The JGU FIS plugin provides a WordPress shortcode for rendering a list of publications from Gutenberg Research Elements, JGU's Research Information System.

Show your publications

Filter your Publications by user, organizational unit, tag and equipment. Group it by year and publication type.

Start with a query in Gutenberg Research Elements whether your publications are online already. If not, import them.

Gutenberg Research Elements

If your Shortcode is still visible on the published page, activate this plugin in the Dashboard  → JGU Tools  → Plugins

Warning: ⚠️ Be careful to edit the Shortcode in the Text mode only. Editing in the Visual mode may cause the shortcode to fail entirely due to HTML Tags in the Code.

Some plugins require administrative preparations (JGU Auth, JGU Downloadcenter). Follow the instructions in Dashboard  → JGU Tools  → Plugins  → Activateand we will set up the plugin for you.


Try our demo → JGU FIS

Shortcode usage

[fis user="brinkman"]

Multiple usernames have to be comma separated:

[fis user="brinkman,rothlauf"]

Shortcode parameters

The shortcode comes with a set of parameters that allows you to set what you want to query, and how the results should be rendered.

Query parameters

❗ Note: The query parameters user, tag, equipment and orgstructure cannot be used together, i.e. you can query by only one of these parameters. The number of results for each of these parameters can be limited using the n parameter.


Query publications by user
Value: User name, same that you use for logging in to your JGU account. A comma-separated list of users is also allowed.


[fis user="brinkman"]
[fis user="brinkman,rothlauf"]


Query publications by organization structure
Value: ID of an organisation structure. A comma-separated list of orgstructure-IDs is also allowed.

  • ❗ Attention: The publication list from a single ID in the bottom level of the organisation is simply shown.
    If you like to show a list from a unit a level up in the structure tree, you need their IDs too. Ask for these IDs directly at the Team of Gutenberg Research Elements researchelements@uni-mainz.de


[fis orgstructure="103931"]
[fis orgstructure="104329,103931"]


Query publications by tag(s)
Value: Comma-separated list of tags. If multiple tags are used, the query returns publications that are tagged with all given tags (AND logic). The tag has to be added manually in researchelements as Label → Unclassified.


[fis tag="AGBrinkman"]


Query publications by equipment
Value: ID of an equipment, for example 69007 for "Mogon". A comma-separated equipment list is also allowed.

To find the ID of a piece of equipment:


[fis equipment="69007"]


Query publications by project
Value: ID of a project. A comma-separated list of projects is also allowed.

To find the ID of a project:

Note: Publications need to be manually connected to a project in researchelements.


[fis project="101119"]

grant (not yet activated)

Query publications by grant
Value: ID of a grant

To find the ID of a grant:


[fis grant="103931"]


Limit the number of results returned from the query to the given number. The query will then return the last n results in reverse chronological order (in other words: newest first).
Value: Zahl

Note: The n parameter will be ignored if you filter by years or publication type, see below.


[fis orgstructure="103931" n="5"]

Additional parameters


Set the CSL stylesheet for rendering the list of publications
Value: CSL style name, default apa-jgu

Available styles:

  • apa-jgu
  • apa
  • apa-cv


Filter by one or more publication types
Value: Comma separated list of publication types

The following types can be used:

  • article
  • article-journal
  • book
  • chapter
  • document
  • paper-conference
  • patent
  • report
  • thesis
  • webpage


[fis orgstructure="103931" type="article-journal"]
[fis orgstructure="103931" type="article-journal,book,paper-conference”]


Filter by one or more years
Value: Comma separated list of years in the format YYYY


[fis user="brinkman" year="2020, 2019"]


Group results by year or type
Possible values: year or type


[fis user="brinkman" groupBy="year"]
[fis user="brinkman" groupBy="type"]


The locale to be used for rendering the result.
Values: locale in the format en_US, de_DE

Default: locale of the blog


[fis user="brinkman" locale="en_US"]

Combine Parameters

Separate more than one value with commas, separate parameters with spaces.

Example separate values:

[fis user="brinkman" year="2020, 2019"]

Example separate parameters:

[fis orgstructure="103931" type="article-journal,book,paper-conference” year="2020,2019"]

A note on URL output

Gutenberg Research Elements has three fields that can contain a URL: Author-URL, Publisher-URL und Public-URL. Only one of these fields will be rendered, using the following logic:

If the Author-URL is filled, the Author-URL will be used. If not, the Publisher-URL. If the publisher URL is also empty, the Public-URL field will be used.

This means that if you want to output a specific URL, make sure to use the Author-URL field in Gutenberg Research Elements.