Current Courses

Anthropology of (post-)truth

Instructors: Dr. Konstanze N'Guessan
Shortname: post-truth
Course No.: 07.798.278
Course Type: Hauptseminar


To this day, colonial logics continue to shape the dynamics of migration as well as the responses of states to those (or their ancestors) who were not born on this territory. While migration studies, in general, has been slow to engage with colonial histories in making sense of migratory phenomena today, multiple parallel approaches, including those coming from Anthropology, have already contributed to researching migration beyond ‘the state’, ‘culture’ and ‘society’.
In this course we will systematically deal with the question of whether, in what respect and how migration research can or should be decolonized. We will deal with the historical and contemporary entanglement of coloniality and racialization and the representations of the figure of the migrant. We will also engage with the lived experience and insights of people who are recognized as ‚migrants’ and ‘refugees’ and whose presence, on certain territories, is under a temporalized embargo while living under the conditionality of ‘integration’. We will search for alternative forms of research and representation that deal with human mobilities in other ways, linked to indigenous concepts such as hospitality, sanctuary and solidarity. Finally, we will also examine the changing foundations of academic knowledge production, which currently risks using the decolonial turn as the fig leaf of an idealized Enlightenment exercise that obscures the neoliberal and (neo)feudal dimensions of our hegemonic research agenda.


Date (Day of the week) Time Location
10/22/2024 (Tuesday) 10:15 - 11:45 00 691 Kleiner Übungsraum
1111 - Hauptgebäude
10/29/2024 (Tuesday) 10:15 - 11:45 00 691 Kleiner Übungsraum
1111 - Hauptgebäude
11/05/2024 (Tuesday) 10:15 - 11:45 00 691 Kleiner Übungsraum
1111 - Hauptgebäude
11/12/2024 (Tuesday) 10:15 - 11:45 00 691 Kleiner Übungsraum
1111 - Hauptgebäude
11/19/2024 (Tuesday) 10:15 - 11:45 00 691 Kleiner Übungsraum
1111 - Hauptgebäude
11/26/2024 (Tuesday) 10:15 - 11:45 00 691 Kleiner Übungsraum
1111 - Hauptgebäude
12/03/2024 (Tuesday) 10:15 - 11:45 00 691 Kleiner Übungsraum
1111 - Hauptgebäude
12/10/2024 (Tuesday) 10:15 - 11:45 00 691 Kleiner Übungsraum
1111 - Hauptgebäude
12/17/2024 (Tuesday) 10:15 - 11:45 00 691 Kleiner Übungsraum
1111 - Hauptgebäude
01/07/2025 (Tuesday) 10:15 - 11:45 00 691 Kleiner Übungsraum
1111 - Hauptgebäude
01/14/2025 (Tuesday) 10:15 - 11:45 00 691 Kleiner Übungsraum
1111 - Hauptgebäude
01/21/2025 (Tuesday) 10:15 - 11:45 00 691 Kleiner Übungsraum
1111 - Hauptgebäude
01/28/2025 (Tuesday) 10:15 - 11:45 00 691 Kleiner Übungsraum
1111 - Hauptgebäude
02/04/2025 (Tuesday) 10:15 - 11:45 00 691 Kleiner Übungsraum
1111 - Hauptgebäude