PhD Students
Isabell Müller-Germann:Isabell concentrates on the analysis of bioaerosols derived from plants, like pollen or tissues fragments. In her PhD she primarily quantifies the DNA of pollen from allergenic plants and interprets the results under the light of the influence of meteorological parameters. She also is involved in the improvement of pollen forecast models.
Email: i.germann<AT>mpic.dephone: 06131/ 305-6202
Daniel Pickersgill:In his PhD Daniel is involved in several projects. He is interested to understand parameters that influence the diversity, composition, and abundance of airborne fungi. In addition, he is heavily involved in the improvement of our data base, implementation of new bioinformatics methods, the automating of analysis processes and the source tracking of bioaerosols.
Email: d.pickersgill<AT>mpic.dephone: 06131/39-24244
Jörn Wehking:Jörns main interest is microbiology. Therefore, he concentrates in his PhD on airborne Bacteria and Archaea. Which species can one find in the air? Do the species follow seasonal patterns? Can we identify parameters that affect the composition and diversity? With the use of NGS but also Sanger Sequencing technology Jörn tries to answer these questions.
Email: wehking<AT>uni-mainz.dephone: 06131/39-24244
Master Students
Anna Resch:In the past decade the main focus has been to identify the diversity of bioaerosols. In contrast the identification of possible emission sources and the understanding on the parameters directly and indirectly influencing the presence and abundance of airborne species is still in its infancy. Anna concentrates on Oomycota to establish methods identifying such parameters.
Email: aresch<AT> phone: 06131/39-24244
Bachelor Students
David Teschner:In his Bachelor thesis David analyses Alphaproteobacteria, which have been discovered in air filter samples. In his approach he directly compares different sequencing methods as the Alphaproteobacteria have been detected by Sanger and Illumina Sequence technology. His research aims to determine the pros and cons of both methods.
Email: dteschne<AT> phone: 06131/39-24244
Leslie Ann Kremper:Pollen grains belong to the largest bioaerosols. Therefore they usually are thought to not play an important role in climatic processes as they deposit rather quickly and are to small in number to have big effects. Howeever, some pollen can burst when having contact with water and produce then huge numbers of small particles. Leslie analyses in her Bachelor thesis the bursting behavior of pollen under difference circumstances.
Email: lkremper<AT> phone: 06131/39-24244
Mira Jana Stockmann:Bacilli are a huge and widespread group of airborne bacteria. Mira concentrates in her Bachelor thesis on the detailed analysis of one of the orders of the Bacilli, namely the Lactobacillales. Her main interest is to find out the effect of meteorological parameters on the presence, abundance, composition, and diversity of these bacteria.
Email: mstockma<AT> phone: 06131/39-24244
Laura Eckart:Laura analyses bacilli in the atmosphere and concentrates here mainly on the Bacillales, one of the orders of this widespread, abundant group of airborne bacilli. Her main focus is next to understanding the diversity and composition, to determine possible seasonal behavior of species and narrow down the most likely emission sources influencing the composition and abundance of airborne Bacillales.
Email: leckart<AT> phone: 06131/39-24244
Student Helpers
David Teschner:As a student help David works mainly on running and building up further our data base.
Email: dteschne<AT> phone: 06131/39-24244
Hauke Paulsen:Hauke concentrates in his work as a student help on the programming of skripts speeding analysis methods up.
Email: hpaulsen<AT> phone: 06131/39-24244