S. Zur kulturellen Ordnung von Raum und Zeit (Sommer): Horror im Alltag – Das Dämonische und Gefährliche als Sagenmotiv

Instructors: Dr. Frédéric Hof
Shortname: S Kult Ordnung R&Z
Course No.: 05.174.16_830
Course Type: Seminar

Recommended reading list

Gerndt, Helge (2020). Sagen – Fakt, Fiktion oder Fake? Eine kurze Reise durch zweifelhafte Geschichten vom Mittelalter bis heute. Münster. 

Burgard, Matthias (2008). Das Monster von Morbach. Eine moderne Sage des Internetzeitalters. (Mainzer Beiträge zur Kulturanthropologie/Volkskunde, Band 2). Münster. 


Storytelling is considered a fundamental human trait. In his stories, the "homo narrans" gives us an insight into his world and his everyday life. Especially with the narrative genre of the legend, in which an extraordinary plot is told with the claim to credibility, this is particularly important. One of the leitmotifs of legends is the inexplicable filled with fear, which gives demonological narratives great importance even in traditional legends. But “modern legend” also deal thematically with fear and how to cope with it, so that demonological forces seem to be at work in our thoroughly rationalized postmodern everyday life - even if only in fabulous stories that are made up of a duplication of truth and doubt .

By reading selected texts, we want to deal with those horrific stories, also with regard to their reception in popular culture (horror novels, horror films, zombie festivals, etc.).


Date (Day of the week) Time Location
04/21/2022 (Thursday) 08:15 - 09:45 01 423 P103
1141 - Philosophisches Seminargebäude
04/28/2022 (Thursday) 08:15 - 09:45 01 423 P103
1141 - Philosophisches Seminargebäude
05/05/2022 (Thursday) 08:15 - 09:45 01 423 P103
1141 - Philosophisches Seminargebäude
05/12/2022 (Thursday) 08:15 - 09:45 01 423 P103
1141 - Philosophisches Seminargebäude
05/19/2022 (Thursday) 08:15 - 09:45 01 423 P103
1141 - Philosophisches Seminargebäude
06/02/2022 (Thursday) 08:15 - 09:45 01 423 P103
1141 - Philosophisches Seminargebäude
06/09/2022 (Thursday) 08:15 - 09:45 01 423 P103
1141 - Philosophisches Seminargebäude
06/23/2022 (Thursday) 08:15 - 09:45 01 423 P103
1141 - Philosophisches Seminargebäude
06/30/2022 (Thursday) 08:15 - 09:45 01 423 P103
1141 - Philosophisches Seminargebäude
07/07/2022 (Thursday) 08:15 - 09:45 01 423 P103
1141 - Philosophisches Seminargebäude
07/14/2022 (Thursday) 08:15 - 09:45 01 423 P103
1141 - Philosophisches Seminargebäude
07/21/2022 (Thursday) 08:15 - 09:45 01 423 P103
1141 - Philosophisches Seminargebäude