Book Review Editor, Monsoon: Journal of the Indian Ocean Rim, Duke University Press
Editorial Board Member, Mainzer Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung, Rüdiger Köppe Verlag
Board Member, The Mouth: Critical Studies the on Language, Culture and Society
2021 Disputing Discipline. Child Protection, Punishment and Piety in Zanzibar Schools. Rutgers Series in Childhood Studies. New Brunswick/New Jersey/London: Rutgers University Press.
2023 The Weight of Witnessing: Commitment, Expectation, and Responsibility in Child Protection Ethnography. Public Anthropologist 5: 232-254.
2023 The Politics of Skeletons and Ruination: Living (with) Debris of the Two Fishes Hotel in Diani Beach, Kenya. Journal of Eastern African Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/17531055.2023.2231789
2022 Ordinary Childhoods and Everyday Islamic Practices of Protection and Care in Zanzibar. Journal of the British Academy 10(s2): 175-197 [Special Issue: Searching for the Everyday in African Childhoods, Ed. By Afua Twum-Danso Imoh, Peace Mamle Tetteh and Georgina Yaa Oduro] https://doi.org/10.5871/jba/010s2.175
2022 "Kuishi Ughaibuni": Emplaced Absence, the Zanzibar Diaspora Policy, and Young Men's Experiences of Belonging Between Zanzibar and Oman. Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies 6(1): 10-37 [Special Issue: Plurilocal Communities in the Indian Ocean World, Ed. by Walker, Iain and Martin Slama)
2022 “To Everyone Who Told Zanzis That They Are Not Omani”: Young Swahili-speaking Omanis’ Belonging in Postdiaspora Oman. Arabian Humanities, Vol 15 [Special Issue: Oman Over Times: A Nation from the Nahda to the Oman Vision 2040] https://doi.org/10.4000/cy.7304
2019 Looking at and Seeing Beyond Young People’s Photographs of ‘Child Protection’ in Zanzibar. On Children as Diagnosticians of their own Well-being. MAT – Medicine Anthropology Theory Vol 6(4): 80-100. http://doi.org/10.17157/mat.6.4.704
2019 Decolonizing the Child Protection Apparatus: Revisiting Child Rights Governance in Zanzibar. Childhood 26(3): 321-336 [Special Issue: Child Rights Governance] https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0907568219847256
2018 The Impact of the School Space on Research Methodology, Child Participation and Safety: Views from Children in Zanzibar. Children’s Geographies, 16:4, pp. 405-417. Published online: 26 June 2017 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14733285.2017.1344770
2016 The Meaning of Adabu and Adhabu for the ‘Child Protection’ Discourse in Zanzibar. SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research, Vol 9 (2016). https://eprints.soas.ac.uk/24139/1/fay-the-meaning-of-adabu-adhabu-for-the-child-protection-discourse-in-zanzibar.pdf
(2024) Wie die Beschaffenheit der Welt das Sein einer Sache bedingt: Über Christopher (Kit) Davis. In: Inspirationen: Über die Entstehung ethnologischen Denkens. Hrsg. von Lisa Burger, Tim Burger und David Sumerauer. Wuppertal: Edition Trickster im Peter Hammer Verlag, 128-132.
2022 Rearing Like the State: Belonging, Child Rearing, and Greetings in Zanzibar. In Iain Walker & Marie-Aude Fouéré, eds, Across the Waves: Strategies of belonging in Indian Ocean Island Societies. Leiden: Brill, 75-95. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004510104_005
2020 The Diverse Normative Orders of Being Young and Being Safe in Zanzibar. In: Navigating Normative Orders: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Ed. by M. Kettemann. Frankfurt/New York: Campus.
2019 (with Rachel Burr). Child Protection Across Worlds: Young People’s Challenges Within and Outside of Child Protection Programmes in UK and Zanzibar Schools. In: Imoh, A. T.-D. et al. (eds.) (2018) Global Childhoods Beyond the North-South Divide. Palgrave Studies on Children and Development/Springer Int. Publishing. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-95543-8_10
2023 review of [Learning Morality, Inequalities, and Faith: Christian and Muslim Schools in Tanzania. By Hansjörg Dilger (2022), London etc.: International African Institute and Cambridge University Press], Zeitschrift für Ethnologie (ZfE)/Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology (JSCA) (forthcoming).
2023 Comment on: Scheidecker, Gabriel, “Parents, Caregivers, and Peers. Patterns of Complementarity in the Social World of Children in Rural Madagascar,” Current Anthropology, Vol 64(3), June 2023.
2021 review of [Island in the Stream: An Ethnographic History of Mayotte. by Michael Lambek (2018), Toronto/Buffalo/London: University of Toronto Press], Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol 27: 181-183. https://rai.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/1467-9655.13445
2016 review of [Discourses of Discipline. An Anthropology of Corporal Punishment in Japan's Schools and Sports. by Aaron L. Miller (2013), Berkeley, California: Institute of East Asian Studies], Children’s Geographies, Vol 15 (3): 381-383. DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2016.1189236
2023 (with Mario Schmidt) (Counter)public Contestations: Feminist Theorizing for Anthropological Ethics, boasblogs.org, 5 July 2023.
2021 Ukatazaji wa Watoto na Ulinzi wa Mtoto. / Children’s Refusal and Child Protection. Reimagining Childhood Studies Blog, 23 June 2021.
2021 Kinderschutz und Körperstrafe in Sansibar – Zu den Blinden Flecken eines Feldes. In: HABARI September 2021(3): Kindheit und Jugend – behütet oder gefährdet. Tanzania-Network.de e.V.
2015 Life after Fieldwork: Of Leaving the Field, Entering Liminality and Relocating the Mind. Allegra Lab.
2015 Cultivating Childhood: Researching Protection and Personhood on a Western Indian Ocean Island. Allegra Lab.
2022 Pull and I Shall Pull. www.africasacountry.com, 03.10.2022
2021 Commentary on Onur Gökmen’s sculpture FIRST, exhibited at Darmstadt am Landesmuseum, tinyBE – living in a sculpture, 26-6—26.9.2021, video contribution available on youtube, upload 8 June 2021.
2015 Stainer Chindebvu: Malawi’s Visual Arts Export. www.theculturetrip.com
2013 Mzungu Kichaa: Bongo Fleva’s Adopted Son. www.theculturetrip.com
2016 (with Haonga, H.; National Children’s Advisory Board; Salum, A.; Tavengerwei, J.). Children’s Council Manual for Zanzibar. Stone Town: Save the Children.
2016 (with Abdulrahman, A.; Mohamed, A. M.). Positive Discipline in Everyday Teaching – Teacher’s Manual. Stone Town: Save the Children.
2016 (with Abdulrahman, A.; Mohamed, A. M.). Positive Discipline in Everyday Teaching – Facilitators’ Guide. Stone Town: Save the Children.
2015 (with Kassahun, S.) Children and Young People’s Participation. Stone Town/Dar es Salaam: Save the Children.
2023 Interview with Franziska Fay about her book Disputing Discipline: Child Protection, Punishment and Piety in Zanzibar Schools, The Childhood, Law & Policy Network (CLPN), June 2023.
2022 Disziplinierte Empathie als wichtiges Werkzeug in hochpolitischen Zeiten/ Disciplined empathy as an important tool in highly political times (German/ English). JGU Magazin, 10.03.2022.
2020 Interview (Pt I and Pt II) with UK SWAHILI CHANNEL, Kioo Cha Jamii, about child protection and corporal punishment in Zanzibar, 1/8 August 2020 [in Swahili]
2020 Interview with BBC Swahili’s Salim Kikeke on racism and the murder of George Floyd, 3 June 2020 [in Swahili]
2016 Guest Commentator, BBC Swahili, Dira ya Dunia news programme, 7 January 2016 [live interview on the December 2015 New Year's sexual assaults in Cologne, Germany (from minute 11:10)]
2015 Guest Appearance, BBC Swahili, Dira ya Dunia news programme, 19 November 2015 [commentary on Chakula cha Afrika, Ughaibuni (African food in the diaspora; from minute 1:44)]
2022 “Kuishi Ughaibuni” & “To Everyone Who Told Zanzis That They Are Not Omani”, The Indian Ocean World Podcast | Indian Ocean World Center, McGill University, (in conversation with Philip Gooding), October 2022
2022 #23 Über die Spuren der Kolonialzeit: Ein Einblick in die Politikethnologie, Podcast "Denkanstoß Demokratie" | Landeszentrale Politische Bildung Rheinland-Pfalz, (in conversation with Benjamin Meinig), August 2022
2021 “Young Omani Swahili-speakers and the Zanzibar Diaspora”, Podcast Episode with the Anglo-Omani Society (in conversation with Dina Macki), London, UK, 15.02.2021.