A variety of different forms of learning enabled our doctoral students to acquire the necessary skills for independent research, communication, collaboration and scholarly debate, and for forming networks with other scholars and beyond their own particular discipline.
Our RTG was organised in a manner to facilitate connecting with other scholars in the field at home and abroad. They participated as speakers, participants, and organizers, in two annual conferences that have a long tradition at the University of Mainz and that directly concern the topics studied in our RTG, i.e. Marburg Dialogues on Ancient Healing Arts, and Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption (AKAN), which were an integral part of our teaching, as other workshops run by the RTG, and international conferences.
During the three years of the doctoral programme, our students were introduced to a wide range of methods in the humanities and in science, both in theory and in practice. Greater than usual opportunities for public scholarly debate, for presenting and defending an argument and their own work enabled them to acquire the confidence necessary to hold their own in an international context of increasing complexity and competitiveness.
Further information (in German)