see also on Research Gate, Google Scholar |
B. Niederländer and P. Blümler: „Simple Eddy Current Compensation by Additional Gradient Pulses” Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A, e21469 (2019) 1-7 (DOI) |
J. Mitchell, P. Blümler, and P. J. McDonald: 'Spatially Resolved Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Planar Samples', Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 48 (2006) 161-181. |
R. H. Acosta, L. Agulles-Pedrós, P. Blümler, H. W. Spiess: 'Optimization of resolution in gas MRI', Magnetic Resonance Imaging 23 (2005) 403 (Talk abstract) |
S. Han, P. Blümler, S. Stapf, B. Blümich: 'Minimixer im Wassertropfen', Spektrum der Wissenschaft, June (2002) page 12-14. (in German) |
K. Rombach, S. Laukemper-Ostendorf, and P. Blümler: 'Applications of NMR Flow Imaging in Materials Science', in P. Blümler, B. Blümich, R. Botto, and E. Fukushima (eds.): 'Spatially Resolved Magnetic Resonance', Wiley-VCH Publisher, Weinheim, 1998, page 517-529. |
S. Laukemper-Ostendorf, H. D. Lemke, P. Blümler, and B. Blümich: 'NMR Flow Imaging of Hemodialyzers', J. Membrane Sci. 138 (1998) 287-295. |
P. Käuper, V. Göbbels, P. Blümler, and B. Blümich: 'Two-Dimensional NQR Spectroscopy for the Characterization of Crystalline Powders', Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 52a (1997) 343-347. |
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H. Nilgens, M. Thelen, J. Paff, P. Blümler, B. Blümich: 'Hadamard NMR Imaging with Slice Selection', Magn. Reson. Imag. 14(7/8) (1996) 857 - 861. |
M. Klinkenberg, P. Blümler, B. Blümich: '2H-NMR Imaging of Strained Elastomers', J. Magn. Reson. A 119 (1996) 197 - 203. |
P. Blümler, J. M. Moore, M. H. Sherwood, C. G. Wade, G. W. Collins, and E. R. Mapoles: 'NMR Imaging of Hydrogen Isotopes below 20K', in Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena, Proceedings of the XXVIIth Congress Ampere, Aug. 21-28 1994, Kazan, page 119-121. |
J. M. Moore, P. Blümler, M. H. Sherwood, C. G. Wade, G. W. Collins, and E. R. Mapoles: 'NMR Imaging of Hydrogen Isotopes below 20K', J. Magn. Reson. A 110 (1994) 248-251. |
P. Blümler, J. Jansen, and B. Blümich: 'Two-dimensional one-pulse rotational echo spectra', Solid State Nucl. Magn. Reson. 3 (1994) 237-240. |
H. Nilgens, P. Blümler, J. Paff, and B. Blümich: 'Selective Saturation with Low Power Pulses', J. Magn. Reson. A 105 (1993) 108-112. |
B. Blümich, J. Jansen, H. Nilgens, P. Blümler, and G. L. Hoatson, 'NMR Imaging with Noise Excitation and Slice Selection', J. Magn. Reson. Biol. Med. 1(1) (1993) 61-72. |
P. Blümler, M. Greferath, B. Blümich, and H. W. Spiess: 'NMR Imaging of Objects Containig Similar Substructures', J. Magn. Reson. A 103 (1993) 142-150. |
B. Blümich, P. Blümler, and J. Jansen: 'Presentation of Sideband Envelopes by Two-dimensional One-pulse (TOP) Spectroscopy', Solid State Nucl. Magn. Reson. 1 (1992) 111-113. |
P. Blümler and B. Blümich: 'Triangular Zero-Setting 2D Spectroscopy', J. Magn. Reson. 86 (1990) 618-621. |
Patents: |
B. Blümich, P. Blümler, 'Method for Generating Measurement Signals in Magnetic Fields', US Patent 6,700,372 B2 (2.3.04) and WO 01/14900 A2 (1.3.2001) |
B. Blümich, P. Blümler, 'Verfahren zur Erzeugung von Meßsignalen in Magnetfeldern', 19.8.1999, German Patent DE 199 39 626 6. |
B. Blümich, G. Hoatson, J. Jansen, H. Nilgens and P. Blümler: 'Bildgebendes MR-Verfahren mit stochastischer Anregung' (NMR-Imaging with Stochastic Excitation), 25.2.1993, German Patent No. 43 05 878. |