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Graduiertenkolleg 1876

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tanja Pommerening
Institut für Altertumswissenschaften / Ägyptologie
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Hegelstr. 59
55122 Mainz

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Scientific coordination of the Research Training Group 1876:
Early Concepts of Humans and Nature - Universal, Specific, Interchanged
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
Hegelstr. 59
55122 Mainz
Tel.: +49 6131 39-27228



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Dissertation project of Riccardo Andreozzi: Myrtle leaves; Photo by Riccardo Andreozzi, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (Kew Gardens).

Dissertation project of Christoph Appel: "Iapyx entfernt eine Pfeilspitze aus der blutenden Wunde des Aeneas"; Fresko aus der Casa di Sirico, Pompeji = Neapel, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Inv. 9009.

Dissertation project of Dominic Bärsch: Gustave Doré: Plate I, The Deluge; in: The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New testament, According to the Authorised Version. With Illustrations by Gustave Doré, London, Paris & Melbourne 1866. Source: Wikimedia Commons, 2008.

Dissertation project of Laura Borghetti: Apsismosaik von Osios David im Latomos-Kloster, Thessaloniki. Source: Wikimedia Commons, 2008.

Dissertation project of Judit Garzón Rodriguez: Fragment eines ledernen Wandbehangs, 18. Dynastie, ca. 1550–1458 B.C.; Metropolitan Museum of Art, 31.3.98; Photo by Judit Garzón Rodríguez.

Dissertation project of Francisco J. Gómez Blanco: Gladiatorenmosaik aus Rom. Museo Arqueológico Nacional Madrid; Photo by José Barea.

Dissertation project of Sandra Hofert: Wer nicht weiß, was rechte Liebe sei - Mscr.Dresd.M.67. Source: SLUB Dresden.

Dissertation project of Shahrzad Irannejad: Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Rules about medicines of the heart, 11th century. A. H. / 17th century, folio 1 verso (illuminated) and 2 recto. Source: Wellcome Library, London, Collection: Asian Collection, Library reference no.: Or (Arabic).

Dissertation project of Jessica Knebel: Relief with palace attendant, ca. 1353–1336 BC. Egyptian, New Kingdom, Amarna Period; Sandstone; H. 23 × W. 30.5 × D. 4.5 cm (9 1/16 × 12 × 1 3/4 in.). The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Rogers Fund, 1965 (65.129):

Dissertation project of Sina Lehnig: Schaf- und Ziegenherde auf dem Gelände der Nabatäerstadt Elusa in der nördlichen Negevwüste. Photo by Sina Lehnig.

Dissertation project of Marie-Charlotte von Lehsten: Nyx, Greek goddess of the night. Statue mounted by Ludwig Schwanthaler from pieces of an antique statue and his additions. The statue stands in the hall of Prinz-Carl-Palais, Munich, Germany – Photo by Henning Schlottmann. Source: Wikimedia Commons, 2012.

Dissertation project of Aleksandar Milenković: Der "Antikythera Ephebe". Bronzestatue eines Jünglings aus Antikythera, Griechenland; ca. 340-330 v. Chr. Source: Wikimedia Commons, 2013.

Dissertation project of Rebekka Pabst: Mundöffnungsritual; Book of the Dead of Hunefer, New Empire, 19. Dynasty, ca. 1290 BC; EA 9901 British Museum, London. Wikimedia Commons

Dissertation project of Oxana Polozhentseva: Der tote Ritter am Flussufer. Gemälde von Evgeniya Kochkina.

Dissertation project of Sonja Speck: Female Figure, ca. 3500-3400 B.C.E. Terracotta, painted, 11 1/2 x 5 1/2 x 2 1/4 in. (29.2 x 14 x 5.7 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Charles Edwin Wilbour Fund, 07.447.505. Creative Commons-BY (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 07.447.505_SL1.jpg).

Dissertation project of David Usieto Cabrera: The Great Death Pit of Ur: PG1237, with 74 royal attendants; Penn Museum / British Museum, source:

Dissertation project of Mari Yamasaki: John Seller's "Atlas maritimus, or A book of Charts: Describing the sea coasts capes headlands sands shoals rocks and dangers the bayes roads harbors rivers and ports, in most of the known parts of the world. With the true courses and distances, from one place to another: Gathered from the latest and best discoveries, that have been made by divers able and experienced navigators of our English nation: Accommodated with an hydrographical description of the whole world", 1672.

Dissertation project of Katharina Zartner: Sceau-cylindre n°24 : Sceau-cylindre d'Ibni-sharrum, héros acolytes d’Ea abreuvant des buffles. Inscription : Shar-kali-sharri / shar / Agade / Ibni-sharrum / DUB.SAR / warad-shu = "Shar-kali-sharri, roi d'Akkad, le scribe Ibni-sharrum (est) son serviteur". By P1050580_Louvre_sceau-cylindre_n°24_rwk.JPG: Mbzt 2011 derivative work: Zunkir (P1050580_Louvre_sceau-cylindre_n°24_rwk.JPG) [CC BY 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons, 2011.


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