I studied German, French and Spanish on the bi-national Bachelor and Masters course 'German and French Studies' in Bonn and Paris, and it was there that my interest in linguistics developed, alongside cultural and literary studies. After my degree I first worked as a Research Assistant in the Department of German Linguistics at the University of Bonn. I then received a scholarship from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and wrote a PhD on the acquisition of information structure by German-speaking children in Marburg which I defended in August 2018. In the dissertation I investigate how both healthy children and children with autism spectrum disorder develop the capacity to introduce new referents into a discourse with indefinite noun phrases and to refer anaphorically to referents already given. Another research interest concerns theoretical and empirical aspects of German Easy Language. In this context, I am particularly interested in the expression of causal relations in Easy Language and in the processing of different realizations of causal relations by target groups of Easy Language. The methods I use are corpus linguistic approaches, eye-tracking and offline-methods like recall tasks. Email address: fuchsj@uni-mainz.de
Academic education
08/2018 | PhD (Dr. phil.), discipline "linguistics", Department of German Studies and Arts, Philipps-Universität Marburg Title of the dissertation: Acquisition of information structural capacities. Production and comprehension of (in)definite articles by German-speaking children |
2007-2012 | German-French studies (Bachelor and Master of Arts) at the universities Bonn and Paris-Sorbonne |
Professional History
since 09/2018 | Postdoc in the Resarch Training Groups "Simply complex" at the University of Mainz |
2015-2018 | Academic staff member, Department of German and Comparative Literature and Culture (German linguistics) of the University of Bonn |
2013-2015 | Lecturer, Department of German and Comparative Literature and Culture (German linguistics) of the University of Bonn |
2012-2013 | Teaching appointment, Department of German and Comparative Literature and Culture (German linguistics) of the University of Bonn |
2008-2012 | Student assistant, Departments for Romance Philology and for German linguistics at the University of Bonn |
Other Appointments
10/2014 | Visiting lecturer, University of St Andrews, Department of German |
2014-2015 | Lecturer in the education program German as a foreign/second language, University of Bonn (module German grammar) |
02-04/2008 | Resarch placement, Laboratoire ATILF (Analyse et Traitement Informatique de la Langue Française / Computer Processing and Analysis of the French Language), CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique / National Centre for Scientific Research) in Nancy, France |
Prizes and resarch grants
2019 | Direct author subvention for publishing, Kölner Gymnasial- und Stifungsfonds |
2019 | Individual coaching financed by the program for young feminine researchers, University of Mainz |
2016-2018 | Doctoral scholarship, Konrad Adenauer Foundation |
2016 | Grant by the Kölner Gymnasial- and Stiftungsfonds for the remuneration of the participants |
2010-2012 | Scholarships from the Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds |
2010-2011 | Erasmus grant |
2009-2010 | One-year grant, German Academic Exchange Service |
2009 | Scolarship, Franco-German Youth Office |
2006 | Apollinaire-prize for exceptional achievements in French at German Abitur level, Robert Bosch Foundation |
University Service
2018 | Deputy member of the appointment committee for a W3-professorship for German linguistics, University of Bonn |
2014-2015 | member of the appointment committee for a W3-professorship for German linguistics, University of Bonn |
Organization of conferences
2019 | Information forum "Easy Language in science" in Mainz, organized together with Silvia Hansen-Schirra |
2019 | Conference on "Barrier-free communication - interdisciplinary approaches", University of Mainz; organized together with Silvia Hansen-Schirra |
Fuchs, Julia. 2020. Erwerb von informationsstrukturellen Fähigkeiten. Produktion und Rezeption von (in)definiten Artikeln bei deutschsprachigen Kindern (Empirie und Theorie der Sprachwissenschaft 5). Heidelberg: Winter.
Journal articles
Fuchs, Julia. Accpeted. Corona-Komposita und ‚Corona‘-Konzepte in der Medienberichterstattung in Standardsprache und in Leichter Sprache. Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik.
Fuchs, Julia, Ulrike Domahs & Christina Kauschke. 2021. Information structure in language acquisition. Production and comprehension of (in)definite articles by German-speaking children. Journal of Child Language 48. 55–87. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0305000920000124
Fuchs, Julia. 2019. Leichte Sprache auf dem Prüfstand. Realisierungsvarianten von kausalen Relationen in Leichte-Sprache-Texten. Sprachwissenschaft 44(4), 441–480.
Fuchs, Julia. 2018. Zwei konkurrierende Ansätze zur optischen Gliederung komplexer Wörter in Leichter Sprache. Bindestrich und Mediopunkt in Theorie und Praxis. Sprachwissenschaft 43(4). 405–424.
Fuchs, Julia. 2018. Was versteht man in der Informationsstrukturtheorie unter Fokus? Sprachwissenschaft 43(1), 31–70.
Fuchs, Julia. 2017. Leichte Sprache und ihr Regelwerk – betrachtet aus der Perspektive der Informationsstruktur. Sprachwissenschaft 42(1), 97–119.
Fuchs, Julia & Kristina Krieger-Laude. 2017. Leichte Sprache als Lerngegenstand im Deutschunterricht. Theoretische Hintergründe und Ansätze für die Unterrichtspraxis. Der Deutschunterricht 5 (2017), 89–95.
Fuchs, Julia. 2016. Rettungsschirm, Rettungstopf, Rettungspaket. Kontrastive Untersuchungen zur Metaphorik der Eurokrise in der deutschen, französischen und spanischen Presseberichterstattung. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik 64(1), 97–125.
Heim, Nils, Anton Faron, Julia Fuchs, Markus Martini, Rudolf H. Reich & Karin Löffler. 2016. Die Lesbarkeit von onlinebasierten Patienteninformationen in der Augenheilkunde. Der Ophthalmologe 114(5). 450–456.
Contributions to edited volumes and conference proceedings
Fuchs, Julia. 2021. The German Vorfeld (prefield) in texts in German Easy Language: Syntactic and information-structural considerations. In Susanne J. Jekat, Steffen Puhl, Luisa Carrer & Alexa Lintner (eds.): Proceedings of the 3rd Swiss Conference on Barrier-free Communication (BfC 2020). Winterthur (online), June 29–July 4, 2020, 115–124. Winterthur: ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences. DOI: 10.21256/zhaw-3001
Hansen-Schirra, Silvia, Walter Bisang, Arne Nagels, Silke Gutermuth, Julia Fuchs, Liv Borghardt, Silvana Deilen, Anne-Kathrin Gros, Laura Schiffl & Johanna Sommer. 2020. Intralingual translation into Easy Language – or how to reduce cognitive processing costs. In Silvia Hansen-Schirra & Christiane Maaß (eds.), Easy Language research: Text and user perspectives (Easy – Plain – Accessible), 197–225. Berlin: Frank & Timme.
Fuchs, Julia. 2015. Zum Zusammenhang von Theory of Mind und informationsstrukturellen Fähigkeiten bei Menschen mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störung: Kritischer Überblick, Stand der Forschung und Desiderate. In: Sévérine Adam, Daniel Jacob & Michael Schecker (eds.), Informationsstrukturen in Kontrast. Strukturen, Kompositionen und Strategien (Cognitio 18), 227–270. Frankfurt am Main u.a.: Peter Lang.
Book reviews
Fuchs, Julia. Accepted. Book review of: Wulf, Detmer. 2019. Pragmatische Bedingungen der Topikalität. Zur Identifizierbarkeit von Satztopiks im Deutschen (Studien zur Pragmatik 1). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik.
Fuchs, Julia. 2021. Book review of: Pafel, Jürgen. 2020. Referenz (Kurze Einführungen in die germanistische Linguistik 22). Heidelberg: Winter. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 40(1). 89–93.