Aktuell: Sprachkurs Modernes Hebräisch!

Das ISSK, Bereich Fremdsprachen, Standort Germersheim plant für das Wintersemester 2024/25 einen Sprachkurs modernes Hebräisch.

Weitere Infos zum Kurs finden Sie hier.

Details zum Kurs (Unterrichtssprachen sind Englisch und Neuhebräisch) auf Englisch:

Instructor: Ms. Yasmeen Abu Quider

The course aims to teach beginner level Hebrew, establishing strong basis for the learning experience by, first, introducing the Alphabets in its two forms. The course will work on several aspects of language learning, by establishing familiarity with the language alongside developing hearing, reading, writing and (reading) comprehension skills.


Welcome to Hebrew for beginners!
Before we begin, a little historical insight into Hebrew. According to Wikipedia Hebrew “is a Northwest Semitic language within the Afroasiatic language family. It was natively spoken by the Israelites and remained in regular use as a spoken language by their longest-surviving descendants, the Jews and Samaritans, before dying out after 200 CE. However, it was largely preserved as a liturgical language, featuring prominently in Judaism (since the Second Temple period) and Samaritanism. Having ceased to be a dead language in the 19th century, today's Hebrew serves as the only successful large-scale example of linguistic revival. It is the only non-extinct Canaanite language and is also one of only two Northwest Semitic languages still spoken, with the other being Aramaic.”

Dear students, in this course you will be exposed to one of the oldest languages in the world, an almost dead, but fortunately resuscitated language, Hebrew. The course aims to expose you to the language, learn its intriguing Alphabet, develop your reading and writing skills. Later and in the majority of the course we will aim to develop communication skills and hopefully learn how to hold simple conversations about a variety of subjects.
Hebrew is not as hard to learn as one might think. Many people immigrate and move to the holy land annually (the housing land for majority of Hebrew speakers) to work, study or settle down. And many integrate themselves successfully in a timely manner.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
1. Introduce yourself formally and informally, share and list general information such as: work, hobbies, studies, etc.
2. Read Hebrew (Typing font)
3. Write in Hebrew typing and cursive fonts.
4. Initiate a conversation and develop the ability to answer questions using simple language.
5. Enrich the students’ Hebrew dictionary.
6. Develop reading and hearing comprehension.

We open the semester with an intensive week from 27.11 until 01.12 and proceed after that with 6 hours weekly distributed on several meetings until the end of the Winter semester. The summer semester has 4 hours of classes every week. There is a possibility of occasional online classes, but that would be discussed later after examining willingness by students.

You can reach out any time by email at:

yabuquid [at] students.uni-mainz.de.

Office hours can be arranged through email.