Prof. Dr. Katja Heinze

Prof. Dr. Katja Heinze

Main Research Fields

Inorganic Amino Acids as Functional Building Blocks for Hybrid Materials, Solid Phase Synthesis, Novel Dyes for Optoelectronic Applications, Stimuli-responsive Foldamers with Complex Building Blocks, Bio-inspired Molecular Catalysis

Scientific Career

1998 PhD thesis, University of Heidelberg <
1999 Postdoctoral research, University of Zurich, Switzerland <
1999 University of Heidelberg
2004 Habilitation
04/2008 Deputizing professor in Inorganic Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
08/2008 Full professor (W3) in Inorganic Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Scholarships, Awards and Honors

2002 Lieseberg award of the Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences, University of Heidelberg
2004 Heisenberg fellowship of the German Research Foundation
2007 Hengstberger award of the University of Heidelberg