Scientific conferences (peer-reviewed)
Sympathy, Empathy, Dislike or Even Hate? The Relationship Between Activists and Journalists. Presentation at the ECREA Journalism Studies Section Conference “Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in and through Journalism” (Sheffield, UK, 10.-12.04.2024). With Marlene Schaaf and Charlotte Löb.
Medienzynismus in Krisenzeiten – fundamentales Misstrauen den Medien gegenüber vor, während und nach der Corona-Pandemie. Presentation at the Conference of the Media Sociology Division of the DGPuK (Mannheim, 29.11.- 01.12.2023). With Ilka Jakobs, Nayla Fawzi, Nikolaus Jackob, Christian Schemer, Tanjev Schultz, Daniel Stegmann, Christina Viehmann and Marc Ziegele.
Faulty News Coverage Causes a Bad Mood – how Media Coverage Subtly Affects the Solution of Political Conflicts. Presentation at the ECREA Political Communication Section Conference (Berlin, 31.08.-01.09.2023). With Marlene Schaaf, Christina Viehmann and Mathias Weber.
Not my Positions, not my Crowd! Exploring the Conceptual Nature of Media (Mis-)-Representation from an Individual Perspective to Better Understand its Link to Media Trust and Cynicism. Presentation at the ECREA Political Communication Section Conference (Berlin, 31.08.-01.09.2023). With Christina Viehmann, Nayla Fawzi, Nikolaus Jackob, Ilka Jakobs, Christian Schemer, Tanjev Schultz, Daniel Stegmann and Marc Ziegele.
Die Stimmung macht’s - Wie Medien die Austragung von Konflikten prägen. Presentation at the "gemeinsamen Jahrestagung 2023 der Fachgruppe „Kommunikation und Politik“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK), des Arbeitskreises „Politik und Kommunikation“ der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW) und der Fachgruppe „Politische Kommunikation“ der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft (SGKM)" (Düsseldorf, 28.- 30.06.2023). With Marlene Schaaf, Christina Viehmann and Mathias Weber.
Unfolding a Mediatized Decision-Making Strategy – How Decision-Makers Evaluate Political News Coverage and the Consequences for their Strategic Actions. Presentation at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Toronto, 25.–29.05.2023). With Christina Viehmann, Marlene Schaaf and Mathias Weber.
Alexa, How Dramatic is the Current Situation? Effects of Using Voice Assistants in the Covid-19 Pandemic for Information Purposes on Perceptions of Opinion Climate and Societal Cohesion. Presentation at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Toronto, 25.–29.05.2023). With Katharina Frehmann, Marc Ziegele and Christina Viehmann.
Purposeful Bypassing or Simply Slacktivism? Social Media as a Mobilization Tool and their Challenges for Protest Movements. Presentation at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Toronto, 25.–29.05.2023). With Marlene Schaaf.
The Good, the Bad, and Those in Between? Trust as an Intervening Variable Between Using Different News Sources and Opinion Polarization. Presentation at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Toronto, 25.–29.05.2023). With Christina Viehmann, Daniel Stegmann, Marc Ziegele, Ilka Jakobs, Nikolaus Jackob, Christian Schemer and Tanjev Schultz.
Alexa, wie dramatisch ist die Lage? Wirkungen der Nutzung von Sprachassistenten in der Covid-19-Pandemie auf die Wahrnehmung des Meinungsklimas und des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (Bremen, 18.-20.05.2023). With Katharina Frehmann, Marc Ziegele and Christina Viehmann
Journalists as Part of a Detached Elite? Media Representation from an Audience Perspective. Presentation at the Workshop “As Good as it Gets? Promises and Perils of Representative Democracy of the "Mainzer Zentrums für empirische Demokratieforschung" (Mainz, 30.03.2023). With Christina Viehmann, Nayla Fawzi, Nikolaus Jackob, Tanjev Schultz and Daniel Stegmann.
Powerful through Perceptions – Considering Professional Communicators’ Perceived Power (Dis)balance with the Media when Explaining their Strategic Choices in Communication Behavior. Presentation at the 9th European Communication Conference der ECREA (Aarhus, Dänemark, 19.-22.10.2022). With Christina Viehmann and Marlene Schaaf.
Is it more about the Media than the Decision? Empirical Findings on the Relationship between Political Decision Making and Media Activities. Presentation at the 9th European Communication Conference der ECREA (Aarhus, Dänemark, 19.-22.10.2022). With Marlene Schaaf and Christina Viehmann.
Zwischen Kompromiss und roter Karte – Wie Entscheider politischen Journalismus bewerten und welche Konsequenzen das für ihr Handeln hat. Presentation at the "gemeinsamen Jahrestagung 2022 der Fachgruppe „Journalistik/Journalismusforschung“ und „Kommunikation und Politik“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK), des Arbeitskreises „Politik und Kommunikation“ der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW) und der Fachgruppe „Politische Kommunikation“ der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft (SGKM) (Trier, 29.-30.09.2022). With Christina Viehmann, Marlene Schaaf and Mathias Weber.
Deprived, Radical, Alternatively Informed. Associations between People’s Socioeconomic, Political, and Media-related Characteristics, their Belief in Covid-19 Conspiracy Theories, and the Relation of this Belief to Vaccination Intentions. Presentation at the 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Paris, 26.–30.05.2022). With Maike Resing, Marc Ziegele, Katharina Frehmann, Nikolaus Jackob, Ilka Jakobs, Christian Schemer, Tanjev Schultz and Christina Viehmann.
Detecting Opinions in Public Communication: Setting Up a Supervised Machine Learning Tool for Stance Classification. Presentation at the 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Paris, 26.–30.05.2022). With Christina Viehmann, Tilman Beck, Marcus Maurer and Iryna Gurevych.
An Unprecedented ‹Age of Crisis›? Putting Coverage of Recent Crises into a Long-Term Perspective 1788-2020. Presentation at the 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Paris, 26.–30.05.2022). With Stefan Geiß, Christina Viehmann, and Christian Baden.
Befragung besonderer Publikationen. Workshop at the "Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft" (Hannover, 22.-24.02.2022). With Marlene Schaaf, Christina Viehmann and Markus Schäfer.
Real-Time Investigation of Social Dynamics in Times of Crisis. Learnings from Setting up a Supervised Machine-Learning Model to Study Opinions on Covid19 on Twitter. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Methods Division of the German Communication Association (Vienna, digital, 30.09.-01.10.2021). With Christina Viehmann, Marcus Maurer, Iryna Gurevych and Tilman Beck.
Die desintegrative Spirale eindämmen: Nutzung traditioneller und digitaler Medien als Kanalisierungsmechanismen zwischen Misstrauen gegenüber Medien und Meinungspolarisierung. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Media Education Division of the German Communication Association (Leipzig, digital, 16.-17-09.2021). With Daniel Stegmann, Christina Viehmann, Nikolaus Jackob and Marc Ziegele.
An Immunization Against Attitude Polarization? Investigating the Link Between Trust in Media and Audience Fragmentation. Presentation at the 8th European Communication Conference of the ECREA (Braga, Portugal, digital 06.-09.09.2021). With Daniel Stegmann, Christina Viehmann, Nikolaus Jackob, Marc Ziegele, Christian Schemer and Tanjev Schultz.
Explaining Media Trust: A Long-Term Analysis of Factors Influencing General Media Trust. Presentation at the 8th European Communication Conference of the ECREA (Braga, Portugal, digital 06.-09.09.2021). With Ilka Jakobs, Marc Ziegele, Tanjev Schultz, Nikolaus Jackob and Christian Schemer.
Leaking of Confidential Information to the Media and the Multiple Roles of Trust in Negotiations. Presentation at the 8th European Communication Conference of the ECREA (Braga, Portugal, digital 06.-09.09.2021). With Christina Viehmann and Marlene Schaaf.
Investigating Label Suggestions for Opinion Mining in German Covid-19 Social Media. Vortrag beim 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (ACL-IJCNLP 2021), (virtual conference, 01.-06.08.2021). Gemeinsam mit Tilman Beck, Ji-Ung Lee, Christina Viehmann, Marcus Maurer und Iryna Gurevych.
Communication, Cohesion, and Corona: The Impact of People’s Use of Established, Alternative, and Private Information Sources on their Sense of Societal Cohesion in Times of Crises. Vortrag bei der 71st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (27. – 31.05.2021). With Christina Viehmann and Marc Ziegele.
Containing the Disintegrative Spiral: Using Different Media as Channeling Mechanisms -Between Distrust in Media and Opinion Polarization. Vortrag bei der ICA Preconference "Media Performance and Social Inclusion" (27.05.2021). With Daniel Stegmann, Christina Viehmann, Nikolaus Jackob and Marc Ziegele.
Communication, Cohesion, and Corona: The Impact of People’s Use of Journalistic and Non-Journalistic Information Sources on their Sense of Societal Cohesion. Vortrag bei der gemeinsamen Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Medienforschung sowie der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Kommunikationswissenschaft DACH 2021 (Zürich, 07.-09.04.2021). With Christina Viehmann and Marc Ziegele.
Vertrauen in ‚die Medien‘ und Vertrauen in Mediengattungen – zum Zusammenhang des Vertrauens in verschiedene Bezugsobjekte. Vortrag bei der gemeinsamen Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Medienforschung sowie der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Kommunikationswissenschaft DACH 2021 (Zürich, 07.-09.04.2021). With Ilka Jakobs, Tanjev Schultz, Marc Ziegele, Nikolaus Jackob and Christian Schemer.
A Risky Strategy: Instrumentalizing Public Opinion in Societal Decision Making. Vortrag bei der 73. Jahrestagung der World Association of Public Opinion Research (Virtual Salamanca, Spain, 06.-09.10.2020). Gemeinsam mit Christina Viehmann and Marlene Schaaf.
Skepticism and Cynicism Differently Predict General Trust in the Media. Vortrag bei der 73. Jahrestagung der World Association of Public Opinion Research (Virtual Salamanca, Spain, 06.-09.10.2020). With Marc Ziegele, Christian Schemer, Nikolaus Jackob, Ilka Jakobs and Tanjev Schultz.
Media Effects on Beliefs in Conspiracy Theories. Presentaation at the 103rd Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) (San Francisco, CA, USA 06.-09.08.2020). With Christian Schemer, Marc Ziegele, Tanjev Schultz, Nikolaus Jackob and Ilka Jakobs.
Wer mit dem Feuer spielt, verbrennt sich auch mal – Das Zusammenspiel zwischen Medienöffentlichkeit und gesellschaftlichen Entscheidern zwischen strategischer Instrumentalisierung und Reaktionszwang. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (Munich, 10.-12.03.2020). With Christina Viehmann, Marlene Schaaf and Mathias Weber.
„…wo einer was durchsticht, versucht er mit fiesen Tricks ein Ergebnis zu fixieren“. Indiskretionen und die multiplen Rollen von Vertrauen in Verhandlungen. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Communication and Politics Division of the German Communication Association (Mainz, 05.-07.02.2020). With Christina Viehmann, Marlene Schaaf and Mathias Weber.
Abseits der offiziellen Kanäle: Informelle Kommunikationsarbeit von Politikern als Kalkül aus wahrgenommener Quantität und Qualität der Berichterstattung sowie ihrer Beziehung zu den Journalisten. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Communication and Politics Division of the German Communication Association (Mainz, 05.-07.02.2020). With Christina Viehmann.
Brain Doping on Journalists' Prescription? Perception and Influence of Media Reporting on Pharmacological Cognitive Enhancement. Presentation at the European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC; Zürich, Schweiz, 13.-15.11.2019). With Marlene Schaaf and Markus Schäfer.
Media in Negotiations: Pressure or Power Resource? Conceptualizing Mediatization in the Core of Societal Decision Making. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Washington D.C., USA, 24.-28.05.2019). With Christina Köhler and Mathias Weber.
Schmierfett oder Reibungswiderstand? Eine theoretische Konzeptualisierung der Medienöffentlichkeit in Verhandlungen als Lösungsmechanismus sozialer Konflikte. Presentation at the 64th Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (Münster, 09.-11.052019). With Christina Köhler, Marlene Schaaf and Mathias Weber.
„Sie werden den Gegner nicht los.“ Eine qualitative Analyse der Kommunikationsstrategien in Tarifverhandlungen zwischen medialer, organisationaler und Verhandlungslogik. Presentation at the 64th Annual Conference of the German Communication Association(Münster, 09.-11.052019). With Robin Riemann and Christina Köhler.
Skeptizismus oder Zynismus? Eine Untersuchung der Ursachen und Folgen funktionaler und dysfunktionaler Medienkritik. Presentation at the 64th Annual Conference of the German Communication Association(Münster, 09.-11.05.2019). With Ilka Jakobs, Marc Ziegele, Christian Schemer, Nikolaus Jackob and Tanjev Schultz.
Wer ist Journalist? Und was machen „die Journalisten“ eigentlich?! Der Stellenwert naiver Journalismustheorien für die Diskussion um Medienvertrauen. Vortrag bei der 64. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (Münster, 09.-11.05.2019). Gemeinsam mit Markus Schäfer und Marlene Schaaf.
Automatically Predicting Incivility in Online Discussions of News Media. Presentation at the 14th IEEE eScience Conference 2018 (Amsterdam, NL, 29.10.-01.11.2018). With Johannes Daxenberger, Marc Ziegele and Iryna Gurevych.
Filter Bubbles as Engines of Public Media Criticism? The Interplay of SNS Use, Perceived Online Opinion Climate, and Media Skepticism on Voicing Alternative Positions Online. Presentation at the 71st Annual Conference of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR, Marrakesh, Marokko, 27.-30.07.2018). With Marc Ziegele, Viola Granow, Christina Köhler, Nikolaus Jackob, Christian Schemer and Tanjev Schultz.
Developing Automated Measures to Predict Incivility in Public Online Discussions on the Facebook Sites of Established News Media. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Prag, CZ, 24.-28.05.2018). With Johannes Daxenberger, Iryna Gurevych and Marc Ziegele.
Me and my Online Social Network Against the Mainstream Media. SNS Use and Perceived Congruency Between Own Opinion and Online Opinion Climate as Predictors of Voicing Alternative Positions Online. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Prag, CZ, 24.-28.05.2018). With Viola Granow, Nikolaus Jackob, Christina Köhler, Christian Schemer, Tanjev Schultz and Marc Ziegele.
Pressure or Power Resource? The Mediated Public in Political and Economic Negotiations. Presentation at the Interim Conference ‘Political Communication in Times of Crisis: New Challenges, Trends & Possibilities’ of the ECREA Political Communication Section (Zürich, CH, 22.-23.11.2017). With Christina Köhler and Mathias Weber.
„Verzerrte Wirklichkeit?! Die Medienberichterstattung zum pharmakologischen Neuroenhancement und deren Wahrnehmung in der deutschen Bevölkerung" (Erfurt, 15.-17.11.2017). With Markus Schäfer
Healthy Skepticism, Harmful Cynicism? Citizen Skepticism and Cynicism Towards the Media Differently Predict General Media Trust. Presentation at the Third Annual International Journal of Press/Politics Conference (Oxford, UK, 28.-30.09.2017). With Christian Schemer, Nikolaus Jackob, Tanjev Schulz and Marc Ziegele.
Conspiracy Theories, Media Cynicism and Political Radicalization. Findings from Germany. Presentation at the COST Action “Comparative Analysis of Conspiracy Theories” (Tübingen, 28.-30.07.2017). With Christian Schemer, Nikolaus Jackob, Tanjev Schultz and Marc Ziegele.
The Discussion Value of Online News: How News Story Characteristics Affect the Inclusiveness and the Quality of User Discussions in the Comment Sections. Presentation at the Annual Convention of the International Communication Association (San Diego, USA, 25.-29.05.2017). With Marc Ziegele.
Just the Way I Am. The Effects of Personality Traits and Situational Factors on the Deliberativeness and Civility of User Comments on News Websites. Presentation at the Annual Convention of the International Communication Association (San Diego, USA, 25.-29.05.2017). With Johannes Beckert and Marc Ziegele.
Is it Really that Funny? Laughter, Emotional Contagion, and Heuristic Processing During Shared Media Use. Presentation at the Annual Convention of the International Communication Association (San Diego, USA, 25.-29.05.2017). With Mathias Weber.
„A Smart Pill a Day Keeps the Teacher at Bay?!” The Role of the Media in the Public Debate on Pharmacological Cognitive Enhancement. Presentation at the Annual Convention of the International Communication Association (San Diego, USA, 25.-29.05.2017). With Markus Schäfer.
Sleeper Effect from Below? Langfristige Effekte von Medium und Nutzerkommentaren auf die Überzeugungswirkung von Online-Nachrichtenartikeln. Presentation at the 62nd Annual Convention of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (Düsseldorf, 30.03.–01.04.2017). With Dominique Heinbach and Marc Ziegele.
Nichts Persönliches? Zum Einfluss der Nutzerpersönlichkeit auf die Qualität von Kommentaren auf Nachrichtenseiten. Presentation at the 62nd Annual Convention of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (Düsseldorf, 30.03.–01.04.2017). With Johannes Beckert and Marc Ziegele.
A Matter of Controversy and Power? How News Factors and Secondary Factors Predict the Number of Base and Reply Comments Users Post on Facebook News Sites. Presentation at the 6th European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (Prag, Tschechien, 09.-12.11.2016). With Marc Ziegele.
“Does it Work?” vs. “Should we do that?” - Medical and Ethical Issues in Media Knowledge Transfer on Pharmacological Cognitive Enhancement. Presentation at the 6th European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (Prag, Tschechien, 09.-12.11.2016). With Markus Schäfer.
Who Broadcasts (Shady) Truths on News Websites? A Survey on the Predictors of Truth-Demanding User Commenting. Presentation at the 6th European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (Prag, Tschechien, 09.-12.11.2016). With Christian Schemer, Nikolaus Jackob and Marc Ziegele.
Who Believes in Conspiracy Theories? Demographical, Political, and Communicative Correlates. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR, Leicester, UK, 27.-31.07.2016). With Christian Schemer, Nikolas Jackob and Marc Ziegele.
The Role of Media in Social Knowledge Transfer on Pharmacological Cognitive Enhancement: Journalist’s and Recipient’s Perspective on PCE. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR, Leicester, UK, 27.-31.07.2016). With Markus Schäfer.
It’s not only the Economy, Stupid! It’s the Media, too! Economic Crisis, Media Coverage and Public Opinion on the EU. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Fukuoka, Japan, 09.-13.06.2016). With Christina Köhler and Mathias Weber.
Permanently Online and Permanently Distracted? The Mediating Role of Internet Use for the Effects of Trait Procrastination on Psychological Well-Being. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Fukuoka, Japan, 09.-13.06.2016). With Leonard Reinecke, Adrian Meier, Stefan Aufenanger, Manfred E. Beutel, Michael Dreier, Birgit Stark, Klaus Wöfling and Kai W. Müller.
Journalisten als Vermittler an der Schnittstelle zwischen Theorie und Praxis: Der Wissenstransfer zum pharmakologischen Neuroenhancement. Presentation at the 61st Annual Conference of the German Communication Association DGPuK (Leipzig, 30.03. – 01.04.2016). With Markus Schäfer.
Journalisten als Vermittler an der Schnittstelle zwischen Theorie und Praxis: Die mediale Diskussion zu medizinischen und ethischen Aspekten des pharmakologischen Neuroenhancements. Presentation at the Conference of the German Communication Association's Section on Health Communication „Gesundheitskommunikation im Spannungsfeld zwischen Theorie und Praxis“ (Lugano, CH, 12.-14.11.2015). With Markus Schäfer and Doreen Reifegerste.
Gesundheitsbotschaften im Kontext sekundärpräventiver Maßnahmen: Ein Online-Experiment zum Einfluss von Evidenzart und Framing auf die Wirksamkeit von Informations-Flyern zur Darmkrebsvorsorge. Presentation at the Conference of the German Communication Association's Section on Health Communication „Gesundheitskommunikation im Spannungsfeld zwischen Theorie und Praxis“ (Lugano, CH, 12.-14.11.2015). With Hannah Storch and Markus Schäfer.
The Attribution of Responsibility in the National News Media and Europe’s Political Future. Media Coverage of the Euro Crisis in Ten EU-Countries and Public Opinion on the EU. Presentation at the Regional Conference „Responsible Communication and Governance” of the International Communication Association (Kopenhagen, Dänemark, 11.-13.10.2015). With Christina Köhler.
Internet Use and Procrastination: Results from a German Probability Sample. Presentation ath the 9th Conference of the Division "Media Psychology" of the German Association of Psychology (Tübingen, 9.-11.9.2015). With Leonard Reinecke, Adrian Meier, Stefan Aufenanger, Manfred E. Beutel, Michael Dreier, Birgit Stark, Klaus Wölfling and Kai W. Müller.
Europe’s Political Future as a Public Issue. Media Coverage of the Euro Crisis in Ten EU-Countries and Public Opinion on the EU. Presentation at the Political Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (Odense, Dänemark, 27.-28.08.2015). With Christina Köhler.
National Media Coverage and Europe’s Future. Media Coverage of the Euro Crisis in Ten EU-Countries and Public Opinion on the EU. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR, Montreal, Canada, 12.-16.07.2015). With Christina Köhler.
On the Way to the Optimised Brain? Media Reporting on Pharmacological Cognitive Enhancement. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR, Montreal, Canada, 12.-16.07.2015). With Markus Schäfer and Doreen Reifegerste.
On the Use of Sexually Explicit Online Media as “Escape”.Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR, Montreal, Canada, 12.-16.07.2015). With Mathias Weber, Stefan Aufenanger, Elmar Braehler, Michael Dreier, Eva Klein, Kai Mueller, Leonard Reinecke, Birgit Stark, Klaus Woelfling and Manfred Beutel.
Always On and Always Distracted? The Mediating Role of Internet Use for the Effects of Trait Procrastination on Psychological Well-Being. Presentation at the 9th Biennial Procrastination Research Conference (Bielefeld, 9.-10.07.2015). with Leonard Reinecke, Adrian Meier, Stefan Aufenanger, Manfred E. Beutel, Michael Dreier, Birgit Stark, Klaus Wölfling and Kai W. Müller.
Digital Stress Over the Life Span: The Effects of Communication Load and Internet Multitasking on Perceived Stress and Psychological Health Impairments in a German Probability Sample. Presentation at the Annual conference of the International Communication Association (San Juan, Puerto Rico, 21.-25.05.2015). With Leonard Reinecke, Stefan Aufenanger, Manfred E. Beutel, Michael Dreier, Birgit Stark, Klaus Wölfling and Kai Müller.
Gender Differences in Escapist Uses of Sexually Explicit Internet Material. Presentation at the ICA Preconference „Theorizing Sex, Sexuality, & Sexual Identity“ (San Juan, Puerto Rico, 21.05.2015). With Mathias Weber, Stefan Aufenanger, Elmar Braehler, Michael Dreier, Eva Klein, Kai Mueller, Leonard Reinecke, Birgit Stark, Klaus Woelfling and Manfred Beutel.
Encoding/Decoding the Meaning of News Stories in User Comments on News Websites. Presentation at the ICA Preconference „Stuart Hall and the Future of Media and Cultural Studies“ (San Juan, Puerto Rico, 21.05.2015). With Marc Ziegele.
Differences Between Online User Comments and Traditional News Conversations. Presentation at the International Communication Association (ICA) Regional Conference “Expanding Communication: Old Boundaries and New Frontiers” (Lodz, Polen, 09.-11.04.2015). With Marc Ziegele.
Was bringen Wissenschaftsblogs den Rezipienten? Eine quantitative Inhaltsanalyse zu den Qualitätsmerkmalen rezipientenorientierter Wissenschaftskommunikation in deutschsprachigen Wissenschaftsblogs. Presentation at the Conference of the German Communication Association's Section on Science Communication „Wissenschaftskommunikation zwischen Risiko und (Un)Sicherheit“ (Jena, 30./31.01.2015). With Philip Leidinger and Markus Schäfer.
Online User Comments: Exploring the Discourse Architectures of News Websites and their Respective Facebook Sites. Presentation at the 5th European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (Lissabon, Portugal, 12.-15.11.2014). With Marc Ziegele.
Empowering Consumers and Citizens – Determinants of Understanding Economic Media Content. Presentation at the 5th European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (Lissabon, Portugal, 12.-15.11.2014). With Christina Köhler and Mathias Weber.
Extending the Fundament of Public Opinion: A Study on the Determinants of Understanding Complex Media Content: Presentation at the 67th Annual Conference of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR, Nizza, Frankreich, 04.-06.09.2014). With Christina Köhler.
Public Opinion Formation Online: Which Factors Trigger Online Discussions? An Analysis Based on News Value Theory. Presentation at the 67th Annual Conference of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR, Nizza, Frankreich, 04.-06.09.2014). With Marc Ziegele and Timo Breiner.
Nutzerkommentare oder Nachrichteninhalte – Was stimuliert Anschlusskommunikation auf Nachrichtenportalen? Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association DGPuK (Passau, 24.-30.05.2014). With Marc Ziegele and Timo Breiner.
Rethinking User-Generated Content: Differences and Similarities Between Online User Comments on News Websites and Traditional Interpersonal Conversations About the News. Presentation at the Open Conference of the COST Action ISO906 Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies (Ljubljana, Slowenien, 05.-07.02.2014). With Marc Ziegele.
Der Diskussionswert von Online-Nachrichten aus der Perspektive kommentierender Internetnutzer. Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Studie. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association's Division on Reception and Effects (Hannover, 23.-25.01.2014). With Marc Ziegele.
Comparing News Discussions on Mass-Media Websites and Social Network Sites. Presentation ath the Cyberspace Conference (Brno, Tschechien, 22.-23.11.2013). With Marc Ziegele and Timo Breiner.
Frame Competition after Key Events: A Longitudinal Study of Media Framing of Economic Policy after the Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy 2008–2009. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (Washington, USA, 08.-11.08.2013). With Stefan Geiß and Mathias Weber.
Media Coverage as a Risk Factor for Suicide: New Evidence for a Werther Effect after Celebrity Suicide Reporting. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (London, UK, 17.-21.06.2013). With Markus Schäfer.
Roots and Responsibilities. How the Press Depicted the Emergence of and Solutions for the Euro Crisis. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association(London, UK, 17.-21.06.2013). With Heinz Werner Nienstedt and Hans Mathias Kepplinger.
Online Privacy and Social Gratifications: A Cross-Cultural Study on Privacy Management on Social Network Sites. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (London, UK, 17.-21.06.2013). With Leonard Reinecke, Sabine Trepte, Jochen Peter, Mike Yao and Marc Ziegele.
News Frames, Inter-Media Frame Transfer and the Financial Crisis. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (London, UK, 17.-21.06.2013). With Thomas Bach und Mathias Weber.
Online-Privatsphäre im Schnittbereich von Kultur und Nutzungsgratifikationen: Eine Fünf-Länder-Studie zum Umgang mit Privatsphäre auf Sozialen Netzwerkplattformen. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication DGPuK "Von der der Gutenberg-Galaxis zur Google-Galaxis. Alte und neue Grenzvermessungen nach 50 Jahren DGPuK“ (Mainz, 08.-10.05.2013). With Leonard Reinecke, Sabine Trepte, Jochen Peter, Mike Yao and Marc Ziegele.
Der Diskussionswert von Online-Anschlusskommunikation. Eine explorative Inhaltsanalyse von Diskussionsfaktoren in Nutzerkommentaren. Presentation at the Conference of the German Communication Association's Divison on Computer-Mediated Communication „Digitale Gesellschaft - Partizipationskulturen im Netz“ (Bonn, 08.-10.11.2012). With Marc Ziegele and Ilka Jackobs.
Journalistic Strategies for Representing Uncertainty in News Coverage. Presentation at the 4th European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (Istanbul, 24.-27.10.2012). With Manuel Menke.
The Discussion Value of Media-Stimulated Interpersonal Communication: A Content Analysis of Feedback-Provoking Factors in Online User Comments. Presentation at the 4th European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association(Istanbul, 24.-27.10.2012). With Marc Ziegele.
Lethal Idols? – The Press Coverage of Celebrity Suicides and the Development of Suicide Rates in Germany. Presentation at the 4th European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (Istanbul, 24.-27.10.2012). With Markus Schäfer.
Evidence for an “Enke Effect”? – The Press Coverage of the Suicide of the German Football-International Robert Enke and the Development of Suicide Rates in Germany. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR, Durban, Südafrika, 23.–26.07.2012). With Markus Schäfer.
The Future of Information Technology, ICT Media, and Society: Trends Spotted by ICT Journalists in Germany. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR, Durban, Südafrika, 23.–26.07.2012). With Stefan Geiß and Nikolaus Jackob.
Like, Comment, Discuss? A News Value Theory-Based Explorative Study on Factors and Motivators Stimulating Online Comments. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Phoenix, USA, 24.-28.05.2012). With Marc Ziegele.
Die heimlichen Entscheider – Über den Einfluss der IT-Fachjournalisten auf Rezipienten und IT-Unternehmen. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association DGPuK „MediaPolis – Kommunikation zwischen Boulevard und Parlament“ (Berlin, 16.-18.05.2012). With Stefan Geiß and Nikolaus Jackob.
Economic News, Real World Cues and Public Concerns – Explaining the Nature of Intervention Coverage. Presentation at the WAPOR Regional Conference “Opinions and Attitudes in Times of Economic Turbulance“ (Danzig, Polen, 15.-16.03.2012). With Mathias Weber and Stefan Geiß.
Consensual Measures? Evaluation of Governmental Intervention in the Media and Public. Presentation at the WAPOR Regional Conference “Opinions and Attitudes in Times of Economic Turbulance“ (Danzig, Polen, 15.-16.03.2012). With Mathias Weber and Stefan Geiß.
Dissatisfied Counsellors of the Information Age. A Comparative Study of Journalists and IT Journalists in Germany. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the World Association of Public Opinion Research (Amsterdam, 21.-23.09.2011). With Christine Heimprecht, Stefan Geiß and Nikolaus Jackob.
Trend-Setters and Trend-Spotters in a Digital Age? A Survey of IT Journalists in Germany. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the World Association of Public Opinion Research (Amsterdam, 21.-23.09.2011). With Stefan Geiß and Nikolaus Jackob.
In Search for an Online Discussion Value - Assessing Media-Initiated User Communication from a News Value Perspective. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Boston, USA, 26.-30.05.2011). With Marc Ziegele.
The Media Coverage of Governmental Attempts to Fight the Economic Crisis and Selected Effects. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Boston, USA, 26.-30.05.2011). With Mathias Weber.
Theoretische Konsequenzen aus der zunehmenden Interdependenz von On- und Offlinekommunikation.Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association's Division on Reception and Effects (München, 27.-29.01 2011). With Marc Ziegele.
Opel Must survive! - A Content Analysis of Recipient-Orientation in German Newspapers. Presentation at the 3rd European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (Hamburg, 12.-15.10.2010). With Mathias Weber.
Media Coverage of Governmental Anti-Crisis Measures - an Experiment on the Role of Involvement in Framing-Effects. Presentation at the 3rd European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (Hamburg, 12.-15.10.2010). With Mathias Weber and Marc Ziegele.
Die Nutzung von Internetpornographie unter Jugendlichen. Presentation at the 47th of the German Association for Psychology (Bremen, 26.-30.9.2010). With Mathias Weber and Gregor Daschmann.
The Role of Personal Involvement and Media Input in Framing People's Attitudes towards Governmental Anti-Crisis Measures - an Experiment. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR, Braga, Portugal, 18 - 22.06.2010). With Mathias Weber.
Between Idiosyncratic Self-Interests and Professional Standards: A Contribution to the Understanding of Participatory Journalism in Web 2.0. Results from a German Online Survey. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Singapore, 22.-26.06.2010). With Romy Fröhlich and Sven Engesser.
Sexualized Youth -- Promiscuous Youth? Does Sexually Explicit Internet-Content Deteriorate Sexual Attitudes? Presentation at the Conference Digital Media Technologies Revisited: Theorising Social Relations, Interactions and Communication" of ECREA's Digital Culture & Communication Section and the German Communication Association's Divisions on Computer-Mediated Communication and Media Sociology (Berlin, 20.-21.11.2009). With Mathias Weber and Gregor Daschmann.
"Ja, ich schaue mir fast täglich einen Porno an." Eine Online-Befragung mit anfallender Stichprobe zur Analyse eines gesellschaftlich tabuisierten Themas. Presentation at the Conference of the German Communication Association's Division on Methodology (Mainz, 24.-26.09.2009). With Mathias Weber and Gregor Daschmann.
What People Make of Social Capital Online - an Empirical Study on the Conversion of Capital via Networking Sites. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Chicago, USA, 21.-25.05.2009). With Dominik Leiner and Ralf Hohlfeld.
Social Capital in German Social Networking Sites. Measurement and Sources of Social Capital Online. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the General Online Research (GOR) (Wien, 06.-08.04.2009). With Dominik Leiner and Ralf Hohlfeld.
The Diffusion of Digital Television - Results from a Longitudinal and a Quasi-Experimental Study in Germany. Presentation at the 2nd European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (Barcelona, 24.-28.11.2008). With Olaf Jandura.
Wer ist neuen Medientechnologien gegenüber aufgeschlossen? Konstruktion und Validierung einer Skala. Presentation at the Conference of the German Communication Association's Division on Methodology (Bad Tölz, 19.-20.08.2008). With Olaf Jandura.
Wahrnehmungsphänomene im Agenda-Setting-Prozess - Die Integration des Third-Person Effekts. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association DGPuK „Identität und Vielfalt der Kommunikationswissenschaft" (Lugano, CH, 30.04.-02.05.2008). "With Inga Huck and Hans-Bernd Brosius.
Third Person Perceptions in the Agenda-Setting Process - Towards an Integration of Two Key Concepts. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (San Francisco, USA, 24.-28.05.2007). With Inga Huck and Hans-Bernd Brosius.
Money from Peer to Peer - an Experiment on File Sharing Behavior under Different Economic Conditions. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (San Francisco, USA, 24.-28.05.2007). With Benedikt von Walter and Richard Atterer.
On the Causes of Third-Person Perceptions: Empirical Tests of Previous Speculations. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (San Francisco, USA, 24.-28.05.2007). With Inga Huck and Hans-Bernd Brosius.
Interaktivität als Leistungskontext: Transaktionspotenzial und Mediennutzung. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association's Division on Reception and Effects (Leipzig, 25.-27.01.2007). With Hannah Früh.
Mit gebremster Kraft voraus? Interaktives Fernsehen in Deutschland zwischen redlichem Bemühen der Anbieter und Ungerührtheit der potenziellen Nutzer. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association's Division on Computer-Mediated Communication (Karlsruhe, 02.-04.11.2006).
Social and Situational Influences on the Acceptance and Adoption of Interactive Technologies. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Dresden, 19.-23.06.2006).
Towards a Conceptual Clarification of ‘Interactivity'. Presentation at the First European Communication Conference (Amsterdam, NL, 24.-26.11.2005). With Wolfgang Schweiger.
Individualisierung von Medienangeboten. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association's Division on Computer-Mediated Communication (Berlin, 10.-12.11.2005). With Barbara Rauscher.
User-Generated-Content in publizistischen Massenmedien - Varianten, Strategien und Erfolgsaussichten.Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association's Division on Computer-Mediated Communication (Berlin, 10.-12.11.2005). With Wolfgang Schweiger.
Interactivity sells...sometimes - Das Interaktivitätsverständnis der Nutzer. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association's Division on Computer-Mediated Communication (Berlin, 10.-12.11.2005).
Interactivity and Personalization - the End of Traditional Media? Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (New York, USA, 26.-30.05.2005).
User-generated Content on Mass Media Web Sites - Just a Variety of Interactivity or Something Completely Different? Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (New York, USA, 26.-30.05.2005). With Wolfgang Schweiger.
The Transformation of the Media Sector - an Interdisciplinary Discourse of its Economic and Social Implications. Vortrag bei der 15. Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunciations Society (Berlin, 04.-07.09.2004). Eemeinsam mit Benedikt von Walter.
The Electoral Impact of Television's Unemployment Coverage in Germany. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (San Diego, USA, 23.-27.05.2003).
Die Fernsehberichterstattung über die Arbeitslosigkeit und die Popularität politischer Parteien - eine Zeitreihenanalyse (1994 bis 1998). Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association DGPuK „Chancen und Gefahren der Mediendemokratie" (Dresden, 30.05.2002).
The Mediatization of Politics and its Impact on Voting Behavior. A Data-Based Retrospective on Consequences of Media Change in Germany. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Washington, USA, 24.-28.05.2001). With Winfried Schulz and Reimar Zeh.
Wählerverhalten in der Mediendemokratie. Presentation at the Conference „50 Jahre Empirische Wahlforschung in Deutschland" am Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung (Köln, 20.11.1999). With Winfried Schulz and Reimar Zeh.
Invited Lectures
Mainzer Langzeitstudie Medienvertrauen. Ergebnisse aus der Welle 2023. Presentation at the Mitteldeutsche Medientage (Leipzig, 18.04.2024). With Nayla Fawzi, Nikolaus Jackob, Ilka Jakobs, Christian Schemer, Tanjev Schultz, Daniel Stegmann, Christina Viehmann and Marc Ziegele.
Mainzer Langzeitstudie Medienvertrauen. Ergebnisse aus der Welle 2022. Presentation at the "Enquete-Kommission < Das Vertrauen in den öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk durch Transparenz und Reformwillen stärken > des Landtages von Sachsen-Anhalt" (Magdeburg, 14.09.2023). With Ilka Jakobs, Nayla Fawzi, Nikolaus Jackob, Christian Schemer, Tanjev Schultz, Daniel Stegmann, Christina Viehmann and Marc Ziegele.
Mainzer Langzeitstudie Medienvertrauen. Ergebnisse aus der Welle 2022. Presentation at the "Ausschuss für Medien, Digitale Infrastruktur und Netzpolitik des Landtags Rheinland-Pfalz" (Mainz, 07.09.2023). With Nayla Fawzi, Nikolaus Jackob, Ilka Jakobs, Christian Schemer, Tanjev Schultz, Daniel Stegmann, Christina Viehmann and Marc Ziegele.
Mainzer Langzeitstudie Medienvertrauen. Ergebnisse aus der Welle 2022. Presentation at the Mitteldeutsche Medientage (Leipzig, 03.05.2023). With Nayla Fawzi, Nikolaus Jackob, Ilka Jakobs, Christian Schemer, Tanjev Schultz, Daniel Stegmann, Christina Viehmann und Marc Ziegele.
Eskalation oder Vermittlung? Wie Medien in Konflikten wirken (können). Presentation at Palais Widmann, Landhaus 1 (Bozen, Südtirol, 24.10.2022).
Mainzer Langzeitstudie Medienvertrauen. Analysen aus der Welle 2020. Presentation at the Board for Media, Digital Infrastructure and Netpolitics of the Parliament of Rhineland-Palatinate (Mainz, 14.09.2021). With Christian Schemer, Nikolaus Jackob, Ilka Jakobs, Tanjev Schultz, Christina Viehmann and Marc Ziegele.
Das wird man doch noch sagen dürfen. Zum Chilling-Effekt kommunikativen und sozialen Zusammenlebens. Online-Presentation at the working group „Freiheit und Sicherheit“ of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences (09.07.2021).
Mainzer Langzeitstudie Medienvertrauen. Analysen aus der Welle 2020. Presentation at the Medientage Mitteldeutschland (Leipzig, 02.02.2021). Gemeinsam mit Nikolaus Jackob, Ilka Jakobs, Christian Schemer, Tanjev Schultz, Christina Viehmann & Marc Ziegele.
The Mainz Longitudinal Study on Media Trust. More than a Decade of Research and still not there…. Mainz/Jerusalem Mini Conference (15.12.2020). With Nikolaus Jackob, Ilka Jakobs, Christian Schemer, Tanjev Schultz and Marc Ziegele.
Informationsnutzung der Bürger:Innen in der Coronakrise und die Folgen für das Gemeinschaftsgefühl. Corona-Konferenz des Forschungsclusters Interdisciplinary Public Policy (09.09.2020). With Christina Viehmann and Marc Ziegele.
Brauchen moderne Gesellschaften noch Journalismus? Presentation at the "Jungjournalistentag des Deutschen Journalisten Verbandes" (Frankfurt, 16.11.2019).
Medialer Vertrauensverlust auf dem Weg der Digitalisierung? Presentation at Hochschule Worms (12.11.2019).
“Lügenpresse” und “Systemmedien”: Wie steht es um die Glaubwürdigkeit der deutschsprachigen Medien? Panel at the "Medientage Mitteldeutschland" (Leipzig, 21.05.2019).
Populism in a Digital Age. Presentation at the Charles University Prague (Prague, 17.04.2019).
Mainzer Langzeitstudie Medienvertrauen – Ergebnisse 2018. Presentation at the Board for Media, Digital Infrastructure and Netpolitics of the Parliament of Rhineland-Palatinate (Mainz, 21.03.2019). With Nikolaus Jackob, Ilka Jakobs, Christian Schemer, Tanjev Schultz & Marc Ziegele.
Medienvertrauen zwischen Zuspruch und Entfremdung. Vortrag bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (München, 28.02.2019).
Vertrauen und Misstrauen gegenüber Kirchen. Empirische Befunde. Presentation at „Die Kirchen und der Populismus. Interdisziplinäre Recherchen in Gesellschaft, Religion, Medien und Politik“ at the Schader-Foundation (Darmstadt, 11.09.2018). With Bernd Blöbaum.
From Gutenberg to the Digital Revolution. Keynote at the Forster Summer School (Mainz, 04.09.2018)
Medienvertrauen und Fake News. Presentation at „Fakenews, alternative Fakten und Co. Wie glaubwürdig die Medien sind“, Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation (Mainz, 21.08.2018).
Medienvertrauen und Fake News. Presentation at Berufsbildende Schule 3 (Mainz, 21.08.2018).
Alles Lüge? Die Entwicklung von Medienvertrauen und Medienkritik. Befunde einer Langzeitstudie. Presentation at "18. Mainzer Mediengespräch" (Mainz, 26.06.2018). With Nikolaus Jackob, Christian Schemer, Tanjev Schultz, Marc Ziegele und Viola Granow.
Medienvertrauen und Demokratie. Presentation at the Meeting of the German Journalists' Union (DJV), Rhineland-Palatinate (Mainz, 21.04.2018). With Nikolaus Jackob, Christian Schemer, Tanjev Schultz, Marc Ziegele and Viola Granow.
Wie entstehen Medienbeiträge und wie sieht es mit dem Vertrauen in Medien aus? Presentation at the "Anschlussseminar des Bundesverbandes der beamteten Tierärzte" (Bad Staffelstein, 25.04).
Mainzer Langezeitstudie Medienvertrauen. Presentation at the Board for Media, Digital Infrastructure and Netpolitics of the Parliament of Rhineland-Palatinate (Mainz, 10.04.2018). With Nikolaus Jackob, Christian Schemer, Tanjev Schultz, Marc Ziegele and Viola Granow.
Medienvertrauen – Erosion eines Grundpfeilers unserer Demokratie?. Presentation at „Universität im Rathaus“ (Mainz, 16.01.2018). With Nikolaus Jackob, Christian Schemer, Tanjev Schultz, Marc Ziegele and Viola Granow
Medienvertrauen zwischen Skeptizismus und Zynismus. Vortrag an der Hochschule Furtwangen (Furtwangen, 11.01.2018). With Nikolaus Jackob, Christian Schemer, Tanjev Schultz, Marc Ziegele and Viola Granow.
Digitalisierung in der Welt von heute und morgen - aus der Sicht der Kommunikationswissenschaft. Presentation at the Conference „Bildung im digitalen Zeitalter“ of the Scientific Advisory Board of "Deutscher Philologenverband“ (Göttingen, 06.10.2017).
La Confiance aux Médias en Allemagne. Presentation at Maison Heinrich Heine (Paris, 10.04.2017). With Christian Schemer, Nikolaus Jackob, Tanjev Schultz and Marc Ziegele.
Publizistischer Qualitätsbeitrag revisited: Inhalte und Angebote des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks von morgen. Presentation at the conference „Auftrag der Zukunft: Agenda und Struktur des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks von morgen“ of ARD and the Chair for Public Law at the Humboldt-University of Berlin (Berlin, 10.03.2017).
Die Welt von morgen. Aus Sicht eines Kommunikationswissenschaftlers. Presentation at the Symposium „2030: Die Welt von morgen aus der Sicht der Wissenschaft” of DHV (Bonn, 02.11.2016).
Nur Aluhutträger und Verschwörungstheoretiker? Zustand, Korrelate und Träger des Medienvertrauens. Presentation at the University of Bamberg (30.06.2016).
On the development of communication studies in Germany. Presentation at the conference "60 Years of Media Research in Poland" (Krakow, 26.11.2015).
Nachhaltigkeit und Demokratie im Konflikt? Presentation at Schader-Stiftung (Darmstadt, 14.11.2014).
The Media Coverage of the Economy and Selected Political Effects. Presentation at the Jagiellonnen-University of Krakow (Krakow, Polen, 08.01.2014).
Interaktivität und Interaktion - grundlegende Eigenschaft und Mechanismus des medialen Wandels. Presentation at the Workshop „Theorien des medialen Wandels" des Forschungsschwerpunktes Medienkonvergenz (Mainz, 11.02.2012).
Citizen Journalism, Swarm Intelligence and Crowdsourcing - to What Extent Does the Social Internet Force Journalists to Rethink? A Reply to Peter Laufer. Presentation at the Conference on Media Convergence & Journalism (Mainz, 21.-22.10.2011).
Vom Nachrichtenwert zum Diskussionswert. Presentation at the Westfälische Wilhelms University of Münster (Münster, 14.07.2011).
Wie sozial ist das Social Web? Presentation at the Workshop „Experten zu Fragen der Zeit" of the Humboldt-School Wiesbaden (Wiesbaden, 09.05.2011).
Die soziale Gruppe als vernachlässigtes Element der Kommunikationsforschung. Presentation at the University of Erfurt (Erfurt, 16.03.2011).
Mediale Gewalt und Pornographie aus Sicht der Wissenschaft. Presentation at the Centre for Public Repsonsiblity (Mainz, 01.03.2011).
Medieninnovation und Medienwandel. Presentation at the University of Vienna (11.12.2010).
Staatliche Wirtschaftsinterventionen in der Berichterstattung. Presentation at the University of Mannheim (Mannheim, 9.12.2010).
Tops und Flops der CvK. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association's Division on Computer-Mediated Communication (Mainz, 12.11.2010). With Nikolaus Jackob, Thomas Roessing and Philipp Weichselbaum.
Privacy and Social Network Sites. Presentation at the Workshop of the "Young Scholars' Network on Privacy & Web 2.0" (Hamburg, 09.03.2010).
Medienwandel - Skizze eines Forschungsfeldes. Presentation at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich (10.02.2010).
Von der Interaktion zum Social Network - wie sozial ist das Social Web? Presentation at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich (München, 28.07.2009).
Informationsvermittlung in Boulevardmagazinen. Presentation at the "Münchner Medientage 2009" (München, 28.10.2009). With Olaf Jandura and Constanze Rossmann.
Interaktivität - Theorie und empirische Evidenzen. Presentation at the Castler Nymphenburg (München, 20.06.2007).
Media Effects. Presentation at the Seminar „Management in Redaktionen" (MedienCampus Bayern e.V., Akademie der Bayerischen Presse, Deutsche Journalistenschule, Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft der LMU München und Journalistenakademie Dr. Hooffacker & Partner, München, 03.05.2006).
Medienwirkungen. Presentation at the Seminar „Management in Redaktionen" (MedienCampus Bayern e.V., Akademie der Bayerischen Presse, Deutsche Journalistenschule, Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft der LMU München und Journalistenakademie Dr. Hooffacker & Partner, München, 09.04.2005).