publications about hyperpolarization (DNP & NV centers, Laser, PAMP, etc.)
A. Jarmola, S. Lourette, V. M. Acosta, A. G. Birdwell, P. Blümler, D. Budker, T. Ivanov, V. S. Malinovsky: “Demonstration of diamond nuclear spin gyroscope” Science Advances 7(43) (2021) eabl3840 (5 pages) (DOI) |
G. Chatzidrosos, J. Shaji Rebeirro, H. Zheng, M. Omar, A. Brenneis, F. M. Stürner, T. Fuchs, T. Buck, R. Rölver, T. Schneemann, P. Blümler, D. Budker, A. Wickenbrock: „Fiberized diamond-based vector magnetometers” Frontiers in Photonics 2 (2021) 732748 (9 pages) (DOI) |
S. Knecht, J. W. Blanchard, D. Barskiy, E. Cavallari, L. Dagys, E. Van Dyke, M. Tsukanov, B. Bliemel, K. Münnemann, S. Aime, F. Reineri, M. H. Levitt, G. Buntkowsky, A. Pines, P. Blümler, D. Budker, J. Eills: “Rapid hyperpolarization and purification of the metabolite fumarate in aqueous solution” PNAS 118 (13) (2021) e2025383118 (page 1-6) (DOI) (Supplement) |
A. Wickenbrock, H. Zheng, G. Chatzidrosos, J. Shaji Rebeirro, T. Schneemann, and P. Blümler: „High homogeneity permanent magnet for diamond magnetometry” J. Magn. Reson. 322 (2021) 106867 (11 pages) (DOI) |
B. Niederländer, P. Blümler, T. Brotin, D. van Dusschoten, A. Offenhäusser, H.-J. Krause, and W. Heil: „Optimized Continuous Application of Hyperpolarized Xenon to Liquids“ The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 122 (2018) 9359-9369 (DOI) |
A. Maul, P. Blümler, P.-J. Nacher, E. Otten, G. Tastevin, and W. Heil: „Nuclear hyperpolarization of 3He by magnetized plasmas“ Physical Review A 98 (2018) 063405 (12 pages) (DOI, arXiv) |
F. Allmendinger, P. Blümler, M. Doll, O. Grasdijk, W. Heil, K. Jungmann, S. Karpuk, H. J. Krause, A. Offenhäusser, M. Repetto, U. Schmidt, Y. Sobolev, K. Tullney, L. Willmann, S. Zimmer: “Precise Measurement of Magnetic Field Gradients from Free Spin Precession Signals of 3He and 129Xe Magnetometers" European Journal of Physics D 71:98 (2017) 1-5 (DOI, arXiv) |
R. Ragg, A.-M. Schilmann, K. Korschelt, C. Wieseotte, M. Klünker, M. Viel, L. Völker, S. Preiss, J. Herzberger, H. Frey, K. Heinze, P. Blümler, T. M. Nawaz, F. Natalio, W. Tremel: "Intrinsic Superoxide Dismutase Activity of MnO Nanoparticles Enhances Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast" J. Mater. Chem. B 4 (2016) 7423-7428 (DOI) |
M. Repetto, S. Zimmer, F. Allmendinger, P. Blümler, M. Doll, J. O. Grasdijk, W. Heil, K. Jungmann, S. Karpuk, H.-J. Krause, A. Offenhäusser, U. Schmidt, Y. Sobolev, L. Willmann: „HP-Xe to go: Storage and Transportation of Hyperpolarized 129Xenon” J. Magn. Reson. 265 (2016) 197-199 (DOI) |
A. Maul, P. Blümler, W. Heil, A. Nikiel, E. Otten, A. Petrich, T. Schmidt: „Spherical Fused Silica Cells Filled with Pure Helium for NMR-Magnetometry” Review Scientific Instruments 87 (2016) 015103 1-8 (DOI, arXiv) |
M. Repetto, E. Babcock, P. Blümler, W. Heil, S. Karpuk and K. Tullney: “Systematic T1 Improvement for hyperpolarized 129Xe” J. Magn. Reson 252 (2015) 163-169 (DOI) |
A. Nikiel, P. Blümler, W. Heil, M. Hehn, S. Karpuk, A. Maul, E. Otten, L. M. Schreiber, and M. Terekhov: „Ultrasensitive 3He magnetometer for measurements of high magnetic fields” The European Physics Journal D 68:330 (2014) 1-12.(DOI, arXiv) |
R. H. Acosta, P. Blümler, K. Münnemann: „Mixture and dissolution of laser polarized noble gases: Spectroscopic and imaging applications” Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 66 (2012) 40-69 (DOI). |
O. Neudert, D. G. Zverev, C. Bauer, P. Blümler, H. W. Spiess, D. Hinderberger, K. Münnemann: „Overhauser DNP and EPR in a Mobile Setup: Influence of Magnetic Field Inhomogeneity” Applied Magnetic Resonance 43 (2012) 149-165. (DOI): |
S. Ebert, A. Amar, C. Bauer, M. Kölzer, P. Blümler, H. W. Spiess, D. Hinderberger, K. Münnemann: „A Mobile DNP Polarizer for Continuous Flow Applications“ Applied Magnetic Resonance 43 (2012) 195-206 (DOI) |
N. Amor, P. P. Zänker, P. Blümler, F. M. Meise, L. M. Schreiber, A. Scholz, J. Schmiedeskamp, H. W. Spiess, K. Münnemann: 'Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Dissolved Hyperpolarized 129Xe Using Membrane-based Continuous Flow System', Journal of Magnetic Resonance 201 (2009) 93-99. |
L. Agulles-Pedrós, R. H. Acosta, P. Blümler and H. W. Spiess: 'Influencia de la difusión en IRM de gases. Diffusion influence on gases MRI of gases', Universitas scientiarum 13(3) (2008) 281-289. (in Spanish, Link to journal) |
L. Agulles-Pedrós, R. H. Acosta, P. Blümler and H. W. Spiess: 'Resolution enhancement in MRI of laser polarized 3He by control of diffusion', Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 197 (2009) 56-62. (DOI) |
B. D. Armstrong, M. D. Lingwood, E. R. McCarney, E. R. Brown, P. Blümler, S. Han: 'Portable X-band system for solution state dynamic nuclear polarization', Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 191 (2009) 273-281. |
R. H. Acosta, P. Blümler, L. Agulles-Pedrós, A. E. Morbach, J. Schmiedeskamp, A. Herweling, U. Wolf, A. Scholz, W. G. Schreiber, W. Heil, M. Thelen, and H. W. Spiess: 'Controlling Diffusion of 3He by Buffer Gases: A Structural Contrast Agent in Lung MRI', Journal Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 24 (2006) 1291 - 1297. |
D. Baumer, E. Brunner, P. Blümler, P. P. Zänker, and H. W. Spiess: 'NMR Spectroscopy of Laser-Polarised 129Xe Under Continuous Flow: New Route to Study Aqueous Solutions of Biomolecules', Angewandte Chemie International Edition 45 (2006), 7282 - 7284. (DOI) |
R. H. Acosta, L. Agulles-Pedrós, S. Komin, D. Sebastiani, H. W. Spiess, and P. Blümler: 'Diffusion in binary gas mixtures studied by NMR of hyperpolarized gases and molecular dynamic simulations', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 8 (2006) 4182-4188. |
R. H. Acosta, L. Agulles-Pedrós, P. Blümler, H. W. Spiess: 'Optimization of resolution in gas MRI', Magnetic Resonance Imaging 23 (2005) 403 (Talk abstract) |
R. H. Acosta, P. Blümler, S. Han, S. Appelt, F. W. Häsing, J. Schmiedeskamp, W. Heil, and H.W. Spiess: 'Imaging of a mixture of hyperpolarized 3He and 129Xe', Magnetic Resonance Imaging 22 (2004) 1077-1083. |
F. Lehmann, B. Eberle, K. Markstaller, K.K. Gast, J. Schmiedeskamp, P. Blümler, H.-U. Kauczor, W.G. Schreiber: 'Ein Auswerteprogramm zur quantitativen Analyse von Messungen des alveolären Sauerstoffpartialdrucks (pAO2) mit der sauerstoffsensitiven 3He-MR-Tomographie', RöFo Fortschr. Geb. Röntgenstr. Neuen Bildgeb. Verfahr. 176 (10) (2004) 1399-1408 |
P. Blümler and H. W. Spiess: 'Images of Gases', Jahresbericht der MPG (2004) 1-7. |
R. H. Acosta, P. Blümler, and H. W. Spiess: 'Sensitivity and Resolution in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Diffusive Materials' in W. C. Conner and J. Fraissard (eds.) 'Fluid Transport in Nanoporous Materials' Springer 2006, page 241-255. |
Patent: |
P. P. Zänker, P. Blümler, H. W. Spiess, H. D. Lemke: 'Verfahren zum Lösen von Gasen mit kurzlebigen physikalischen Eigenschaften', DE 10 2005 026 604 A1 (9.6.2005) and WO 2006/131292 A3 (14.12.06) |