In the divisional library PMC you can find many different sources concerning the fields of chemistry and pharmacy via the online catalogue of the university library Mainz.
The chemical information brokerage centre and the chemical computer pool are located in the PMC, too.
Print media in the PMC:
Reference works (e.g. Chemical Abstracts)
Handbooks (e.g. Beilstein and Gmelin)
Online Catalogue
The Online Catalogue offers a search tool for all print media (books, journals etc.). But remember that you cannot find any journal article. They are indexed in special databases only.
For more information on the Online Catalogue please do not hesitate to ask me because there are no directions in English.
Link: Online Catalogue
Research Portal Mainz
The Research Portal Mainz belongs to the Hebis Discovery Systems (HDS).
It allows a simultaneous search in the online catalogue (hit list Buecher & mehr = Books and more) and in databases offered by EBSCO (Hit list Artikel & mehr = Articles and more).
In Artikel & mehr, many of hits shown that can accessed electronically on the university site or that are available in printed form in the university library.
The databases from which the results originate will be shown in the answer set and they can be selected from there.
Sorry, there no English version so far.
Link: Research Portal
Further Catalogues
Katalogportal Mainz
Here you can find books and journals that are not owned by Mainz University. You need this catalogue for interlibrary loan.
Link: Katalogportal Mainz
Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog (KVK)
The Karlsruhe Virtual Catalogue KVK is a meta search interface which allows you to access worldwide library and book trade catalogues online. KVK starts a simultaneous search in the catalogues and gives you a standardized hit list.
Link: KVK