Summer School 2011

Our first summer school
Symmetries, Fundamental Interactions and Cosmology 2011
took place on a lovely Chiemsee island in Bavaria/Germany in the Abbey Frauenwörth from September 12 to 16, 2011.

The Summer School was organized by EMG ('Elementary Forces and Mathematical Foundations') and our Graduate School 'Symmetry Breaking in Fundamental Interactions'.
Both institutions are affiliated with the physics department of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

We had invited top-level scientists for the lectures and topical talks in the fields of Low Energy Particle Physics, High Energy/Collider Physics, Precision Experiments, Detector Development, and Mathematical Physics.

Speakers included:

  • Eric ADELBERGER (University of Washington, USA)
  • Ikaros BIGI (University of Notre Dame du Lac, USA)
  • Marcela CARENA (Fermilab & University of Chicago, USA)
  • Keith ELLIS (Fermilab, USA)
  • Dirk KREIMER (Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany)
  • Bill MARCIANO (Brookhaven & Yale, USA)
  • Michael TURNER (University of Chicago, USA)


Program & Schedule

Local Organizers:
Susanne Fischer
Ellen Angela Lugert
(not active anymore)


Program Committee:
Volker Büscher, Achim Denig, Werner Heil, Werner Helbing, Lutz Köpke, Uwe Oberlack, Jochen Walz, Stefan Weinzierl, Hartmut Wittig
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Institutes of Physics, Nuclear Physics, Mathematics, and Nuclear Chemistry
Staudingerweg 7
55128 Mainz, Germany