192."Neue Kohlenhydratkonjugate als Inhibitoren der Zelladhäsion"
G. Kretzschmar, W. Schmidt, D. Seiffge, E. Bartnik, U. Sprengard, H. Kunz, DeutschePatentanmeldung P 44 36 164.5 ( Hoechst AG) 7. 10. 1994; DE 4436164, 10.10. 94
191."Crotonsäure-phenacylester und ihre Verwendung als Linker"
H. Kunz, W. Kosch, Europ. Pat. 0 575 779 B1 (Orpegen GmbH, Heidelberg, 9. 8. 1995;Priorität 22. 6. 92)
190."O- and N-Glycopeptides. Synthesis of Selectively Deprotected Building Blocks"
H. Kunz in "Preparative Carbohydrate Chemistry" (Ed. S. Hanessian), Marcel Dekker Publ., New York, 1997, p. 265-281
189."Convenient Synthesis of Biologically Important Retinoids"
H.-K. Biesalski, G. Doepner, H. Kunz, J. Faust, M. John, Liebigs Ann. Chem. 1995, 717-720
188."Stereoselective Synthesis Using Carbohydrates as Chiral Auxiliaries"
H. Kunz, Pure Appl. Chem. 67 (1995), 1627-1635
187."Synthesis of Sulfated Lex-Trisaccharides"
W. Stahl, U. Sprengard, G. Kretzschmar, D. W. Schmidt, H. Kunz, J. prakt. Chem.337 (1995), 441-445
186."Chemical and Enzymatic Synthesis of Glycopeptides"
M. Schultz, H. Kunz.in "Interface between Chemistry and Biochemistry" (Hrsg.: P. Jollès und H. Jörnvall), Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel 1995, 201-228
185."Synthese eines RGD-Sialyl-Lewisx-Glycoconjugates: Ein neuer, hochwirksamer Ligand für P-Selektin"
U. Sprengard, G. Kretzschmar, E. Bartnik, C. Hüls, H. Kunz, Angew. Chem. 107 (1995). 1104-1107; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 34 (1995), 990-993
184."Ein neuer allylischer Anker für die Festphasensynthese - Synthese von geschützten und ungeschützten O-Glycopeptiden des Mucintyps"
O. Seitz, H. Kunz, Angew. Chem. 107 (1995), 901-904; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 34 (1995), 803-805
183."Synthesis of Sialyl-Tn Antigen. Regioselective Sialylation of a Galactosamine Threonine Conjugate Unblocked in the Carbohydrate Portion"
B. Liebe, H. Kunz, Tetrahedron Lett. 35 (1994), 8777-8778
182. "Carbohydrates as Chiral Auxiliaries. [2+2] Cycloadditions of Ketenes to Enol Ethers"
I. Ganz, H. Kunz, Synthesis 1994, 1353-1358
181.Synthese von Desoxy-Sialyl-Lewisx-Analoga als potentielle Selectin-Antagonisten"
W. Stahl, U. Sprengard, G. Kretzschmar, H. Kunz, Angew. Chem.106 (1994), 2186-2188; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 33 (1994), 2096-2098.
180."Synthesis of Glycopeptides and Neoglycoproteins Containing the Fucosylated Linkage Region of N-Glycoproteins"
C. Unverzagt, H. Kunz, Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2 (1994), 1189-1201
179."Ceric Ammonium Nitrate - A Versatile Oxidizing Reagent"
K. Rück, H. Kunz, J. prakt. Chem. 336 (1994), 470472
178."Synthesis of Glycopeptides: A Challenge for Chemical Synthesis"
H. Kunz, K. von dem Bruch, C. Unverzagt, W. Kosch in "Peptides: Chemistry, Structure and Biology", Proc. of the Thirteenth American Peptide Symp. (Eds. R. S. Hodges, J. A. Smith) ESCOM, Leiden, 1994, 321-323
177."Solid Phase Synthesis of Glycopeptide Antigens on HycramTM Resin Utilizing the Allylic Anchoring Principle"
W. Kosch, J. März, K. von dem Bruch, H. Kunz, in "Innovations and Perspectives in Solid Phase Synthesis and Related Technologies" (Ed. R. Epton), Mayflower Worldwide Ltd., Birmingham 1994, S. 267-272
176."Synthesis of Glycopeptide Derivatives of Peptide T on a Solid Phase Using an Allylic Anchor"
W. Kosch, J. März, H. Kunz, React. Polym. 22 (1994), 181-194
175. "Enzymatische Hydrolyse hydrophiler Diethylenglycol- und Polyethylenglycolester von Peptiden und Glycopeptiden durch Lipasen"
H. Kunz, D. Kowalczyk, P. Braun, G. Braum, Angew. Chem. 106 (1994), 353-355
174."Recent Developments in the Synthesis of Glycopeptides"
H. Kunz in "Peptides: Design, Synthesis and Biologigal Activity" (Hrsg. C. Basava, G. M. Anantharamaiah) Birkhäuser Verl. Boston, 1994, S. 69-77
173."Neoglycoproteins from Synthetic Glycopeptides"
H. Kunz, K. von dem Bruch, Methods Enzymol. 247 B (1994), 3-29
H. Kunz, W. Kosch, Patentanmeldung, ORPEGEN GmbH, P 42 20 350.3 (22.6.1992)
171."Stereoselective Synthesis of Amino Acid Derivatives Using Carbohydrate Templates"
H. Kunz, W. Sager, W. Pfrengle, S. Laschat, D. Schanzenbach in "Chemistry of Peptides and Proteins" Vol. 5/6 (Hrsg. D. Brandenburg, V. Ivanov, W. Voelter), Verlag Mainz, Wissenschaftsverlag, Aachen, 1993, 91-98
170."Synthesis of Glycopeptide Partial Structures of Virus Coat Glycoproteins"
H. Kunz, C. Unverzagt, B. Dombo, W. Kosch, H. Waldmann, in "Chemistry of Peptides and Proteins" Vol. 5/6 (Hrsg. D. Brandenburg, V. Ivanov, W. Voelter), Verlag Mainz, Wissenschaftsverlag, Aachen, 1993, 81-89
169."Synthese von N-Glycopeptid-Clustern mit Lewisx-Antigen-Seitenketten und deren Bindung an Trägerproteine"
K. von dem Bruch, H. Kunz, Angew. Chem. 106 (1994), 87-89
168."Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of O-Glycopeptides Carrying the Tumor Associated TN-Antigen Structure"
P. Braun, H. Waldmann, H. Kunz, Bioorg. Med. Chem. 1 (1993), 197-207
167."Stereoselective Conjugate Addition of Organoaluminium Chlorides to a,b-Unsaturated Carboxylic Acid Derivatives"
K. Rück, H. Kunz, Synthesis 1993, 1018-1028
166."Recent Developments in the Synthesis of Glycopeptides Containing Glycosyl L-Asparagine, L-Serine and L-Threonine"
H. Garg, K. von dem Bruch, H. Kunz, Adv. Carbohydr. Chem. Biochem. 50 (1994), 277
165."Synthesis of Biologically Interesting Glycopeptides. A Problem of Chemical Selectivity"
H. Kunz in "Antibiotics and Antiviral Compounds"
(K. Krohn, H. Kirst, H. Mass, Eds.) VCH- Verlagsgesellschaft, Weinheim, 1993, 251-262.
164."Kohlenhydrate als chirale Auxiliare in der stereoselektiven Synthese" H. Kunz, W. Sager, W. Pfrengle, S. Laschat, D. Schanzenbach in "Nachwachsende Rohstoffe" (Hrsg. M. Eggersdorfer, S. Warwel, G. Wulff), VCH-Verlagsgesellschaft, Weinheim 1993, S. 249-260
163."A New Method of Anomeric Protection and Activation Based on the Conversion of Glycosyl Azides to Glycosyl Fluorides"
W. Bröder, H. Kunz, Carbohydr. Res. 249 (1993), 221-241
162."Enzymatische Hydrolyse hydrophiler Ester durch Lipasen - eine milde Carboxyde- blockierung von Peptiden und Glycopeptiden"
G. Braum, P. Braun, D. Kowalczyk, H. Kunz, Tetrahedron Lett. 34.(1993), 3111-3114
161."Synthetic O-Glycopeptides as Model Substrates for Glycosyltransferases"
M. Schultz, H. Kunz, Tetrahedron Asymmetry 4 (1993), 1205-1220
160."Glycoside Synthesis via Electrophile-Induced Activation of N-Allyl Carbamates"
H. Kunz, J. Zimmer, Tetrahedron Lett. 34 (1993), 2907
159."Kohlenhydrate als chirale Auxiliare in der stereoselektiven Synthese"
H. Kunz, K. Rück, Angew. Chem. 105 (1993), 355-378
158."Glycopeptides of Biological Interest - A Challenge for Chemical Synthesis"
H. Kunz, Pure Appl. Chem. 65 (1993), 1223-1232
157."New Enzymatic Protecting Group Techniques for the Costruction of Peptides and Glycopeptides"
H. Waldmann, P. Braun, H. Kunz, Biomed. Biochem. Acta 50 (1991), 243
156."Metal Ion-Promoted Activation of Amino Acid Esters of Carbohydrates in the Synthesis of Peptides"
H. Kunz, R. Kullmann, Tetrahedron Lett. 33 (1992), 6115-6118
155."Synthesis of Fucosyl Glycosides and Disaccharides Using 4-Methoxybenzyl (Mpm) Protected Fucosyl Donors"
H. Kunz, C. Unverzagt, J. prakt. Chem. 334 (1992), 579-583
154."Stereoselective Synthesis of Glycosides and Anomeric Azides of Glucosamine" C. Unverzagt, H. Kunz, J. prakt. Chem. 334 (1992), 570-578
153."Enzymatic Glycosylation of O-Glycopeptides"
M. Schultz, H. Kunz, Tetrahedron Lett. 37 (1992), 5319
152.Synthesis of Glycopeptides with Lewisa Antigen Side Chain and HIV Peptide T Sequence Using the Trichloroethoxycarbonyl/Allyl Ester Protecting Group Combination"
H. Kunz, J. März, Synlett 1992, 591
151."Synthesis of Selectively Deprotectable Asparagine Glycoconjugates with a Lewisa Antigen Side Chain"
J. März, H. Kunz, Synlett 1992, 589
150."A Bicyclic Carbohydrate Oxazolidinone Template for Stereoselective 1,4 Additions of Organoaluminium Chlorides to Unsaturated Carboxylic Acid Derivatives"
K. Rück, H. Kunz, Synlett 1992, 343
149."Large Scale Pharmaceutical Production of Eledoisin by HYCRAM Technology"
Ch. Birr, G. Becker, H. Nguyen-Trong, Th. Müller, M. Schramm, H. Kunz, W. Kosch, in "Peptides: Chemistry and Biology", Proc. of the Twelfth American Peptide Symp.(Eds. J. A. Smith, J. Rivier) ESCOM, Leiden, 1992, 674
148."Enzymatic Glycosylation of O-Glycopeptides"
M. Schultz, H. Kunz, in "Peptides: Chemistry and Biology", Proc. of the Twelfth American Peptide Symp. (Eds. J. A. Smith, J. Rivier) ESCOM, Leiden, 1992, 645
147."The 3-(3-Pyridyl)allyloxycarbonyl Group: A New Protecting Group for Peptide Synthesis even in Water"
K. von dem Bruch, H. Kunz, in "Peptides: Chemistry and Biology", Proc. of the TwelfthAmerican Peptide Symp. (Eds. J. A. Smith, J. Rivier) ESCOM, Leiden, 1992, 643
146."Synthesis of Biologically Interesting Glycopeptides"
H. Kunz, W. K.-D. Brill, Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology (TIGG) 4 (1992),71
145."New Enzymatic Protecting Group Techniques for the Construction of Peptides and Glycopeptides"
P. Braun, H. Kunz, H. Waldmann,in "Peptides: Chemistry and Biology", Proc. of the Twelfth American Peptide Symp. (Eds. J. A. Smith, J. Rivier) ESCOM, Leiden, 1992, 527
144."Strecker and Ugi Reactions"
H. Kunz in: Houben-Weyl, Methoden der Organischen Chemie, Bd. E 21b, "Stereoselective Synthesis of Organic Compounds" (Hrsg. G. Helmchen, R. W. Hoffman, J. Mulzer), Thieme Verl. Stuttgart, 1995, S 1931-1952
143."Solid Phase Synthesis on Polymeric Support with Allylic Anchoring Groups"
H. Kunz, W. Kosch, J. März, in "Peptides: Chemistry and Biology", Proc. of the Twelfth American Peptide Symp. (Eds. J. A. Smith, J. Rivier) ESCOM, Leiden, 1992, 502
142."Carbohydrates as Chiral Templates in Stereoselective [4+2] Cycloaddition Reactions" in "Cycloaddition Reactions in Carbohydrate Chemistry" (Ed. R. Guiliano),
H. Kunz, B. Müller, W. Pfrengle, K. Rück, W. Stähle, ACS Symp. Ser. 494, 131 (1992)
141."Stereoselective Synthesis of b-1-O-Acyl Derivatives of Carbohydrates: An Application of the Cesium Effect"
H. Kunz, R. Kullmann, P. Wernig, J. Zimmer, Tetrahedron Lett. 33 (1992), 1969
140."Carbohydrates as Chiral Templates: Stereoselective Synthesis of (R)- and (S)-a-Aminophosphonic Acid Derivatives"
S. Laschat, H. Kunz, Synthesis 1992, 90-95
139. "Synthesis of b-Mannosides from b-Glucosides via Intramolecular SN2 Reaction at 2-Position"
W. Günther, H. Kunz, Carbohydr. Res., 228 (1992), 217
138. "Selective Enzymatic Removal of Protecting Functions: Heptyl Esters as Carboxy Protecting Groups in Glycopeptide Synthesis"
P. Braun, H. Waldmann, H. Kunz, Synlett 1992, 39
137."Enzymatic Cleavage of tert-Butyl Esters: Termitase-Catalyzed Deprotection of Peptides and O-Glycopeptides"
M. Schultz, P. Hermann, H. Kunz, Synlett 1992, 37
136."Carbonsäureester polarer, hydrophiler Alkohole; Verfahren zu deren Herstellung, deren Verwendung als Schutzgruppen und deren enzymatische Spaltung durch Lipasen" H. Kunz, G. Braum, P. Braun, Patentanmeldung DOS P 41 33 139.7, 7. 10. 1991
135."Synthesis of Glyycopeptides in Solution and on Solid Phase"
H. Kunz, W. Kosch, J. März, M. Ciommer,W. Günther, C. Unverzagt, in "Innovations and Perspectives in Solid Phase Synthesis and Related Technologies" (Ed. R. Epton), Intercecept Ltd., Andover, U. K., 1992, S. 171
134."Carbohydrates as Chiral Templates: Diastereoselective Synthesis of N-Glycosyl-N-homoallylamines and b-Amino Acids from Imines"
S. Laschat, H. Kunz, J. Org. Chem. 56 (1991), 5883
133."Stereoselective Synthesis of L-Amino Acids via Strecker and Ugi Reactions on Carbohydrate Templates"
H. Kunz, W. Pfrengle, K. Rück, W. Sager, Synthesis 1991, 1039
132."Synthesis of Glycopeptides with Partial Structure of Human Glycophorin Using the Fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl/Allyl Ester Protecting Group Combination" M.Ciommer, H. Kunz, Synlett 1991, 593
131."Cyclische N-Urethane von Aminozuckern; Verfahren zu deren Herstellung und deren Verwendung in diastereoselektiven Synthesen"
H. Kunz, K. Rück, Patentanmeldung DOS P 4113 327.7, 24.4.1991
130.Lactonbildung als neues Prinzip der anomeren Aktivierung von Kohlenhydraten zur Synthe-se von Glycosiden und Sacchariden: 1-O-Alkencarbonsäureester von Kohlenhydraten; Ver-fahren zu deren Herstellung und deren Verwendung in Glycosid- und Saccharidsynthesen"
H. Kunz, P. Wernig, Patentanmeldung DOS P 4009 634.3, 26.3.1990
129."Synthesis of Glycopeptides - Structural Components"
A. Pfützner, H. Kunz, The Microbiologist 1 (1991), 66
128."Synthesis of Glycopeptides and -proteins, Components of Biological Recognition"
H. Kunz, W. Brill, K. von dem Bruch, Jahrbuch der Biotechnologie (Hrsg. R. Präve, F. Wagner et al.), Hanser Verl., München,1992, 103-123
127."b-Alkyl- und b-Alkyl-a-hydroxy-carbonsäure-Derivate über radikalische oder ionische 1,4-Addition von Dialkylaluminiumchloriden an a,b-ungesättigte N-Acyl-urethane"
K. Rück, H. Kunz, Angew. Chem., 103 (1991), 712
126."Carbohydrates as Chiral Templates: Stereoselective Strecker Synthesis of D-Alpha-Amino Nitriles and Acids Using O-Pivaloylated D-Galactosylamine as the Auxiliary" H. Kunz, W. Sager, D. Schanzenbach, M. Decker, Liebigs Ann. Chem., 1991, 649
125."Carbohydrates as Chiral Templates: Stereoselective Diels-Alder Reactions with Dienes of Differing Reactivity"
W. Stähle, H. Kunz, Synlett 1991, 260
124."Allylsulfonates: A New Way to Protect Hydroxy Functions"
W. K.-D. Brill, H. Kunz, Synlett 1991, 163
123."Selektive enzymatische Schutzgruppenabspaltungen: Der n-Heptylester als Carboxylschutz-gruppe in der Peptidsynthese"
P. Braun, H. Waldmann, W. Vogt, H. Kunz, Liebigs Ann. Chem. 1991, 165