Current Courses

Einführung in die Wirtschaftsethnologie

Instructors: Dr. Martin Büdel
Shortname: Wirtschaftsethno
Course No.: 07.798.22_015
Course Type: Seminar

Recommended reading list

Miller, Daniel (2007) What is a Relationship? Is Kinship Negotiated Experience?, Ethnos, 72:4, 535-554.
Sahlins, Marshall (2013) What kinship is, and is not. Chicago: Chicago UP.
Schuster, Peter, Rudolf Stichweh, Johannes Schmidt, Fritz Trillmich, Martine Guichard und Günther Schlee (2007) Freundschaft und Verwandtschaft: Zur Unterscheidung und Verflechtung zweier Beziehungssysteme. Konstanz: UVK.


From the very first breath - and even before that - the individual is involved in a complex web of social relationships. Twentieth-century anthropology’s close alignment with the concepts of "society" and "culture" relies on a notion of the world as essentially a bundle of relationships. In this seminar, we will deal with the anthropology of the social on the grounds of classic and more recent anthropological literature: with family and kinship, parenthood and siblingship, friendship and neighborhood, with the gender and generation-specific dimensions of these relationships as well as their significance for public politics. We will deal with the particular strength of ‘weak’ ties in social networks and ask about the possibilities of maintaining – or breaking – ties in transnational networks. We will also be interested in the question to what extent the circulation of things, the sharing of food or living under one roof can constitute relationships. And what is love, actually? All this and even more... !


Date (Day of the week) Time Location
10/21/2024 (Monday) 16:15 - 17:45 01 715 HS 14
1111 - Hauptgebäude
10/28/2024 (Monday) 16:15 - 17:45 01 715 HS 14
1111 - Hauptgebäude
11/04/2024 (Monday) 16:15 - 17:45 01 715 HS 14
1111 - Hauptgebäude
11/11/2024 (Monday) 16:15 - 17:45 01 715 HS 14
1111 - Hauptgebäude
11/18/2024 (Monday) 16:15 - 17:45 01 715 HS 14
1111 - Hauptgebäude
11/25/2024 (Monday) 16:15 - 17:45 01 715 HS 14
1111 - Hauptgebäude
12/02/2024 (Monday) 16:15 - 17:45 01 715 HS 14
1111 - Hauptgebäude
12/09/2024 (Monday) 16:15 - 17:45 01 715 HS 14
1111 - Hauptgebäude
12/16/2024 (Monday) 16:15 - 17:45 01 715 HS 14
1111 - Hauptgebäude
01/06/2025 (Monday) 16:15 - 17:45 01 715 HS 14
1111 - Hauptgebäude
01/13/2025 (Monday) 16:15 - 17:45 01 715 HS 14
1111 - Hauptgebäude
01/20/2025 (Monday) 16:15 - 17:45 01 715 HS 14
1111 - Hauptgebäude
01/27/2025 (Monday) 16:15 - 17:45 01 715 HS 14
1111 - Hauptgebäude
02/03/2025 (Monday) 16:15 - 17:45 01 715 HS 14
1111 - Hauptgebäude