Jörg Behler
High-Dimensional Neural Network Potentials for Large-Scale Simulations
K. Ruedenberg
Physical Origin of Covalent Bonding
Ludwik Adamowicz
Marcel Nooijen
Multireference Equation of Motion Coupled ClusterTheory with Applications to Molecular Spectroscopy
Evgeny Epifanovsky
Resolution-of-the-identity and Cholesky decompositions in coupled cluster and equation-of-motion theories
Tobias Schwabe
Polarizable Embedding: A more accurate modelling of environmental effects on excitation energies
Filippo Lipparini
A (very) fast Domain Decomposition algorithm for Continuum Solvation
Zhenggang Lan
On-the-fly trajectory surface-hopping methods to explore nonadiabatic dynamics
Lalita Shaki Uribe Ordonez