magnetic guiding

S. D. De Vincentiis, F. Merighi, P. Blümler, J. G. De La Ossa Guerra, M. C. Di Caprio, M. Mainardi, M. Onorati, V. Raffa, M. Carbone: “3D printed weight holders design and testing in mouse models of spinal cord injury” Frontiers in Drug Delivery 4 (2024) 1397056 (DOI)
P. Blümler, F. Raudzus, F. Schmid: „A comprehensive approach to characterize navigation instruments for magnetic guidance in biological systems” Scientific Reports (2024) 14:7879 (13 pages) (DOI)
Y. Blancke Soares, M. Graeser, J. Ackers, A. Bakenecker, T. Friedrich, J. Schumacher, K- Lüdtke-Butzug, P. Blümler, T. M. Buzug: “High gradient nested Halbach system for steering magnetic particles” International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging 8(1) (2022) Suppl. 1 Article ID 2203012 (3 pages) (DOI)
P. Blümler: “Magnetic Guiding with Permanent Magnets: Concept, realization and applications to nanoparticles and cells” Cells 10 (2021) 2708 (31 pages) (DOI)
T. A. Bauer, N. K. Horvat, O. Marques, S. Chocarro, C. Mertens, S. Colucci, S. Schmitt, L. M. Carrella, S. Morsbach, K. Koynov, F. Fenaroli, P. Blümler, M. Jung, M. W. Hentze, M. U. Muckenthaler, M. Barz: „Core Cross-Linked Polymeric Micelles for Specific Iron Delivery: Inducing Sterile Inflammation in Macrophages” Advanced Healthcare Materials (2021) 2100385 (13 pages) (DOI) (Supplement)
P. Blümler, R. P. Friedrich, J. Pereira, O. Baun, C. Alexiou, V. Mailänder: „Contactless nanoparticle-based guiding of cells by controllable magnetic fields” Nanotechnology, Science and Applications 14 (2021) 91-100. (DOI) (video on Youtube)
P. Blümler: “Mag-Guider: permanent magnet systems to steer and image super-paramagnetic particles”, International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging 6(2) Suppl. 1 (2020) 2009026 (3 pages) (DOI)
D. Ditter, P. Blümler, B. Klöckner, J. Hilgert, and R. Zentel: „Microfluidic Synthesis of Liquid Crystalline Elastomer Particle Transport Systems which Can Be Remote- Controlled Magnetically“ Advanced Functional Materials 1902454 (2019) 1-12. (DOI) (video abstract)
O. Baun and P. Blümler: “Permanent magnet system to guide superparamagnetic particles”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 439 (2017) 294-304 (DOI, arXiv)



O. Baun, P. Blümler, „Vorrichtung zur Bewegung von magnetischen Partikeln in einem Raum mittels magnetischer Kräfte“ DE102016014192A1, 2016