Talks and publications

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Univ.-Professor Silvia Hansen-Schirra on Easy Language

  • 05 December 2019: invited talk at the University of Zurich; Silvia Hansen-Schirra: „Ist Leichte Sprache wirklich leicht? Empirische Rezeptionsstudien zur Regelprüfung mit verschiedenen Zielgruppen"
  • 20 September 2019: Silvia Hansen-Schirra with Silke Gutermuth: Workshop "Eyetracking for Easy-to-read", conference "Klaara 2019" in Helsinki
  • June 2019: interview with Silvia Hansen-Schirra about the work of the Research Training Group, here
  • 07 March 2019: talk held by Silvia Hansen-Schirra: „Easy-to-read meets integrated titles: defining addressee-oriented standards based on eye-tracking studies", EASIT-conference in Munich
  • 19 October 2018: Silvia Hansen-Schirra participates at the plenary talk at the University of Hildesheim on the Topic Barrier-free communication, examined from a scientific perspective
  • 14 September 2018: talk held by Silvia Hansen-Schirra and Silke Gutermuth: „Ist Leichte Sprache wirklich leicht? Eine vergleichende Rezeptionsstudie verschiedener Adressatengruppen", GAL-congress, University of Duisburg-Essen
  • 08 August 2018: Silvia Hansen-Schirra with the Ministriy of Social Affairs, Labour, health and demography: "Eye-Tracking – Mehr Bürgernähe durch verständliche Sprache", Digitalforum Rheinland-Pfalz


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Arne Nagels on Easy Language

  • 10 Mai 2019: invitied talk (Keynote Speaker) XXXII. Workshop Klinische Linguistik: „Sprachstörungen bei Schizophrenie".
  • 07 March 2019: invited talk „Sprachbeeinträchtigungen bei endogenen Psychosen: Von der Semantik zur Pragmatik".
  • 20 November 2018: invited talk, Clinical Linguistics Workshop (Zagreb): "Semantic and pragmatic dysfunctions in schizophrenia – a neurolinguistic perspective"


Dr. Julia Fuchs on Easy Language

  • "Causal and conditional relations in standard German and German Easy Language. An eye-tracking study". Accepted talk within the context of the conference Klaara 2020 in Olten (31.08.-01.09.2020)
  • "The German Vorfeld (prefield) in texts in German Easy Language - syntactic and information structural considerations". Talk within the context of the "3rd Swiss Conference on Barrier-Free Communication" (29.06.-04.07.2020)
  • 19 September 2019: talk "Easy Language under review. Expressing causal relations in texts in German Easy Language" within the context of the conference Klaara 2019 in Helsinki
  • 26 June 2019: talk "'Verwenden Sie keine schwierigen Wörter.' Zum Wortschatz von Leichter Sprache" at the University of Bonn


The Research Training Group on Easy Language

  • 25 September 2020: 2nd International e-Conference on Translation "Translation, Mediation and Accessibility for Linguistic Minorities"
    • Silvana Deilen: "Visual segmentation of compounds in Easy Language: Does the marking of morpheme boundaries reduce cognitive processing costs?"
    • Laura Schiffl: "Lexical complexity in German Easy Language: Effects of length, frequency and repetition on the visual word processing of the target group"
  • Silvana Deilen: "Segmenting compounds in German Easy Language: Does facilitated perception lead to reduced cognitive processing costs?" Talk within the context of the "3rd Swiss Conference on Barrier-Free Communication" (29.06.-04.07.2020) [Received one of two "Best Student Paper Awards" of the conference]
  • 13 September 2020: presentation on current projects in the Research Training Group, EASIT conference at the University of Hildesheim
  • 19 September 2019: talk "The validity of German Easy Language rules. First empirical evidence from ET, EEG and fMRI studies" within the context of the conference Klaara 2019 in Helsinki
  • 04 July 2019, conference „ICTIC 2019" in Germersheim
    • Laura Schiffl: „Hierarchies in lexical complexity: Are there effects of word frequency, word length and repetition on the visual word processing of people with cognitive impairment?
    • Johanna Sommer: „A study of negation in German Easy Language – Does typographic marking of negation words cause differences in processing negation?"
  • 11 Mai 2019: XXXII. Workshop Klinische Linguistik: Workshop on German Easy Language held by Johanna Sommer und Laura Schiffl
  • 09 Mai 2019: talk "Empirical Perspectives on Easy and Plain Language" in the context of the conference "Easy Varieties of Finnish and German – Legal Perspectives and Research" in Hildesheim


New publication: Silvia Hansen-Schirra & Christiane Maaß (eds.), Easy Language research: Text and user perspectives (Easy – Plain – Accessible 2). Berlin: Frank & Timme. Open Acces

  • Deilen, Silvana. 2020. Visual segmentation of compounds in Easy Language: Eye movement studies on the effects of visual, morphological and semantic factors on the processing of German noun-noun compounds. In Silvia Hansen-Schirra & Christiane Maaß (eds.), Easy Language research: Text and user perspectives (Easy – Plain – Accessible 2), 241-256. Berlin: Frank & Timme.
  • Deilen, Silvana & Laura Schiffl. 2020. Using Eye-Tracking to evaluate language processing in the easy language target group. In Silvia Hansen-Schirra & Christiane Maaß (eds.), Easy Language research: Text and user perspectives (Easy – Plain – Accessible 2), 273-280. Berlin: Frank & Timme.
  • Fuchs, Julia. 2019. Leichte Sprache auf dem Prüfstand. Realisierungsvarianten von kausalen Relationen in Leichte-Sprache-Texten. Sprachwissenschaft 44(4), 441-480.
  • Fuchs, Julia. 2018. Zwei konkurrierende Ansätze zur optischen Gliederung komplexer Wörter in Leichter Sprache. Bindestrich und Mediopunkt in Theorie und Praxis. Sprachwissenschaft 43(4). 405–424.
  • Fuchs, Julia. 2017. Leichte Sprache und ihr Regelwerk - betrachtet aus der Perspektive der Informationsstruktur. Sprachwissenschaft 42(1). 97–119.
  • Fuchs, Julia & Kristina Krieger-Laude. 2017. Leichte Sprache als Lerngegenstand im Deutschunterricht: Theoretische Hintergründe und Ansätze für die Unterrichtspraxis. Der Deutschunterricht 5. 89–95.
  • Hansen-Schirra, Silvia & Christiane Maaß. 2020. Easy Language, Plain Language, Easy Language Plus: perspectives on comprehensibility and stigmatisation. In Silvia Hansen-Schirra & Christiane Maaß (eds.), Easy Language research: Text and user perspectives (Easy – Plain – Accessible 2), 17-38. Berlin: Frank & Timme.
  • Hansen-Schirra, Silvia, Jean Nitzke, Silke Gutermuth, Christiane Maaß & Isabel Rink. 2020. Technologies for the translation of specialised Texts into Easy Language. In Silvia Hansen-Schirra & Christiane Maaß (eds.), Easy Language research: Text and user perspectives (Easy – Plain – Accessible 2), 99-127. Berlin: Frank & Timme.
  • Hansen-Schirra, Silvia, Walter Bisang, Arne Nagels, Silke Gutermuth, Julia Fuchs, Liv Borghardt, Silvana Deilen, Anne Gros, Laura Schiffl & Johanna Sommer. 2020. Intralingual translation into Easy Language – or how to reduce cognitive processing costs? In Silvia Hansen-Schirra & Christiane Maaß (eds.), Easy Language research: Text and user perspectives (Easy – Plain – Accessible 2), 197-225. Berlin: Frank & Timme.
  • •Hansen-Schirra, Silvia & Christiane Maaß. 2019. Translation proper: Kommunikationsbarrieren abbauen, Uni Hildesheim.
  • Hansen-Schirra, Silvia & Silke Gutermuth. 2018. Modellierung und Messung Einfacher und Leichter Sprache. In Jekat, Susanne, Martin Kappus & Klaus Schubert (Hrsg.), Barrieren abbauen, Sprache gestalten (Working Papers in Applied Linguistics), 7-23. Winterthur: ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.
  • Hansen-Schirra, Silvia & Silke Gutermuth. 2018. Empirische Überprüfung von Verständlichkeit. In Maaß, Christiane & Isabel Rink (ed.), Handbuch Barrierefreie Kommunikation, 163-182. Berlin: Frank & Timme.
  • Nagels, Arne, Svenja Lüll, Lisa Friederich, Benjamin Straube, Michael Grosvald & Silvia Hansen-Schirra. 2019. The Neural Basis of Idea Density During Natural Spoken Language. In Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Olga (ed.), Frontiers and Advances in Positive Learning in the Age of InformaTiOn (PLATO), xx-yy. Wiesbaden: Springer.
  • Schiffl, Laura. 2020. Hierarchies in lexical complexity: Do effects of word frequency, word length and repetition exist for the visual word processing of people with cognitive impairments?  In Silvia Hansen-Schirra & Christiane Maaß (eds.), Easy Language research: Text and user perspectives (Easy – Plain – Accessible 2), 227-239. Berlin: Frank & Timme.
  • Sommer, Johanna. 2020. A Study of negation in German Easy Language – does typographic marking of negation words cause differences in processing negation? In Silvia Hansen-Schirra & Christiane Maaß (eds.), Easy Language research: Text and user perspectives (Easy – Plain – Accessible 2), 257-272. Berlin: Frank & Timme.