A special issue as tribute to professor Rudolf Zentel
A special issue of Macromol. Rapid Communication as tribute to Prof. Rudolf Zentel has just been published.
Picture taken from:
Barz, L. Nuhn and P. Theato,
A Tribute to Rudolf Zentel and His Lifetime Research Achievements
Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2022, 43, 2200311; Copyright Wiley-VCH GmbH. Reproduced with permission
Table of content of the special issue
Retirement symposium for professor Rudolf Zentel
On the 8th of August 2022 the farewell symposium for Professor Rudolf Zentel will be held in the Atrium Maximum (Alte Mensa).
Program of the retirement symposium
Dr. Nicolas Ritt
We happily announce that Nicolas defended his Ph.D. thesis with great success.
We wish you all the best for a great and successful future!
Prolongation of the CRC 1066
The CRC 1066 got successfully prolonged, starting the third funding period. Thereby, the position of CRC 1066 speaker is passed to Prof. Dr. Stephan Grabbe of the department of dermatology at the university medicine in Mainz.
Please read the official press release of the CRC 1066 directory board here.
Preparations for the prolongation of the CRC 1066 (home office)
Advanced science news: New method gives more accurate picture of nanoparticle surfaces
Advanced science news comments on the publication of Alberg et al. "Polymeric Nanoparticles: Polymeric Nanoparticles with Neglectable Protein Corona" (Small, 2020, 16, 2070100)
Dr. Irina Alberg
We dearfully congratulate Irina for the sucessful defense of her Ph.D. thesis.
For your future and your career we whish you the best!
Dr. Kerstin Johann
We happily announce that Kerstin defended her Ph.D. thesis with great success.
We wish you all the best for a great and successful future!
We designed the frontispiece for small 18/20!
Dr. Christian Muhl
We sincerely congratulate Christian for the successful defense of his Ph.D. thesis.
For your future and your career we whish you the very best!
For the publication "Microfluidic Synthesis of Liquid Crystalline Elastomer Particle Transport Systems which Can Be Remote-Controlled Magnetically" (Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 29, 1902454) a interesting video-abstract was published recently:
Dr. David Ditter
We dearfully congratulate David for defending his Ph.D. thesis with great success.
We wish you all the best for your future!
Dr. Stefan Kramer
We happily announce that Stefan successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis.
We whish you all the best for a great and successful future!
Dr. Benjamin Klöckner
We sincerely congratulate Benjamin for sucessfully defending his Ph.D. thesis.
We wish you all the best for your future!
Dr. Regina Holm
We happily announce that Regina has defended her Ph.D. thesis with great success.
For your future and your career we whish you the very best!
Award of honor received
As an award for his commitment in teaching, research and self-administration of the faculty, Prof. Dr. Zentel received the medal of honour of Faculty 09 in November 2018. ...
Dr. Sadaf Hanif
We dearfully congratulate Sadaf for defending her Ph.D. thesis with great success.
We wish you all the best for a great and successful future!
Dr. Benjamin Weber
We happily announce that Benjamin successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis.
For your future and your career we whish you the very best!
All the best for your retirement!
Our longtime colleague Ms. Marion Koch has left our group for her well earned retirement.
We wish you the best and are grateful for your dedication and for the pleasant time together!
Dr. Olga Schäfer
We sincerely congratulate Olga for sucessfully defending her Ph.D. thesis.
We wish you the very best for your future!
Dr. Lukas Braun
We happily announce that Lukas defended his Ph.D. thesis with great success.
Congratulations! We whish you all the best for your future!
Dr. Tristan Hessberger
Congartulations to Tristan for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis.
For your future and your career we whish you the very best!
Dr. Nadine Leber
We dearfully congratulate Nadine for defending her Ph.D. thesis with great success!
We whish you all the best for a happy and sucessful future.
Dr. Simone Beck
We happily announce that Simone successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis.
For your future and your career we wish you the very best!
Dr. Meike Schinnerer
We congratulate Meike on defending her Ph.D. thesis with great success!
We sincerely whish you a happy and successful future!
Dr. Alexander Birke
Congratiulations on successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis.
We wish you the very best for a great future!
Backcover in Journal of Materials Chemistry C
Einzelne Meldung fuer die Anreisserliste mit Überschrift 1946
Dr. Kristina Klinker
We congratulate Kristina on successfully defending her Ph.D. thesis. We wish you a happy future and the very best for your further career.
Dr. Redouane Krini
We sincerely compliment Dr. Redouane Krini for the successful defense of his Ph.D. thesis. We whish you all the best for your further career and a happy future.
Dr. Philipp Heller
Congratulations on superiorly defending your doctor's thesis. We whish you much pleasure and success for your new job and the very best for your future.
Dr. Martin Scherer
Martin successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations! We wish you all the best for your future.
Dr. habil. Matthias Barz
He finished his habilitation with great success! Congratulations to Matthias and all the best for your academic career!
Dr. Ana Fokina
Congratulations to Ana for successfully defending your thesis. We wish you happiness and lots of success in the future!
Dr. Linda Kircher
Linda successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis. We wish you all the best for your future in Malaysia.
Dr. Florian Menk
We congratulate Florian on successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis. We wish you all the best for your future!
Coverpage auf Advanced Healthcare Materials
Dissertation awarded by Boehringer Ingelheim Stiftung
Dr. Bernd Oschmann's thesis entitled "Coating and Hybridization Approaches of Inorganic Materials Using Polymeric Materials to Enhance the Li- and Na-Ion Battery Performance of Alternative Electrode Materials" is awarded the Ph.D. prize of the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation.
Dr. Richard Rix
Congratulations to Richard for successfully defending your thesis. We wish you all the best for your future!
Dr. Gregor Backert
Gregor successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations and all the best for your future!
Dr. Bernd Oschmann
Congratulations to Bernd who electrified us with his defense! We wish you all the best for your future!
Dr. David Huesmann
Congratulations to David for defending his Ph.D. thesis more than successfully. We wish you all the best for your future!
Dr. Nicole Mohr
Nicole successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations and all the best for your future!
Dr. Annette Kelsch
Congratulations to Annette! After successfully defending your thesis we wish you all the best for your future!
Coverpage auf Macromolecular Rapid Communications
Dr. Kristof Tappertzhofen
Kristof Tappertzhofen successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations and all the best for your future!
"Lazy Muscels" video wins Super Fast-contest
FAIL in Science: The Special-Prize "Super Fast" of the Webvideo-challenge "Fast Forward Science" was won by David Peter and a researcher group around Prof. Zentel. The video is based on an article about liquid-crystalline elastomers in the Journal of Unsolved Questions. Learn more and watch the video ...
Dr. Lutz Nuhn
Congratulations and all the best to Lutz, succesfully defending his brilliant Ph.D. thesis.
Cover page on Macromolecular Bioscience
Dr. Alexandra Hermann
Alexandra Hermann successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis! Congratulations and all the best for your future.
Dr. Hsin-Ling Liang
Hsin-Ling successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis! Congratulations and all the best!
Sonderforschungsbereich 1066 granted by the DFG!
The German Research Foundation (DFG) establishes a new Special Research Field (SFB 1066) at the Johannes Gutenberg-University starting in October 2013. The new SFB will focus on the subject of "Nanodimensional polymeric therapeutics for tumour therapy" with Prof. R. Zentel as spokesman. The interdisciplinary research will combine the performances of the Chemistry department with the MPI for polymer research (Prof. K. Landfester) and the University Hospital (Prof. S. Grabbe).
For more information please refer to the official press release.
Dr. Anja Pauly & Dr. Philipp Schattling
Congratulations to Anja and Philipp! They both successfully defended their Ph.D. theses!
Dr. Eva Fleischmann
Congratulations to Eva! She successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis on LCEs!
Dr. Daniel Wenzlik
Daniel Wenzlik successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis! Congratulations!
Eva Fleischmann wins poster presentation award
Dr. Lisa zur Borg
Lisa successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations and all the best!
Dr. Mirjam Clemens-Hemmelmann
Congratulations to Mirjam! She made a perfect defence on her Ph.D.-thesis!
Paper published in Nature Communications
E.-K. Fleischmann and H.-L. Liang have published their recently developed core-shell micropumps from liquid crystalline elastomers in Nature Communications.
Dr. Mareli Allmeroth
Mareli Allmeroth passed her Ph.D. exam. Good luck for the future!
Lisa zur Borg has won Presentation Award
Lisa zur Borg has won the "Graduate Student Oral Presentation Award" at this years Materials Research Society Symposium "Functional Inorganic Nanoparticle-Polymer Composites with Engineered Structures and Coupled Properties" in San Francisco, giving a talk about "Diblock Copolymer - Nanocrystal Hybrids for Optoelectronic Applications". Congratulations!
David Huesmann reaches 2nd place at poster-session award
Dr. Lorenz Steidl
Lorenz Steidl has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis! Congratulations!
Dr. Kai Moog
Kai Moog has passed his Ph.D. exam. Congratulations!
Dr. Patrick Scheibe
Patrick Scheibe has passed his Ph.D. exam. Congratulations and all the best for your future!
Philipp Schattling wins Poster-Price
Congratulations for winning the poster prize at the Makromolekulares Kolloquium 2011 in Freiburg
Dr. Christian Ohm
Congratulations to Christian Ohm! He passed his Ph.D. exam.
Dr. Katja Nilles
Katja Nilles is now a Ph.D. Congratulations!
Dr. Kerstin Wiss
Congratulations to Kerstin Wiss. We wish you all the best!