

The Discussion Value of Online News: How News Story Characteristics Affect the Deliberative Quality of User Discussions in SNS Comment Sections. Presentation at the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 25-29, San Diego, USA. With Oliver Quiring.

Sleeper Effect from Below. Long-Term Effects of Source Credibility and User Comments on the Persuasiveness of News Articles. Presentation at the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 25-29, San Diego, USA. With Dominique Heinbach.

Just the way I am. The effects of personality traits and situational factors on the deliberativeness and civility of user comments on news websites. Presentation at the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 25-29, San Diego, USA. With Johannes Beckert and Oliver Quiring.

Socially destructive! Effects of hateful user comments on recipients’ prosocial behavior. Presentation at the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 25-29, San Diego, USA. With Christina Köhler and Mathias Weber.

Nichts Persönliches? Zum Einfluss der Nutzerpersönlichkeit auf die Qualität von Kommentaren auf Nachrichtenseiten. Presentation at the 62nd Annual Conference of the DGPuK, March 30 - April 1, Düsseldorf. With Johannes Beckert and Oliver Quiring.

Sleeper Effect from Below? Langfristige Effekte von Medium und Nutzerkommentaren auf die Überzeugungswirkung von Online-Nachrichtenartikeln. Presentation at the 62nd Annual Conference of the DGPuK, March 30 - April 1, Düsseldorf. With Dominique Heinbach and Oliver Quiring.

Macht uns der Hass im Netz zu schlechteren Menschen? Wirkung von Hasskommentaren gegen Flüchtlinge auf die Spendenbereitschaft von Rezipienten. Presentation at the Conference of the DGPuK section "Kommunikation und Politik", February 16-18, Jena. With Christina Köhler and Mathias Weber.


A Matter of Controversy and Power? An Extended News Value Approach towards the Deliberativeness of User Comments on Facebook News Sites. Poster presented at the 6th European Communication Conference of the ECREA, 09.11.-12.11.2016, Prag, Tschechien. With Oliver Quiring.

Who broadcasts (shady) truths on news websites? A survey on the predictors of truth-demanding user commenting. Presentation at the 6th European Communication Conference of the ECREA, 09.11.-12.11.2016, Prag, Tschechien. With Christian Schemer, Nikolaus Jackob and Oliver Quiring.

Like, Share, Discuss? How News Factors and Illustration Factors Predict User Engagement with News Stories on Facebook. Presentation at the 17th annual conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), 05.10.-08.10.2016, Berlin. With Oliver Quiring.

Who believes in conspiracy theories? Demographical, political, and communicative correlates. Presentation at the annual conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Leicester, UK, 27.-31.07.2016). With Christian Schemer, Nikloas Jackob and Oliver Quiring. 

Crossing Boundaries: Integrating Multidisciplinary Research on User Comments Sections and Setting a New Research Agenda. Blue Sky Workshop at the 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, 09.06.-13.06.2016, Fukuoka, Japan. With Nina Springer and Pablo Jost.

Conflicting Realities? How Recipients React to Discrepancies Between Media Representations and Personal Experience. Paper presented at the 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, 09.06.-13.06.2016, Fukuoka, Japan. With Mathias Weber.

Not Funny! The Effects of Objective and Sarcastic Journalistic Responses to Uncivil User Comments. Paper presented at the 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, 09.06.-13.06.2016, Fukuoka, Japan. With Pablo Jost.

"Pöbeln Sie woanders!" – Folgen von Kommentarmoderation auf Facebook-Nachrichtenseiten für Medienimage und Markenbindung. Presentation at the 61st annual conference of the DGPuK, 30.03.-01.04.2016, Leipzig. With Pablo Jost.

Nicht lustig. Kognitive und verhaltensbezogene Wirkungen von sachlicher und ironischer Kommentarmoderation als Reaktion auf inzivile Nutzerkommentare. Presentation at the annual conference of the section 'Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung' of the DGPuK, 28.01.-30.01.2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands. With Pablo Jost.

Unvereinbare Realitäten? Wie Rezipienten Diskrepanzen zwischen direkter Erfahrung und medial vermittelter Wirklichkeit begegnen. Presentation at the annual conference of the section 'Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung' of the DGPuK, 28.01.-30.01.2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands. With Mathias Weber.


Encoding/Decoding the Meaning of News Stories in User Comments on News Websites. Presentation at the ICA Pre-Conference 'Stuart Hall and the Future of Media and Cultural Studies'. 21.05.2015, San Juan, Puerto Rico. With Oliver Quiring.

Online pornography and sexual practice: Explaining the uses of sexually explicit material within and outside committed relationships. Presentation at the 65th annual conference of the International Communication Association, 21.05.-25.05.2015, San Juan, Puerto Rico. With Richard Lemke, Sönke S. Matschurek, and Mathias Weber.

Differences and Similarities Between Online User Comments On News Websites And Traditional Interpersonal Conversations About The News. Presentation at the regional conference of the ICA 'Expanding Communication: Old Boundaries and New Frontiers', 09.04.-11.04.2015, Lodz, Poland. With Oliver Quiring.


Online User Comments: Exploring the Discourse Architectures of News Websites and their Respective Facebook Sites. Presentation at the 5th European Communication Conference of the ECREA, 12.11.-15.11.2014, Lisbon, Portugal. With Oliver Quiring.

Public Opinion Formation Online: Which Factors Trigger Online Discussions? An Analysis Based on News Value Theory. Presentation at the 67th annual conference of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), 04.09.-06.09.2014, Nizza, France. With Oliver Quiring and Timo Breiner.

The Anti-social Net. Modeling the Influence of Presumed Harmful Influences on Support for Restrictive Internet Regulation. Presentation at the 64th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 22.05.-26.05.2014, Seattle, USA. With Mathias Weber.

Friends Without Benefits? The Effect of Message Valence on the Willingness to Respond to SNS Status-Updates. Presentation at the 64th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 22.05.-26.05.2014, Seattle, USA. With Leonard Reinecke.

Nutzerkommentare oder Nachrichteninhalte – Was stimuliert Anschlusskommunikation auf Nachrichtenportalen? Presentation at the 59th annual conference of the DGPuK, 28.05.-30.05.2014, Passau, Germany. With Timo Breiner and Oliver Quiring.

Rethinking User-Generated Content: Differences and Similarities Between Online User Comments on News Websites and Traditional Interpersonal Conversations About the News. Presentation at the Open Conference of the COST Action ISO906: Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies, 05.02.-07.02.2014, Ljubljana, Slovakia. With Oliver Quiring.

Im Netz der Gefahren? Negative Vorstellungen von den Wirkungen des Internets und ihre Handlungskonsequenzen. Presentation at the annual conference of the section 'Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung' of the DGPuK, 23.01.-25.01.2014, Hannover, Germany. With Mathias Weber.

Der Diskussionswert von Online-Nachrichten aus der Perspektive kommentierender Internetnutzer. Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Studie. Presentation at the annual conference of the section 'Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung' of the DGPuK, 23.01.-25.01.2014, Hannover, Germany. With Oliver Quiring.


Comparing News Discussions on Mass-Media Websites and Social Network Sites. Presentation at the 11th Cyberspace Conference, 22.11.-23.11.2013, Brno, Czech. With Oliver Quiring and Timo Breiner.

The ‚Positivity Bias‘ in SNS Communication: Message Valence and Social Distance as Predictors of the Willingness to Respond to SNS Self-Presentation. Presentation at the 8th conference of the Media Psychology section of the German Association for Psychology (DGPs), 04.09.-06.09.2013, Würzburg, Germany. With Leonard Reinecke.

The Power of Online Firestorms – An Analysis of Factors Influencing Users to Participate in a Public Chorus of Outrage in Social Network Sites. Presentation at the conference of the ECREA section 'Interpersonal Communication & Social Interaction (ICSI)', 02.10.-04.10.2013, Lugano, Switzerland. With Ilka Jakobs and Johannes Beckert.

Example, Please! Comparing the Effects of Single and Average Customer Reviews on Online Shoppers' Product Evaluations. Presentation at the 63th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 17.06.-21.06.2013, London, Great Britain. With Mathias Weber.

Online privacy and social gratifications: A cross-cultural study on privacy management on social network sites. Presentation at the 63th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 17.06.-21.06.2013, London, Great Britain. With Leonard Reinecke, Sabine Trepte, Oliver Quiring, and Mike Yao.

Online-Privatsphäre im Schnittbereich von Kultur und Nutzungsgratifikationen: Eine Fünf-Länder-Studie zum Umgang mit Privatsphäre auf Sozialen Netzwerkplattformen. Presentation at the 58th annual conference of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK), 08.05.-10.05.2013, Mainz, Germany. With Leonard Reinecke, Sabine Trepte, Oliver Quiring, and Mike Yao.


Der Diskussionswert von Online-Anschlusskommunikation. Eine explorative Inhaltsanalyse von Diskussionsfaktoren in Nutzerkommentaren. Presentation at the Conference of the cvK section of the DGPuK 'Digitale Gesellschaft – Partizipationskulturen im Netz' , 08.11.-10.11.2012, Bonn, Germany. With Ilka Jakobs and Oliver Quiring.

The discussion value of media-stimulated interpersonal communication: A content analysis of feedback-provoking factors in online user comments. Presentation at the 4th European Communication Conference of the ECREA, 24.10.-27.10.2012, Istanbul, Turkey. With Oliver Quiring.

Cyberbullying, Presumed Suffering and Secondary Victimization. The Influence of the Victim’s Extraversion and Self-disclosure. Presentation at the 4th European Communication Conference of the ECREA, 24.10.-27.10.2012, Istanbul, Turkey. With Anna Schnauber and Mathias Weber.

Students' Use and Evaluations of Company Sites on Facebook. Presentation at the 4th European Communication Conference of the ECREA, 24.10.-27.10.2012, Istanbul, Turkey. With Anna Schnauber.

Blaming the victim – the effects of extraversion and information-disclosure on attributions of guilt in Cyberbullying. Presentation at the conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 'South-North Conversations', 15.07.-19.07.2012, Durban, South Africa. With Anna Schnauber and Mathias Weber.

Like, Comment, Discuss? A qualitative analysis of the effects of user comments on the discussion value of online news. Presentation at the 62nd annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) 'Communication and Community', 24.05.-28.05.2012, Phoenix, USA. With Oliver Quiring.


Der Diskussionswert von Online-Nachrichten. Eine Analyse der Nutzerkommentare im Internet auf der Grundlage der Nachrichtenwerttheorie. Presentation at the doctoral student workshop of the DGPUK and the DGOF 2011, 11.11.-12.11.2011, Hamburg, Germany.

No Place for Discussions? A Content Analysis of User Comments on Mass Media Websites. Presentation at the conference of the ECREA section 'Interpersonal Communication & Social Interaction', 07.09.- 09.09.2011, 07.09.- 09.09.2011, Belfast, Nordirland. With Ilka Lolies.

Functions of collective media use among adolescents. Presentation at the conference of the ECREA section 'Interpersonal Communication & Social Interaction', 07.09.- 09.09.2011, Belfast, Nordirland. With Mathias Weber.

In Search for an Online Discussion Value – Assessing Media-Initiated User Communication from a News Value Perspective. Presentation at the 61st annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) 'Communication @ the Center', 26.05.-31.05.2011, Boston, USA. With Oliver Quiring.

Anschlusskommunikation revisited. Presentation at the conference of the DGPuK section 'Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung', 27.01.-29.01.2011, München, Germany. With Mathias Weber.

Interaktivität – zwischen technischem Potenzial und sozialer Beziehung. Presentation at the conference of the DGPuK section 'Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung', 27.01.-29.01.2011, München, Germany. With Oliver Quiring.


Computerspiele als Werbeträger. Chancen, Risiken und Management von In-Game Advertising. Presentation at the Conference of the DGPuK section 'Medienökonomie', 11.11.-13.11.2010, Paderborn, Germany.

Media coverage of governmental anti-crisis measures – an experiment on the role of involvement in framing-effects. Presentation at the 3. European Communication Conference of the ECREA, 12.10.-15.10.2010, Hamburg, Germany. With Oliver Quiring and Mathias Weber.

Der Diskussionswert. Eine Analyse von Anschlusskommunikation in Online Social Networks auf der Grundlage der Nachrichtenwert-Theorie. Poster presentation at the Student days 'Kommunikation und Medien' 2010, 30.09.-02.10.2010, Leipzig, Germany.

Invited Lectures

Nutzerkommentare auf Facebook. Empirische Erkenntnisse zu Nutzertypen und Wirkungen. Lecture at the Barcamp 'Herausforderungen durch Social Media für die Polizei', Münster, 06.04.2016.

Nutzerkommentare in der Kommunikationswissenschaft. Mehr als nur Trolle und Pöbler. Community-Manager-Workshop at 'Hessischer Rundfunk', Frankfurt, 01.12.2015

Cybermobbing: Ein Forschungsüberblick. Presentation at the Workshop 'Datensalat und Cybermobbing' of the 'Junge Union' Ludwigshafen in cooperation with '', Ludwigshafen 6.11.2012.

Kommunikationswissenschaft im Social Web. Presentation at PRIME Research, Mainz, 15.11.2012.