4.-6.10.16: Multiscale Simulation Methods in Soft Matter Systems II
29.9.16: CSM Workshop
The annual workshop of the Center for Computational Sciences in Mainz will take place at the IMB, September 29, 2016.
9.11.15: IMB Workshop: Challenges in Computational Biology Workshop
15.-16.10.15: CSM Workshop
The annual workshop of the Center for Computational Sciences in Mainz will take place in Bad Münster am Stein Ebernburg from 15-16 October 2015.
20.-24.10.14: EULAG Workshop
16.-17.10.14: CSM Workshop
The annual workshop of the Center for Computational Sciences in Mainz will take place in Bad Münster am Stein Ebernburg from 16-17 October 2014.
09./10.10.14: School on Multiscale Modeling and Use of Espresso++ and VOTCA
06.-08.10.14: Multiscale simulation methods for soft matter systems
21.-23.10.13: Mini Workshop: EULAG - new developments in high resolution cloud modeling
26.-27.09.13: SRFN Workshop
18.-20.09.13: PhD student & Postdoc Workshop
29.07.-03.08.13: LATTICE 2013
28.06.13: Rhein-Main Arbeitskreis ''Mathematics of Computation''
10.-12.06.13: Mainz Materials Simulation Days 2013
29.-30.04.13: Workshop Lattice Gauge Theory
18.-19.10.12: SRFN-Workshop
The Center for Computational Sciences in Mainz held its annual workshop 2012 on Oct. 18th/19th at the Ebernburg.
19.-21.09.12 CECAM Workshop Statistical Mechanics: Interplay of Theory and Computer Simulations
16.-18.09.12 CECAM Worskhop Polymer Translocation through Nanopores
22.-23.09.11: SRFN-Workshop
The Center for Computational Sciences in Mainz held its annual workshop 2011 on Sept. 22nd/23rd at Schloss Waldthausen.
30.05.-01.06.11: International Symposium ''Computer Simulations on GPU''
25.-27.05.11: Mainz Materials Simulation Days
16.02.11: Workshop "Modelling and Numerics of Conservation Laws"
16.-17.09.10: SRFN-Workshop
The Center for Computational Sciences in Mainz held its annual workshop 2010 on Sept. 16th/17th at the Ebernburg.
05.02.10: HMS - Heidelberg-Mainz-Seminar
25.11.09: GPU Workshop
16.11.-23.11.09: Special Colloquium Computational Materials Science
30.10.-11.11.09: Special Colloquium Institute for Atmospheric Physics
01.-02.10.09: SFRN-Workshop
The Center for Computational Sciences in Mainz held its annualworkshop 2009on Oct. 1st/2nd at the Ebernburg.
13.-16.07.09: Special Colloquium "Modellierung in der Geophysik"
04.-05.06.09: Special Colloquium "Numerische Mathematik"
03.-05.06.09: Mainz Materials Simulation Days
26.-27.05. and 10.06.2009: Special Colloquium "Theoretische Chemie"
08.04.2009: Special Colloquium "Long timescale earth system modelling"
24./25./27.03.2009: Special Colloquium "Gittereichtheorie"
01.-02.10.2008: Kick-off meeting

The Kick-off meeting in 2008 took place Oct. 1st/2nd at Schloss Waldthausen.