Electronic books and journals
E-Books are electronic versions of printed books which are licensed by Mainz University Library or through a national license. Other electronic media are the chemical dissertations. They all are indexed in the online catalogue.
Please read carefully the terms and conditions of use at the publishers’ homepages.
E-journals are licensed for Mainz University or freely available on the Internet. You can search these journals via EZB (Electronic Journals Library)
Availability is signalled by “traffic lights”:
green light = full text is freely available on the internet;
amber light = full text access is restricted to members of Mainz University;
amber and red light = full text access is restricted to members of Mainz University and to particular volumes of the relevant journal.
Bibliographic databases, digital encyclopaedias, dictionaries, and other reference books can be found via the database information system DBIS. A selection of free and licensed based databases is also available. The DBIS pages are only in German, sorry.
The Database information system (DBIS) shows all databases you can use at Mainz University. Some of them are free; others are licensed by university, departments or institutes. You can search for a special database or use the overview which is arranged according to disciplines
DBIS Chemistry
DBIS Pharmacy
Single user versions of CD-Rom databases
At the moment you can use the following databases in a single user modus on a CD-ROM station:
The Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (version 2010) contains a lot of tables with physical properties of chemical compounds, definitions, and general information.
The CD-Rom edition offers flexible capabilities, including structure searching, that make searches for data quick and easy.
The Merck Index is an encyclopaedia of natural products, drugs, and agrochemicals with over 10.000 monographs on single substances or groups of related compounds. It also includes an appendix with monographs on organic name reactions.
Structure searching is possible.
Hagers Handbuch der Drogen und Arzneistoffe (German edition) is one of the largest collection on drugs and pharmaceuticals. A detailed description of proprietary medicinal products and a medicinal dictionary are also included.
Important databases for chemical research
Reaxys is a web-based chemistry database consisting extracted compounds and related factual properties as well as reaction and synthesis information with the relevant bibliographical data in inorganic, organometallic and organic chemistry research.
It combines the former CrossFire databases Beilstein, Gmelin, and chemical patents. The database covers 400 journals back to 1771.
Reaxys contains experimentally validated – not calculated – reaction and substance data. The synthesis planner supports the evaluation of alternative synthetic routes and allows identifying and combining selected reaction steps.
Therefore it is not a bibliographic database, but it is an important factual chemistry database.
You can download a quick reference guide at: Reaxys
SciFinder-n is a web-based interface to search in several databases; the major databases are CAPLUS, MEDLINE and REGISTRY.
CAPLUS is the CAS bibliographic database with more than 30 million publications dating back to 1907 covering chemistry and related disciplines. The major sources are journal articles and patents.
The MEDLINE database contains more than 18 million references in biomedical sciences back to the early 1950s. It’s a bibliographic database, too.
REGISTRY is the CAS substance database with more than 42 million records for organic and inorganic substances. You can find substances by searching with CAS Registry Number, molecular formula, chemical name or structure.
Other databases are CHEMREACT (chemical reactions), CHEMATS (commercially available substances), and CHEMLIST (regulatory information).
You need to register before you can use SciFinder. Students and staff of Mainz University will get further information at: SciFinder
To open this page you need your ZDV account.
Web of Knowledge
Web of Knowledge is a web interface with (for Mainz) three databases: Web of Science, MEDLINE, and Journals Citation Reports.
Web of Science is an interdisciplinary database that contains literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities and examines proceedings of international conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions.
It is divided in three parts:
- Science Citation Index Expanded (1945-present)
- Social Sciences Citation Index (1956-present)
- Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975-present)
You can limit your search to one of these parts. The natural sciences are part of the Science Citation Index Expanded and more than 7000 journals are reported.
You find a quick reference card at: WoS
Online Contents - SSG Chemistry
The database OLC-SSG Chemistry is a subject oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Swets Database Online Contents. 1,246 journals are being indexed back to the year of publication in 1993. The database contains approximately 4,410,500 records of journal articles and reviews.
Online Contents
There are also interdisciplinary databases, which are useful for chemical searches. But they cannot be found in the chemical database list in DBIS.