

Borchers, Christine (PhD Student)

Entwicklung einer Methode zur online Derivatisierung von Peroxiden in Aerosolpartikeln

Tel +49 (0)6131 39-25877
Building 2224 / Room 03-136


Douverne, Marcel (PhD Student)

Entwicklung eines drohnengestützten DOAS-Systems zur Messung vulkanischer Gasemission

Tel +49 (0)6131 39-26663
Building 2224 / Room 03-110


Geil, Bastien (PhD Student)

Halogen measurements of volcanic plumes with in-situ sampling techniques

Tel +49 (0)6131 39-26663
Building 2224 / Room 03-110


Hildmann, Stefanie (PhD Student)


Karbach, NIklas (PhD Student)

In-depth investigation of the NO3 induced Oxidation of Terpenes in Air, and development of sensor systems to study air quality

Tel +49 (0)6131 39-26663
Building 2224 / Room 03-110


Rautenberg, Wiebke (PhD Student)

Spurenanalytische Entwicklungen massenspektrometrischer Methoden zur Analyse von Chemie in Nanopartikeln

Tel +49 (0)6131 39-25877
Building 2224 / Room 03-136


Müller, Yannik (PhD Student)
Bestimmung des Henry-Koeffizienten und der Retention im Windkanal von sekundären organischen Aerosolen mit UHPLC/MS
Tel +49 (0)6131 39-25877
Building 2224 / Room 03-136


Schäfer, Johanna (PhD Student)

Method development for the trace analysis of organic marker species in climate archives

Tel +49 (0)6131 39-25877
Building 2224 / Room 03-136


Wasserzier, David (MSc Student)

Development of a drone based miniaturized aerosol particle sampling system and characterization of sampled filters with UHPLC-HR-MS

Tel +49 (0)6131 39-25877
Building 2224 / Room 03-136