Matthias Gebauer

(née Fleischer)

[German Version]

Institute of Geography

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 21
55099 Mainz





Research Interests:


Cultural Geography & Social Geography; spatial and social in-/justice; Racism and Space; sociospatial production of dis-/order; food geographies.


Longing and Belonging, Identity and ‚Home-Making’; society, power and space; Urban Governance, Festivalisation.


Qualitative and quantitative methods in Social Research; ethnographic methods; Rescue-Geographies; multi-scalar Governance analysis.


Southern Africa, United States and Black Atlantic.

Publications (Selection)

Gebauer, M. & S. Husseini de Araújo (2016, accepted): Islamic shores along the Black Atlantic. Analysing black and Muslim Countercultures in Post-Colonial Societies. Journal of Muslims in Europe 5(1), 11-37.

Haferburg, C., Fleischer, M., Fuhrmann, M. und F. Krüger (2014): Post-World Cup effects and local regeneration strategies in Johannesburg and eThekwini. In: Haferburg,C. & M. Huchzermeyer (Hrsg): Urban Governance in Post-Apartheid Cities: Modes of Engagement in South Africa’s Metropoles. Stuttgart: 273-293.

Fleischer, M., Fuhrmann, M., Haferburg, C. & F. Krüger (2013): „Festivalisation“ of urban governance in South African cities: framing the urban social sustainability of mega-event driven development from below. Sustainability 2013 (5): 5225-5248. Download

Fleischer, M. und C. Haferburg (2012): „Die Instrumente der Erkenntnis gegen sich selber richten“ – eine Interpretation der Analyse des geographischen Feldes mit Bourdieu. Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde 86(4), 411-418. Download

Fleischer, M. (2012): Urban Agriculture im Kontext städtischer Armutsbekämpfung in Kapstadt, Südafrika (Magisterarbeit).