


The case study (three rounds) is organized in a way that the student groups get several tasks that are connected to each other. In each of the first three rounds they get points. The best team of each university enters the semi finals (4th round) and the winners the final (5th round). These will be coordinated by the IOC Olympicv Studies Centre  in Lausanne. Therefore, in all rounds the groups will be in a competition with the other student groups.

The first three rounds are integrated in the normal class. Students must reach 50% of the points to pass the class. Each round the students must present as well as they must deliver a printed version of their results and concepts.

In the semi final and final round only the best teams of each university compete against each other. This round they will be presented in front of decision makers of the Olympic Movement. The specially built jury will independently choose the winner.

The winner teams of the final get a certificate.



The most important rule is that it is not allowed to contact the IOC nor any NOC, or International Sport Federations for any reason!
If you do so you will be excluded from the case study competition. However, you can use all material you can find in the internet or other sources.