5th MAINZ/Matcor Workshop

The next MAINZ/Matcor workshop will take place in Speyer, January 18-20, 2010. Every student will be required to give a talk.

Speyer 2010

Participants of the 5th MATCOR student seminar

back row (from left to right): Tobias Eichhorn, Frank Reuter, Thomas Schladt, Simone Jaeger, Christian Ludwig, Dominik Muth, Stefan Soeffing

middle row: Mark Bajohrs, Stephan Rix, Anne Puetz, Christina Schade, Tanja Graf, Kerstin Hild, Katja Medjanik

front row: Yuriy Khalavka, Eberhard Jakobi, Leonie M¨uck, Dima Kutnyakhov, Shahab Naghavi

Program and Abstracts

Report on Workshop