#Möchte helfen – Englisch

Welcome to the Internet presence of the Refugee Law Clinic Mainz!


We are students at the University of Mainz, who have come together from Various subjects and semesters to form a charitable Organisation, to offer juristic counsel  concerning asylum- and migration law, free of charge.

Information and meeting dates are available on Facebook:


Or contact us via e-mail:


You can also subscribe to our newsletter here. We will add you to our distribution list as soon as possible.


About us:


We are students at the University of Mainz, who have come together from Various subjects and semesters to form a charitable Organisation, to offer juristic counsel  concerning asylum- and migration law, free of charge.

The students have to successfully complete a specifically developed training program to ensure they are well versed in asylum and migration law to be able to implement this knowledge under expert supervision.

Not only do we want to present our member students with the opportunity to apply their acquired theoretic knowledge in a practical way working on real life situations, but we also aim to ease the way for asylum seekers and refugees into our society and support them in all life situations, navigating bureaucratic hurdles for instance.

At the same time we work to decrease prejudice and reservations towards asylum seekers and refugees.