Writing Fellows

Unfortunately, this programme has ended and we no longer offer Writing Fellow Seminars. We are happy to advise you, if you have any questions or inquiries!


Target group:

Lecturers with a seminar of no more than 20 students who instruct their students two complete two short writing assignments during the semester.


The lecturers

  • prepare writing assignments that motivate student to deal with the seminar topic in depth, while also targeting specific writing skills.

The students

  • practice specific writing skills.
  • are encouraged to revise their texts based on the feedback received from the writing fellow.
  • reflect their writing process and difficulties during an individual mentoring session.
  • explore the seminar topic through writing.


Writing Fellows mentor seminars that focus on writing and offer written feedbacks on student texts and individual writing mentoring sessions to all students. The text feedback focuses on aspects such as textual structure and a coherent line of argumentation as well as on stylistic and linguistic criteria and includes direct pointers for text revision. During the mentoring session, students reflect on their individual writing strategies, discuss problems with the writing process and are aided in finding solutions to their problems.


one semester

If you are a lecturer and are interested in participation, please send us your application via e-Mail to (schreibwerkstatt[at]zq.uni-mainz.de) and include

  • what kind of writing or reading skills you want to teach to your students
  • how you want to help them gain theses skills with your class
  • which two writing assignments you think could contribute to your students learning these skills


The Writing Fellow Program is offered by the Center for Quality Assurance and Development as part of the projects LOB: Lehren, Organisieren, Beraten.