wish list:

Preference lists for the Advanced Lab Course in Physics in winter semester 2024/25 (aka "F-Praktikum" )

The safety instruction and introduction for WS 24/25 takes place on
Friday July 12th 2024 from 9:00-12:00 am in the lecture hall of Nuclear Physics


The DEADLINE for the submission was Sunday 14th of July (23:59).


You have to register for participation in the lab course via JOGU-StINe.

Please register via Jogustine as soon as possible.

Online wish lists for the advanced lab course: (B.Sc. and M.Ed.)

  1. The organizers of the advanced lab course wants to give you the opportunity to select your schedule and the experiments according to your preferences. As far as organizationally possible, we will take your wishes into account.
    The wish lists must be submitted by July 14th 23:59 (11:59 pm) .
  2. Independently you also have to register for your specific course (see below) via JOGU-StINe.
  3. It is possible to schedule parts of the course to the semester break/vacation ("vorlesungsfreie Zeit").
    To do so, you can specify on the webpage of the online wish lists the maximal experimental days during the break. To be notified, you must provide at least one valid email address on that web form.
    If you do not specify any or not enough experiments or schedules you will be assigned the necessary amount to pass the course.
    Naturally, the allocation of the experiments depends on the availability of the assistants.

Instructions to fill in the web forms (wish lists):

  • Please fill in the fields for your program of study (B.Sc., M. Ed.), your student ID number (Matrikelnummer), names and e-mail addresses for each member of the group. The specification of your email address (yourname@students.uni-mainz.de) is obligatory.
  • This semester experiments No. 1, 3, 9, 10, 14, 17, 19, 24, 40, 41, 44, 53, 58, 60, 65, 66, and 67 can be offered. Please select your preferred experiments from this list (you can inform yourself via the following link). Additionally, experiment no. 68 (Advanced teaching-learning internship - LLL 2) is offered for M.Ed. students only.
  • Avoid duplication of experiments in your priority list (highest priority #e1).
  • If you like to perform experiments during the break provide the maximal number or experimental days (note that some experiments run and count for 2 days).
  • For the assignment it can become important to know what is more important for your group: the specified experiments or the specified schedule. If you specify "dates" here, the chances increase that you will get other experiments assigend in order to satisfy your selected schedule and vice versa.
  • Tick the calendar weeks during the break during which you would like to do the experiments. During the break a maximum of two one-day experiments or a single two-day experiments will be allocated per week.
  • After double checking all entries, submit the form. If you did a mistake, submit again a corrected form. Only the last form will be considered.
  • The first group member (#1 in the list) will receive an email for control and confirmation send to the entered addresses.
  • All specified experiments will be treated as favorites. There is no "negative selection" (e.g. by placing experiments at the right side of that list). Such procedures will cause that you will have to do these experiments with a high probability!

The assignement of experiments/group will be executed by a computer program. Therefore, many thousands of semester plans are drawn up randomly, weighted by your wishes and the availability of the assistants. Many criteria enter the weighting function, even a "justice weight" to avoid that one group gets all their preferred experimenst while another gets none. The same holds for the work load of the assistants. Typically you will be informed about your personal schedule within one week via email. This plan serves as a first rough guide to organize the semester. You will still have to negotiate the exact dates for experiments during the semester break with the assistants and you can also shift experiments later if needed in consultation with the assistants.



Instructions for the projects: (M.Sc.)

Modules in the framework of the lab course:

Students in the Bachelor-of-Science (BSc) programm (modules 08.128.220 "Advanced Laboratory Course 1" and 08.128.221 "Advanced Laboratory Course 2" ):
Please select as many experiments as possible from part I of the lab course in your wish list. Of course you cannot do experiments twice (e.g. experiments you have
already done in 08.128.220 cannot be assigned in 08.128.221). You will have to do 5 experimental DAYS in each module.

Students in the Master-of-Education (MEd) program (module 08.128.700 "Advanced Laboratory Course"):
have to do an equivalent of 9 experimental DAYS in a single semester. Please select as many experiments form part I as possible in your wish list.

Students in the Master-of-Science (MSc) program (modules 08.128.870 "Advanced Laboratory Course 1" and 08.128.871 "Advanced Laboratory Course 2" ):
Starting with the summer semester 2022 you have to perform one project per module. The topic/research groups for each project have to differ and also cannot be the same as for your Bachelor thesis..

>> instructions for the lab course in WS24/25