
Current Classes




SoSe 2024


School at the AMA

On request, the Archive for African Music offers guided tours and generally understandable introductions to African music. This offer is aimed at schools as well as adult education institutions.


Past Classes

Family Album

Audio feature by: Frederic Gesing, Steven Lüke, Sven Mietzsch, Patrick Schnarchendorf

produced as part of the seminar "Homo Sapiens in the History and Politics of Science" in the summer term of 2012 under the direction of: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bierschenk, Prof. Dr. Friedemann Schrenk and Birthe Pater M.A.






Introducing text

BA Colloquium May 2014

As part of the Institute of Anthropology and African Studies, the AMA is open for students of Anthropology and African Studies. Courses on African music are offered regularly encouraging students to research the archives.