SitemapResearch Groups AG Biodiversity and Evolution of Plants Group Members Prof. Gudrun Kadereit Philipp Hühn Jessica Los Hannah Mertes Delphine Tanita Tefarikis Dr. Marie Claire Veranso Current research projects Publications The Paulsen Group Group Members Personal Data Research Structure-function Relationships in Light-harvesting Complex LHCII LHCII Biogenesis Design of Pigment-binding Proteins, Biomimetic Applications Silica Polycondensation by Polycationic Peptides Water-soluble Chlorophyll Protein (WSCP) Publications Teaching Graduate and Doctoral Projects – Running and Completed Bachelor, Diplom, Master, and Staatsexamen Dissertations AG Lohr – Algal Pigments Current Team Projects Genomics of Algal Pigment Biosynthesis Carotenoid Biosynthesis in Chromalveolates Carotenoids in Chlamydomonas Carotenoid Biosynthesis in Prasinophytes MAAs in Algae Publications Alumni Awards Teaching Teaching Classes