Presentations: Marlene Strehler-Schaaf, M.A.

On scientific conferences (peer-reviewed)


The Inclusion of Voices in Independent Environmental Journalism: Beyond Negativity and Polarization in News Reporting. Presentation at the annual conference of DGPuK International and Intercultural Communication Division (November 2024), with Gonçalves, I. & Quiring, O.

Paving the way or accompanying visions for a better life? Studying role perceptions of journalists reporting
on social disruptions.
Presentation at the 10th European Communication Conference der European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) in Ljubljana (Slovenia), (September, 2024), with Löb, C.

Unveiling Emotional Spirals in Digital Affect Cultures of Social Movements. Presentation at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Gold Coast, Australien (June 2024), with Döveling, K.

Sympathy, empathy, dislike or even hate? The relationship between activists and journalists. Presentation at the Journalism Studies Section Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) in Sheffield (UK), (April, 2024), together with Löb, C. & Quiring, O.

Visionen für ein besseres Leben - aber bitte immer mit starken Bildern und im Pressestil? Eine Untersuchung zum Medialisierungrad von Protestbewegungen. Paper presented at the annual conference of the DGPuK (March 2024, Erfurt).


Between clicktivism, digital surveillance, & following social media logic - opportunities& challenges of using ICTs by social movements. Presentation at the annual conference of the institute for the study of social movements & protest (ipb) in cooperation with the Interact Center for Interdisciplinary Peace & Conflict Research in Berlin (October, 2023).

Faulty news coverage causes a bad mood how media coverage subtly affects the negotiation outcomes o f political conflicts. Presentation at the Political Communication Section Conference der European Communication Conference der European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) in Berlin, (August/September 2023), together with Viehmann, C., Weber, M., & Quiring, O.

Saving the planet with school strikes is fine, but gluing himself tostreets is over the line? How German newspapers cover different climate movement organizations. Presentation at the annual conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) in Lyon (July, 2023), together with Charlotte Löb.

Convincing journalists, posting on Instagram and being authentic at the same time – challenges in communicating climate change for activists. Presentation at the IAMCR Preconference 'Climate mis/disinformation in a post-factual era in Lyon (July, 2023).

Die Stimmung macht's. Wie Medien die Austragung von Konflikten prägen. Presentation at the conference of the political communication section of the German Communication Association (June 2023), together with Christina Viehmann, Mathias Weber & Oliver Quiring.

Purposeful Bypassing or Simply Slacktivism: Social Media as a Mobilization Tool and Their Challenges for Protest Movements. Presentation at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) in Toronto, Canada (May 2023), with Quiring, O.

Unfolding a mediatized decision-making strategy. How decision-makers evaluate political news coverage and the consequences for their strategic actions. Presentation at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) in Toronto, Canada (May 2023), with Viehmann, C., Weber, M., & Quiring, O.


Powerful through perceptions – considering professional communicators’ perceived power (dis)balance with the media when explaining their strategic choices in communication behavior. Presentation at the 9. European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) in Aarhus/Denmark, (October 2022), with Viehmann, C.,Weber, M., & Quiring, O.

Is it more about the media than the issue? Empirical findings on the relationship between political decision making and media activities. Presentation at the 9. European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) in Aarhus/Denmark, (October 2022), with Viehmann, C.,Weber, M., & Quiring, O.

„Zwischen Kompromiss und roter Karte – Wie Entscheider:innen politischen Journalismus bewerten und welche Konsequenzen das für ihr Handeln hat" Presentation at the conference of the political communication section of the German Communication Association (September 2022), together with Christina Viehmann, Oliver Quiring & Mathias Weber.

„Es geht nicht mit, aber auch nicht ohne sie? Wie Protestbewegungen mit Medien umgehen und wie mediale Aufmerksamkeit auf sie zurückwirkt”. Video contribution at the annual conference of the DGPuK, virtual conference (February 2022).


„Leaking of confidential information to the media and the multiple roles of trust in negotiations”. Paper presented at the 8th European Communication Conference Online of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) (September 2020). With Christina Viehmann, Mathias Weber & Oliver Quiring.

The mediatization of protests movements and how media impacts themselves. Presentation at the PhD Preconference Political Communication in the program of the 71st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), virtual conference (May 2021).

"Media & Protest – but what is in-between? – Die Bedeutung verschiedener Informationsquellen, medienbezogener Wahrnehmungen und politischer Wirksamkeit für das Protestverhalten" Presentation at the conference of the political communication section of the German Communication Association (February 2021, virtual conference), together with Christina Viehmann.


„Medialisierter Protest oder bewegender Medieneinfluss”. Paper presented at the annual colloquium of the  the Young Scholar Network for Political Communication (NAPOKO), virtual conference (November 2020).

„A risky strategy: Instrumentalizing public opinion in societal decision making”. Paper presented at the annual conference of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), virtual conference (October 2020). With Christina Viehmann, Mathias Weber & Oliver Quiring.

„’Now more than ever!’ – Public opinion as a mobilization factor in wage disputes”. Paper presented at the annual conference of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), virtual conference (October 2020). With Christina Viehmann.

„Wer mit dem Feuer spielt, verbrennt sich auch mal – Das Zusammenspiel zwischen Medienöffentlichkeit und gesellschaftlichen Entscheidern zwischen strategischer Instrumentalisierung und Reaktionszwang“. Paper presented at the annual conference of the DGPuK (March 2020, Munich). With Christina Viehmann, Mathias Weber & Oliver Quiring.

„…wo einer was durchsticht, versucht er mit fiesen Tricks ein Ergebnis zu fixieren“. Indiskretionen und die multiplen Rollen von Vertrauen in Verhandlungen. Paper presented at the conference of the political communication section of the German Communication Association (February 2020, Mainz), together with Christina Viehmann, Mathias Weber & Oliver Quiring.


Brain doping on journalists' prescription? Perception and influence of media reporting on pharmacological cognitive enhancement. Paper presented at the European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC; joint conference of the Health Communication Temporary Working Group of the European Communication Research and Education Association the Health Communication Division of the German Communication Association, 13.-15.November 2019, Zurich, Switzerland). With Markus Schäfer and Oliver Quiring.

Schmierfett oder Reibungswiderstand? Theoretische Konzeptualisierung der Medienöffentlichkeit in Verhandlungen zur Lösung gesellschaftlicher Konflikt. Paper presented at the annual conference of the DGPuK (9.-11.May 2019, Münster). With Christina Viehmann, Mathias Weber and Oliver Quiring.

Invited Lectures

From Street Demonstrations to Digital Activism in Exile. Changing Forms of Protest and the Influence of Digitalization. Presentation at the Summer School „Fighting for Democracy in Exile“ of the Deutsche Gesellschaft [German Society for the Promotion of Political, Cultural and Social Relations in Europe], Berlin (06.08.2024).

Über die Rolle von Medien in Tarifverhandlungen. Presentation at the working group "Tarifpolitik und Praxis" of the Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände [Confederation of German Employers' Associations], online (28.09.2023).