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Use a short interval, otherwise, there will be a timeout.
What is counted = Reports?
- Visits Summary: most important Visits data
- Country: Where were your visitors while accessing your pages?
- Device type/model: Which Type of Hardware did your visitor use?
- Screen resolution: Learn for which ratios and sizes you layout your page. Kidding. Your content is king, this report shows that it is impossible to build a web page like a printed poster.
- Visits per server time: Servertimezone is used as an hourly statistic
- Visits by Day of Week: Visits per day
- Actions - Main metrics: most importand Actions data
- Page URLs: organized hierarchically as a folder structure
- Entry page titles: here the visitor entered the
- Exit page titles: here the visitor exited the (not necessarily your Project, if she surfed on)
- Page titles: these were the headlilnes of the pages that the visitor saw in the (not necessarily your Project, if she surfed on)
- Site Search Keywords: what was searched via the WordPress internal search engine?
- Page Titles Following a Site Search: These Pages were visited after a search
- Outlinks: the visitor left your project via this link
- Downloads: pdfs and other Media
- Length of Visits: Time the visitor did not change the Page
- Pages per Visit: how many pages have been accessed in one Session?
- Channel Type: what did the visitor do to reach our site? Did she come by search engine, did she enter the URL, was it a link from another website?
- Search Engines: from which search engine did the visitor enter your site
- Social Networks: from where in the social media did your visitor enter?
- Goals: since we do not strive for the accumulation of money, this report is kind of moot
Glossary of Terms used in the reports
- Visits: Session of one known Visitor. If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit.
- Actions: Page views, Downloads, Outbound clicks (Visit)
- LocalTime: Visitors time
- ServerTime: Mainz time
- Pageview: The number of times this page was visited. (as opposed to Page Impression: an impression is counted each time your website is displayed in a search engine results page.
- Unique Pageview: first Pageview. The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.
- Downloads/Unique Downloads
- Bounces / Bounce Rate ( bei: Entry Pages): User go back to former Page.
- Exit / Exit Rate
- Outlinks: The number of times this link was clicked.
- Unique Outlinks: The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.
- Unique Clicks: The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.
- Clicks: A click is counted each time someone clicks on a link pointing to your website on a search engine results page.
- Referrer: From this site the Visitor entered your Website.
- Visitor: IP-Adress based identification of User. Since we do not remember Visitors because of legal issues, all Visitors are new.
- Search Engines: from which Search Engine does your Visitor come?
This is not my page! Why is it in my statistic?
Since there is one statistic for all the projects