We are constantly seeking applications of highly motivated future co-workers. People joining us will work together with experienced colleagues to get trained and run their own projects. Our approaches are manifold, including molecular biology, microbiology, cell biology, biochemistry and biophysics.
Bachelor and Master students
Bachelor theses take eight weeks, plus time to write the thesis. You will get your basic introduction to scientific research and work on your project alongside with an experienced colleague (typically a PhD student or Postdoc). You and your thesis project will be closely supervised.
Master students will be in the lab for six months. We prefer that they have conducted a lab rotation (“Forschungsmodul”) with us beforehand. You will work with an experinced PhD student or postdoc to plan and conduct your experimental work and to discuss the results. Several Master students have continued with their PhD thesis in our group.
If you are interested, you can stop by during office hours or write to us (dirk.schneider[at]uni-mainz.de).
PhD students and Postdocs
We are always looking for motivated and talented PhD students and postdoctoral fellows. If you don't find any open positions or project, do not hesitate to contact us. You can apply anytime, as we might have openings that are not advertised. When you approach us, we expect that you have a strong interest in membrane biochemistry and biophysics. Ideally, you have experience in molecular, biochemical and biophysical techniques, which is apparent from your CV. We are looking forward to your application! International applicants are very welcome. If you wish to apply for your own research fellowship, we will be committed to assist you.
As a postdoc you will profit from your prior training and explore new topics and techniques. Postdoctoral researchers should typically be successful in obtaining a fellowship, supporting at least part of the time they spent in the group. The lab will likely only be able to provide bridging funds. We will be committed to help you with the applications.
When you write to us, clearly indicate your motivation, previous training and intention besides your CV and names of references.