:
Karl Lehmann, Bibliographie 1962–1983, Freiburg i.Br. 1983; die Bibliographie für den Zeitraum von 1983–1993 ist fortgeführt in: K. Lehmann, Glauben bezeugen – Gesellschaft gestalten, Freiburg 1993, 734–760; fortlaufende Bibliographie (seit 1962):
Zahlreiche Herausgeberschaften, z.B. Internationale kath. Zeitschrift Communio (1972 ff.); H. Schlier (Freiburg i.Br. 1980-1982); Dialog der Kirchen (Freiburg i.Br.; Göttingen 1982 ff.); Karl Rahner, Sämtliche Werke (Freiburg i.Br. 1995 ff.).