Jon Leefmann

Former Research Fellow
Research Interests
  • Moral psychology
  • Applied ethics (especially ethical issues of neuroscience)
  • Normative ethics
  • Theories of well-being
  • Metaethics
Activities and Projects
  • Researcher in the research project “The Neuro-turn in the European Social Sciences and Humanities” (NESSHI)
  • Researcher in the research Project “Mind the Risk” at the Institute for Ethics and History of Medicine, Göttingen University Medical Center.
  • PhD-Thesis (Philosophy): “Zwischen Natürlichkeit und Autonomie. Der Begriff der Authentiziät und die bioethische Debatte um Neuro-Enhancement.”; Supervisiors: Prof. Dr. Sabine Döring (Tübingen); Prof. Dr. Eve-Marie Engels (Tübingen); submitted 02/2015
Short CV
  • Since 06/2015 research associate at the Institute for Ethics and History of Medicine, Göttingen University Medical Center.
  • Since 12/2012 research associate in the Research Group on Neuroethics and Neurophilosophy at the Philosophy Department, Mainz University.
  • 04/2009-04/2012 Member of the Research Training Group 899 ‚Bioethics‘, Tübingen University.
  • 08/2008-04/2009 Assistant researcher at the International Centre of Neuroscience (IZN), Heidelberg University.
  • 10/2001-07/2008 Studies in medicine, biology and philosophy at Heidelberg University, Tübingen University and University of Pavia (Italy).

Edited volumes

  • Leefmann, Jon; Hildt, Elisabeth (Hg.) (201x): The Human Sciences after the Decade of the Brain. San Diego, CA, Elsevier. (in preparation)

Journal articles and book chapters

  • Leefmann, Jon; Levallois, Clement; Hildt, Elisabeth (201x): The first ten years of Neuroethics. A quantitative analysis of an emerging research field. In: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (under review)
  • Leefmann, Jon; Hildt Elisabeth (201x): Neuroethics and the Neuroscientific Turn. In: Karen Rommelfanger & Syd Johnson (Hg.): The Routledge Handbook of Neuroethics. Abingdon, Routledge (in preparation).
  • Leefmann, Jon (201x): Authenticity, Enhancement and the Good Life. In: Nicole Vincent; Filippo Santoni di Sio & Philip Robichaud (Hg.): Enhancing Responsibility. Abingdon, Routledge (forthcoming).
  • Leefmann, Jon (2015): Zur ethischen Bewertung von kognitivem Enhancement im „nature of activities approach“. In: Ronja Schütz; Elisabeth Hildt & Jürgen Hampl (Hg.): Neuroenhancement. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf eine Kontroverse. Bielefeld, transcript (forthcoming).
  • Leefmann, Jon (2015): Selbstformung und die Suche nach Authentizität. In: Roland Kipke und Ruth Conrad (Hg.): Selbstformung. Beiträge zur wissenschaftlichen Aufklärung einer menschlichen Praxis. Paderborn, Mentis (in print).
  • Leefmann, Jon (2014): Der unartikulierte Verdacht. Varianten des Authentizitätsbegriffes in der Debatte um Neuro-Enhancement. In: Robert Ranisch, Markus Rockoff, Sebastian Schuol (Hg.): Selbstgestaltung des Menschen durch Biotechniken. Tübingen, Francke.
  • Bauer, Robert H.; Leefmann, Jon; Krautter, Jutta; Gharabaghi, Alireza (2012): Authentisches Gefühlsleben und Tiefe Hirnstimulation. In: Gebhardt Fürst und Dietmar Mieth (Hg.): Entgrenzung des Menschseins? Eine christliche Antwort auf die Perfektionierung des Menschen. Paderborn, Schöningh, S. 29–41.
  • Leefmann, Jon; Krautter, Jutta; Bauer, Robert H.; Tatatagiba, Marcos & Alireza Gharabaghi (2011); Die Authentizität modulierter Emotionen bei der Tiefen Hirnstimulation. In: Jens Claussen; Thomas Potthast & Laszlo Kovács (Hg.); Darwin und die Bioethik; Freiburg i.Br., Alber.

Smaller, popular science works

  • Leefmann, Jon; Pohl, Sabine; Hildt, Elisabeth (2015): Kognitive Freiheit, gutes Leben und personale Identität – Ethische Fragen des pharmakologischen kognitiven Enhancement. In: Pharmakon 3/2015.
  • Ehni, Hans-Jörg; Dietrich, Julia; Leefmann, Jon; Spindler, Mone (2012): Das Altern abschaffen? Ethische Fragestellungen der Biogerontologie. In: ProAlter 5/2012.
  • 10/2015 „Neuroethics now and then. A quantitative approach to the current disciplinary self-understanding of neuroethics“, INS 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago (USA).
  • 03/2015 „Yet another new discipline? A quantitative approach to neuroethics“, The Human Sciences after the Decade of the Brain; 30-31.3.2015, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz.
  • 08/2014 „Making Sense of Authenticity in the Debate on Cognitive Enhancement“, Enhancing Responsibility Conference, 13-15.8.2013, TU Delft, Delft (NL).
  • 05/2013 „On the punishment of attempted crimes“, 4th Tübingen Graduate Conference in Practical Philosophy: ‘Is punishment immoral? – Ethical perspectives on a legal practice’, 23-24.5.2013, Tübingen University.
  • 05/2013 “Neuroscience in Society: A critical analysis of the German print media.”, 4th NESSHI Project-Workshop, 1.-2.5.2013, Mainz University.
  • 12/2011 „Authentizität: eine moralische Kategorie in der anwendungsbezogenen Ethik?“, Symposion der Graduiertenprogramme des IZEW Tübingen und des UFSP Ethik der Universität Zürich, 1.-3.12.2011, Rüschlikon (CH).

I offer undergraduate seminars in ethics and applied ethics at both Tübingen University and Mainz University.

Workshops and Conferences
  • „The Human Sciences after the Decade of the Brain. New perspecteives on the neuro-turn in the social sciences and the humanities.“; 30-31.03.2015, Philosophischy Department, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz.

All workshops of the following were organized together with the working group on practical analytic philosophy at Tübingen University:

  • 4th Tübingen Graduate Conference in Practical Philosophy: “Is punishment immoral? – philosophical perspectives on a legal practice.” 23-05/24/2013, Philosophy Department, Tübingen University.
  • 3rd Tübingen Graduate Conference in Practical Philosophy: „The Philosophy of Michael Bratman“, 05/01-05/06/2011, Philosophy Department, Tübingen University.
  • 2nd Tübingen Graduate Conference in Practical Philosophy: „The Philosophy of Thomas Scanlon“, 06/27-06/29/2010, Philosophy Department, Tübingen University